Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    100-150m is not extreme range, it's business as usual with 12x scope. Top tier rifles suffer no drop on that distance (i think they are zeroed at approx 100m), what's extreme about it? I used to use 1-1.5 mildot regularly to snipe people, now if the target is not an infiltrator with -100 shield penalty, most likely he will survive.
    If sniping worked only because HE spam made people wear flak, it's a pisspoor balance.
  2. FlayvorOfEvil

    You see what I do about the engie spamming AV turret 200m away is
    1. sneak up behind them
    2. drop an AV mine at their feet.
    3. throw a sticky grenade on their butt
    4. Use any voice chat command and run away. Usually I would say something along the lines of needing ammo/repairs/ check fire.
  3. Vaphell

    everybody can try sneaking up on someone but it's the scout/sniper who is supposed to do cleanup work on outskirts of the battlefield. Besides sneaking up behind is still 1 minute longer than some HA firing OHK guided rocket
  4. Teegeeack

    On top of headshots being nullified, the hit detection is atrocious. I shot a TR three times just now and the frist two shots just passed straight through his head.
  5. PhilDun

    Latest patch didn't fix this.
  6. Zenith

    Well, if they're going to make nanoweave useless, then it should be cheaper to cert.
  7. PhilDun

    Nanoweave is very cheap up until higher levels. Besides, compared to other items, it's really not abnormally expensive. Just look at the Nanite Auto-Repair on the max.
  8. PhilDun

  9. Teegeeack

    They don't have to make it useless. Just make Nanoweave 4 stop the low end bolt action sniper rifles (like the stock NC one), and Nanoweave 5 to stop the high end rifles.
  10. j3thr0

    another complainer lol, i play VS all the time w a Parallax sniper and i never get to shoot someone on the head twice, its a one headshot kill, get that to your complaining head. Basically stop being a cry baby
  11. Vaphell

    that's weak. OHKing is the *whole* point of using bolt actions. Sooner or later everybody will have high ranks of NW, what then? Infs with their starting weapon become borderline useless and even farming 1000c doesn't change much. Show me any other primary weapon as crippled as BASRs by a passive.
    Nobody bats an eye when omnipresent pump-actions instagib people left and right with plenty of overhead (up to 1430dmg without headshot?) but OHK-on-headshot sniper rifles are a problem?
  12. PhilDun

    Ermm.... Did you watch the video that's been posted? You are demonstrably wrong.
  13. j3thr0

    sigh* well i got nothing to complain about hitting someone in the head and them living, soo im good their dead anyways
  14. Vaphell

    "i got nothing to complain about therefore there is nothing to complain about" - brilliant reasoning.
  15. Teegeeack

    I get your point, but I don't begrudge someone who certed nanoweave 5 surviving a headshot. They grinded for it. I'd say most people didn't grind for the Parallax. And of course, by opting for nanoweave, they sacrifice flak armor. Nanoweave is useless except for saving you from headshots.
  16. xGreedFuSioN

    I'm not sure of the other 2 factions, but I'm pretty confident in saying VS has a bolt action available for 100 certs.
    it's pretty bad tho.
  17. Grotpar

    Nanoweave is cancer, it has no business being in this game.
  18. FreelancePanic

    OP is doing nothing but bump. Need I remind people, that it is against the forum rules to do so:

    "Spam -communication without meaningful content, and does not add to the conversation. Some examples are: +1, first, bump, /agree, etc."

    Can a mod please lock this thread (and issue infractions against OP)? There is also little meaningful discussion in the last few pages, as it has been covered earlier in the thread.
  19. Vaphell

    and i didn't grind for my longshot + mods which is in the same ballpark? Infiltrators have the lowest gain of all classes, farming 1000c+ as one is much more annoying than 1000c+ with any other. It's not like you can simply go on suicidal rampage spraying bullets left and right to farm xp or stick to tank column and repair ad infinitum.
    Having 125 more total hp is generally useful no matter how you slice it, it shouldn't reduce one of the most specialized weapons to garbage. Once you get rid of OHK from bolt actions, you are left with pretty much nothing.
    Besides, flak armor on the other hand kills efficiency of proxy mines (200c/400c) for next to nothing so it's not like infiltrators are not countered by it. It's less of an issue though because mines are passive, it's the active aiming, coping with sway and drop, managing breath yielding nothing that rubs me the wrong way.

    0 <=== BASRs 'work' here === [~100m] === BASRs are supposed to excel here ===>
  20. PhilDun

    It's total ******** that Phoenix can 1-hit kill infantry but a damn sniper headshot doesn't. Between 100-300m, Phoenix > Perfect-Shot-Sniper. WTF