Petition for Thermal Refund

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HELLHOUNDGRIM, Jan 12, 2017.

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  1. LaughingDead

    You mean something "balanced" because tanks shouldn't ever fight infantry for some ******* reason.
  2. BattleDroids

    If I purchase a scope and test it out and then buy it for every other gun and vehicle in the game I expect it to work the way it was to begin with.
    If you change how the scope works then we should get a refund on our hard earnd certs!

    It's like every other times I purchase a new gun and to begin with its OP or noone will purchase it. Later it's nerfed to the ground and the SOE cash or CERT's you spent on it is wasted on yet another gun being nerfed to the ground.

  3. NoTwitch

    Agreed. Refunds have been issued in the past for lesser reasons. Issue the refund.
  4. AllRoundGoodGuy

    This thread was started because this guy wanted a petition. He probably didn't want to debate whether or not we should. In general, petitions are started to garner support for it's request.
  5. Kristan

    Signed. It was said by devs if something gets changed on that major scale they provide cert refunds.
  6. FateJH

    If we're going to go with an argument like "intent," threads are intended to be used for discussion and contribution.
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  7. iMum

    If you wanna have your free ESP that made you filthy rich refunded, all certs gained on your account while flying an ESF after your first thermal purchase should be refunded back as well.
    DBG should also add negative cert numbers so all you a2g ****ters have to pay back all the riches you made while farming poor helpless infantrymen in 1-12 battles.
    yes its my first post and yes im salty dying to handless kids that need free esp cheats to get cheap kills, bye
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  8. Problem Officer

    Lol, people seriously arguing for/against the nerf, instead of for consistency and fairness to all players.
  9. bwjinxing

    Refund please. I used Thermals because some areas are just too damn dark to spot anyone on my display.Im not longer seeing the point in using it. Considering cert refunds in the past, I too would like a cert refund. Or at least divide the scope into Threat detection or Thermal Vision (more expensive).
  10. Pokushocus

    Consistency and fairness? The thermals were fine the way they were. You guys act like the thermal vision swayed the tides of war or something. LoL
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  11. TheMish

    I really don't get what went through the mind of the knuckle dragger who brought this change. What did you think the thermal optics were for?

    Now they tossed that out, a refund is needed.

    Apparently to the devs, in this regard, vehicles are not supposed to be extremely dangerous to infantry.
  12. Zadok13

    Who the actual balls has ever wanted or needed thermal optics for vehicles? They're laughable now, about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
  13. LaughingDead

    This isn't about how effective they are or were, they completely changed it from what players used it for, think about how many people actually put thermals on AP for tanks, how many can you think of? Probably because 2x was far ******* better because you aren't blind to ******* tanks. Not refunding it would be like spiting players for playing what devs made available, some people could've spent MONEY on this (can't imagine who but there's always one guy that buys everything) if people spent money on the striker for it's aa abilities and suddenly was changed to a ground only launcher do you think devs should refund that?
  14. Dragora

    No this thermal nerf was a really lame change, if anything they should have made the range at which you detect infantry shorter than the range at which you detect vehicles. When I play infantry I know better than to try to compete with an air vehicle or ground vehicle without adequate cover, when I fly an ESF the thermal helps me identify the numerous threats that exist on the ground, not just to attack but to understand that lingering will be bad for my health since they seem to want to give every class some AA option now.

    It doesn't matter how long we made use of it, it's a pointless upgrade now and it should be refunded.
  15. Campagne

    The "threat detection" name change is kind of annoying, fostering an elitist mentality that infantry shouldn't be threats. (Not that they are to any real degree, when without C4 or numbers... :eek:)

    I can't really understand all too well how they would help in close range. I guess the sudden contrast of an enemy infantry against the dark background shorts the time needed to react, maybe?

    (Also some would say one of the primary forces behind the nanoweave change was the constant bemoaning of little ******* such as the red relish man, complaining about BASRs not always OHSKing. :p)

    I disagree. The functionality remains identical, the intended targets have not.

    I would also argue that this is not a significant change. A significant nerf, maybe.

    And that sucks to have such an investment lose almost all value, but there seems to be the assumption that time served doesn't count, and that they will never have use nor will ever be changed in the future. **** sucks, but **** happens. I don't envy owners of the LA80/equivalents post PU02 Sniper "Buff," nor do I look upon some of my own certifications with a happy heart.

    Also those certs where gone when you spent them, the change hasn't created a sudden deficit. :p

    Hey, I'd be all for a universal cert refund wave, but as far as DBG is concerned players would just use those certs instead of their money, nor are they obligated to refund certs for any reason. :/
  16. OgreMarkX

    After testing out the new "thermals" ... wow. So far....useless. Why even have them available to purchase?

    "Threat Assessment"? Biggest threat to using thermals is being blind now.
  17. Eagle6

    Agreed, certs need to be refunded. And all the people calling thermals "infantry farming.".. You people are the problem with this game especially. It's stupid people that don't work as a team that lead to themselves being farmed, thermals doesn't have much to do with it, it's just a little easier on the eyes to have highlighted targets. Next you morons will be whining that scout radar is what leads to infantry farming and then that will get nerfed even more. Just start being more team centric and stop playing like ****tards.
  18. Eagle6

    Just uninstall, you suck at the game. Thermals are not esp and why are you so mad at a2g? Probably because you're a ******* c4 fairy and never bother pulling anti air to help your team. A2G should be more powerful, all aircraft should get flares standard, and anti air should be buffed. The way it is now everything feels like over simplified COD ******** while shooting nerf darts.
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  19. adamts01

    In real life those infantry can 1-shot you miles before you could hope to see them with thermals, so stop using that argument. Though this nerf was uncalled for, what they needed to do was give infantry a better way to fight back, like buff small arms against ESF. You can't even call this a nerf, they basically removed that item from the game, but haven't compensated us for it.

    Most games don't go full retar... I mean Planetside on a game though. They dial things back a percent or 2. Daybreak completely obsoleted something I spent real money on. So **** them, one more reason to keep playing Arma 3 and never come back.
  20. Liewec123

    that intended target (infantry) was the entire reason people used the optics.
    it was an anti infantry optic, used solely for making it easy to spot infantry,
    they've completely removed the function that people purchased the optic for.

    when the best anti-infantry optic becomes the worst anti-infantry optic,
    i'd say thats a pretty massive change in functionality.
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