People still playing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, May 28, 2013.

  1. Inzababa



    you suck @ trolling :)
  2. Cowabunga

    I don't mind if you never come back - All I remember you for was annoying /y spam and rude behavior.
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  3. Geneaux

    It possibly will if they don't get these bugs out.
  4. GuraKKa

    Playing since beta, not leaving any soon.
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  5. Lafladitu

    if you now do not want to download the game to see how it has changed then look in youtube there are a lot of gameplays added.

    I personaly think Planetside2 is a lot better then a few month ago, and gets better each GU and with each new balance pass.
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  6. SharpeShooter

    ^^^^ this! please stay away!
  7. Jeno

    Only judging by what I read from him in this thread, I agree a hundred times.
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  8. Tamonize

    Exactly my thought. HAHA
  9. ColdCheezePizza

    I'm having the most fun as an Infantry I've had in a while, so many moments of pure bliss that no other game out right now can do it for me like ps2 can. Sure the game is far from perfect, but its been getting better with every patch.

    Reading the forums almost daily, the problems some players have Ive gathered is they get too comfortable in one role and then rage when they are forced to adapt. I actually look forward to updates, they keep the game fresh, if you've found a niche your exceptionally good at and then cry you can't farm anymore because of an unfair patch, then your not thinking about the other side of the coin. Buffs and nerfs are cyclical in this game, if the only reason you were good is because of an op weapon then keep playing and get good to the point where you make up weapons seem op.
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  10. Cab00se187

    No, games sucks, people don't play, we just use the forums. Go away now:rolleyes:
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  11. KodanBlack

    You directly asked if anyone was still logging on. He gave you a number. That is specific and can be verified. Now, you're asking for some other evidence that's tangible. WTF is your problem? It seems to me you started a thread with a direct question, don't like the answers, ask for something more and continue on in that manner. It's a classic "game" as suggested by Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis theory.

    You're a troll.
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  12. MasterCheef

    F you then- bye!
  13. ColdCheezePizza

    just checked this guys stats, he's a vehicle farm ***** who probably quit after they nerfed the Prowler HE and made lolpod at least take some kind of skill to avoid AA. He's asking the wrong question
  14. Ash87

    Not quite sure where to approach this from. I have read your points and you seem to have no real interest in playing, as you would rather be playing something else. You don't want anecdotes, then you want anecdotes. You dismiss the roadmap, but ask if there is anything interesting that has been added.

    If you have interest in playing, and there is nothing we can say to convince you one way or the other, then log on and play... or don't.

    But: Yes, there are plenty of people that still play. In terms of the outfit I belong to, while we have performed purges, we still have a core group of around 70 people that consistently play (Not much greater or worse than it was a couple months ago). The first 6 months of the roadmap was focused on balance and improvements to the base systems in place: Many weapon changes, focused on infantry then tanks... currently ESFs and Libs are in limbo, but we have seen multiple things on the horizen that are supposed to improve their position (Combat galaxies, height ceiling increase, dome shields, etc.). The next 6 months seem to be more about fleshing out the game world: Secondary objectives, capture mechanics, more vehicles, more continents, resource revamp, etc.
  15. SooperDog

    Hey guy, no one cares if you start playing again.
  16. TheBillOf3D

    I haven't played on indar much but spent most of the weekend there. I thought it was a fun mess. Even the gate campers shooting down off the ridge were fun.

    As for the original topic, All things get old for people. Doesn't mean you need to rally everyone else against it to feel better about the time you wasted on it.
  17. Tamas

    Basically some idiot looking for proof that the game is dead and that he was right all along, world sux etc.
  18. RonnieBoy

    16k currently playing at one time. Hell, if you check here back a week or so you can see that it was 21k people online at any one time. Remember that different people log in and out at different times in the day, not everyone logs in everyday, and people are playing for an indeterminate amount of time (one person might play for an hour session while another might play for a 10 hour session). I'm not sure what that 21k figure means for total players still playing the game, as I haven't seen any data/graphs that shows total unique players. So given that there 21,000 people on at any one time, I would say there'd have to be at least 100,000 total PS2 players still to support that number, but I have no definitive proof of this.

    And to the OP you ask:

    You first say you don't want any anecdotes, then you ask if the game is fun now? Seeing as "fun" is a subjective term for every individual based on their anecdotal experiences in the game, how could this question ever be answered to your satisfaction without you telling us what you find "fun." It's not like I can go "using this formula and this hard data, I can extrapolate that the game has 23.67 'fun' to 2 decimal places."

    You then say that you play the game for hours, but is it worth your time? I can only assume you're not a masochist and that during those hours of play you were enjoying yourself. You're the only who can tell if it's "worth your time," so when your download cap is reset, download the game and try it again for yourself.

    At the moment it just seems like you've got a case of confirmation bias, and are just looking for others to agree with your opinion that the game is unfun/flawed/broken/unbalanced/whatever. It doesn't seem like you're too interested in what people find fun in this game. I've played all of the games you mentioned, and I still find PS2 the most fun shooter even after 500 hours. If you find BF3 more fun, go play that instead.

    Here is the first BR100 AFAIK as you can see he's still playing as of a few days ago.
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  19. SgtScum

    No one plays planetside 2 anymore duff chimp.

    All that is left are the forums filled with bitter I told you so's every other thread.

    So there you go matey. Your extistance has been justified so now you can go to another game and proclaim it the product of bottom feeders and shallow end of the gene pool waders. :)
  20. ent|ty

    Since the game has catered to the noobs, the numbers willl surely increase now.

    I play the game because I have no other options really.