Petition for Thermal Refund

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HELLHOUNDGRIM, Jan 12, 2017.

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  1. SolVector

    So what your saying is that dual Kobalt sunderers Perform the same or better with the new optic that cloaks your primary target rather than making them stand out? I'll give you that in some cases its a minor change or even an upgrade, but there are far too many people with weapons that can not effectively use Threat Detection and would be better off with something like NV. We simply want a choice in our replacement optic rather than being forced into the new one. How would you feel if say HSNV were removed from SMGs and you were handed a 6x scope instead? I mean both allow you to have a crosshair reticle when ADS, so functionality is the same right?
  2. Huxer

    This change will likely kill off Air to Ground almost entirely. Of course by doing that you are also killing off Air to Air as they will not have targets and any fights that remain will be an independent game from what happens on the ground. Harrassers will become tank hunters and tanks will go long range camp style full time. ( Not that good ones already weren't). The idea of the battlebus will still work with Furys but Kobalts will be a garbage weapon. This will become a much more infantry focused game as the reduction of outside interference from that will be greatly limited.

    New planetside 2 sounds like a footzerg, joy. I'd ask for a refund but I doubt I'll spend the certs.
  3. Campagne

    Hey, two Kobalts focus-firing on a harasser can tear it down pretty quickly. :p

    Well, technically... yeah. The functionality would still remain pretty much the same. Both sights are used to increase visibility over the default iron sights. They even both have sniper-style crosshairs with mildots. The only difference is of course zoom level, though one could argue that the weird contrast the NV sight has would make the functionality slightly different.
  4. Navoletti

    yeah man they ruined the game,i think in leave,now su ck since the last patch now i check that if you have a termal visión now don t see more the light in the enemy infantry,this is confuse,really we lose the chance in the nights for look people,i remember that this option in termal visión appear in the before game bur since the last patch is nerfed or have a bug,we only look light in vehicles but not in the people infantry and this su cks i use a flash vehicles and now in the nights or day is terrible kill enemy.
  5. Weeblz

    I would like a refund or re-instatement of thermal optics also please.. Thank you. I know a lot of infantry players and learn to play warriors will put their 2 cents into this thread but the fact remains, the sights we all purchased are no longer fit for purpose particularly when a lot of people have them equipped to anti infantry weapons.
  6. Hegeteus

    People are saying that vehicle users got a ton of certs while using the thermals, but It's amusing to think what kind of hellstorm would break if infantry weapon attachments were similarly changed and not refunded.

    I'm not personally concerned over thermal refunds, but I'm absolutely sure that vehicle players wouldn't gloat over infantry players not getting refunded on their stuff(like they've been so many times before). I really recommend being civil for once, being constantly spiteful for the pettiest possible crap is eventually going to make this game suck for everyone
  7. Weeblz

    How about we give the thermals back as people purchased them in good faith and instead we add a new armor type that makes players immune from them, after all infantry have had the use of armor for a long time so if they want to be immune they wont mind spending another 1500 certs or so and losing nanoweave/flak/whatever.
  8. Hegeteus

    What must be the most popular idea on thermals is the thermal cloaking implant. This would lower the bar of countering thermals even further, although people would probably continue using other implants and whining about how thermals were suddenly brought back
  9. Necron

    Get Gud.
  10. Campagne

    Imagine this: C4 no longer damages heavy armour.

    One could not even begin to fathom the sh!tstorm that would ensue. :p
    • Up x 2
  11. Srazor

    Long over due. Great change!! This development team is the best its been in a long time, good job guys.
    • Up x 1
  12. FirePhox

    Lets take this to

    Hopefully we can get the government involved.
  13. breeje

    it looks like we got scammed on this one and we better get prepared for DBG there next big scam

  14. boey

    All Hail Infantryside! Yeehaa.
  15. Fishpoke

    Would be nice if you could physically SEE infantry from the same range they can see me from while in an aircraft since there are no more AI optics left...

    Speaking of... what EXACTLY is night visions purpose now?

    Tell you what though... new optics... I CAN SEE THE **** OUT OF TREES AND HILLS NOW!!! 4th FACTION IS OP!!

  16. SolVector

    Unfortunately Trees and Hills are immune to Kobalts just like the Vanguards, Magriders and other things the optic highlights...
  17. PhannyBanditTR

  18. Weeblz

    Totally agree, DBG would do well to understand that PS2 as an infantry only game cannot compete with newer, more polished titles.. Kill your unique selling point and you kill your game
    • Up x 3
  19. Weeblz

    I unsubbed too and am actively encouraging my friends to do the same, the refusal to give me some imaginary currency points back which I would have instantly reinvested into alternative sights which would therefore have cost DBG precisely nothing has now cost them all of the real money I would have spent moving forward and the subscription I have been paying for the last couple of years.
  20. Weeblz

    I agree that this is totally the correct way to go, I suggested swapping out the armor slot and charging a full 5 tier armor price to gain full immunity as a direct response to the infantry players in this thread who are suggesting that vehicle players shouldn't care about the cert investment they already made. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that infantry players won't mind the lost functionality and extra cert cost, right? /end_sarcasm
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