Orion/sva88 over-nerfed.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by EmeraldShadow, Jun 2, 2015.

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  1. Anonynonymous

    So you're backtracking once more, huh? Ok, if that's the case. Let's take a look your Planetside 2 Players profile, kill history section, and check out your kill list during June 4th, which's when you threw your little ingame fit.


    You didn't kill me, not even once, for the whole day. In fact, you had total of 32 kills (+2 teamkills) and 32 deaths. That's K/D ratio of exactly 1:1. Wow, your clever plan sure worked out perfectly.

    Now I don't claim to be a good player myself. But man, this is just sad to look at, especially considering that you're now claiming that you supposedly were doing some super duper clever "physiological warfare" trick on people, and still only barely got a positive K/D in that duration.

    Please, as entertaining as this was for me, just quit this discussion while you still have some dignity left.
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  2. RobotNinja

    Just because EmeraldShadow doesn't have a membership badge on his profile, doesn't mean that he and countless other players haven't spent countless dollars (well, SOE/DB can count it) on this game.

    It doesn't make someone's opinion less valid if they're not paying 9 bucks a month when they've probably spent hundreds.
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  3. Scorpion97

    Ik I didn't kill you but I did in May (check my may kill/death boards + I will never ever quit this discussion as it also entertains me :p
    And btw if u don't notice,u are starting to be rude again
  4. EmeraldShadow

    the MSW-R has a much faster reload and soft point ammo, which already was enough to make it better than the Orion! and now that orion is losing its 0.75x ads it makes it flat out better, and significantly so.
  5. EmeraldShadow

    I don't have time to go through all of these posts right now, but I have given over 200$ to this game so I am a paying player, but when they just spit in my face by destroying the balance I'll quit. And I'm not exclusivity a Vanu player either, currently I am playing TR mainly. I also make an effort not to be biased and look at things objectively.

    And objectively, orion and sva88 will be underpowered.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    You have some problems.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    The PTS MSWR & PTS Orion are exactly the same for the most part.
  8. EmeraldShadow

    Also the amount of money I've spent doesn't really change whether or not (nerfed) Orion is objectively worse than MSW-R (Significantly so I might say)

    Also even on live orion isn't even that powerful, I prefer the msw-r because of the much better TTK at the 10-15m range (Spa), and the much quicker reload, plus the better hipfire because of spa.
  9. EmeraldShadow

    No they aren't, MSW has soft point ammo which is a gigantic advantage, and a much quicker reload.
  10. EmeraldShadow

    Also I could also mention a few from the vanu arsenal which are flat out worse than other items just off the top of my head, I'm doing this from memory... but I'm pretty good at memorizing stats. (This is the reason I don't play vanu as much anymore)

    CME<NS11. (NS11: 0.75x ads, soft point ammo, 5+ magazine size)

    Solstice<Jaguar (Jag:+10 magazine, +50 rof, Advanced laser sight, Soft point ammo, longer reload) <-- Pretty huge difference.

    Vortex<ravens (Ravens have: equal or better accuracy, far more damage, and can go around corners in some situations)

    Eridani<Cyclone (Cyclone: 167x652.... yeah...)

    Orion VS54 = MSW-R ( MSW has: Soft point ammo, advanced laser sight, quicker reload, Orion has: 0.75x ads)* LIVE

    Orion VS54 < MSW-R ( MSW has: Soft point ammo, advanced laser sight, quicker reload) * TEST SERVER VERSION *

    Serpent < GD7F (GD7f has, much better recoil, better velocity, better cof)

    HV54 < GR22 ( GR22 has, better reload speed, better recoil, better velocity)

    Dual Photon pods < Hellfire rocket pods, Breaker rocket pods. ( Photons have worse infantry dps and dpm, same armor dps and dpm)

    Cerberus < rebel (Cerebus has, extremely worse damage dropoff)

    Lasher/phaseshift (Both have very limited utility and other weapons fill their roles better)

    These are all of the things I could remember being flat out worse and could quickly put down, but come on, why do you have to take their orion away from them? It's not even op!

  11. Scr1nRusher

    You need to take a step back and have a chill pill.
  12. Scorpion97

    Pretty sure u will complain x10 what he said if they messed up with any of the weapons u desire,though not all what emerald shadow said is true

    The HV-45 has .75 ADS (pretty sure they will nerf it soon) so that makes it better than GR
    Dual photon doesn't technically have less DPS but it's not situationally smart when u want to use to engage multiple infantry (AA maxes,lock on heavies,etc.) so if u are gonna count the total dmg per clip,they are all almostly the same,the point here is:how are u gonna put out this total dmg? (remember,when u are dealing with infantry,u focus on whether,the projectile hit him or not and NOT the dmg per rocket)againat infantry,the breaker and the hellfire pods are more solid becoz of higher RoF than photon but the photon is smarter choice against armor becoz it has the highEST dmg per shot (2 rockets at a time)

    and yes,the CME is nthng but a Chinese variant of the NS-11P thnx to the summerreward code that everybody got that even makes CME less valuable.

    The vortex isn't effective unless u keep shooting charged up shoots with it while ravens are effective at any time/range

    Also,u were ALL complaining about .75 ads for the Orion and SVA and not a single VS complained about a .75 ads 652rpm,167 dmg with SPA (cyclone) and having a Sirius clone (blitz),if u can't make at least 6 killstreak with the cyclone so planetside2 is probably ur first FPS game

    I have been gentle enough with you BUT again,what do u expect to be our reaction when we are seeing all our Top-Tier stuff getting nerfed to hell???!HA??
  13. Scorpion97

    Just Because I'm being civil,u consider me backing off,this confirms that u are a Phatass bull like ur profile picture

    Don't u even realize that ALL ur posts are off-point,this is supposed to be an LMG changes conversation and not an innocence proof
    Not only that,but u also turned most of the users attention to your complex proofs and of course I will have to fight you with claiming and **** because u don't wanna calm the **** down!

    u didn't come to the forums to talk about the main issue here,u just came here to prove to everyone that I am a bad guy in the game(which is not related to the topic)

    *A big clap for ur great incompetence*
  14. Anonynonymous

    LOL all I said was that I disagree(which was posted before your ingame rant session). Then for some reason you lost your shayt after you saw it and went off topic. You reap what you sow. Hell, I don't even know why you're bringing it up again SEVENTEEN hours after that post you're quoting, of which you've already responded before by the way.

    I already made it clear ingame two days ago when you were throwing your fit and trying to rile people up. But I guess you were so loud in your head that you just blocked all the dissenting opinions out. My stance was made very clear that Heavy Assault class should NOT get any .75 ADS weapons, in fact, they need to lose their access to SMGs as well. Furthermore, Orion and SVA88 can certainly be buffed further in other departments if needed, but the .75 ADS has to go. But once again, you were so busying at trying to instigate stupid crap amongst the VS players with your rant(of whom, none agreed with you) at the time, you failed see all the counter points provided by your fellow VS players and I.

    Regardless of what you told yourself, you're not looking for a discussion. You just want an echo chamber along with a personal mob for your agenda.

    By the way, "backtracking" does not mean what you think it means.
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  15. Scorpion97

    Again,how are u going to react when u are seeing all ur faction's 5 stars weapons nerfed??!
    It's insane to resist being mad about it!
  16. EmeraldShadow

    Wrong, GR22 also has 0.75x ads and a much better recoil pattern making it flat out better,
    and Photon pods have less splash damage dps than other rocket pods so they are worse.

    vanu doesn't really have any top teir stuff, magrider and scythe though they have a few positives their negatives far outweigh them. (This is true for the entire vanu arsenal besides a few exceptions now)

    The only good vanu items have been nerfed to hell.

    ZOE- (nerfed to hell, rebuffed slightly now just a little underpowered now.
    PPA (nerfed to hell, also rebuffed slightly but still rather underpowered.
    Magrider (Nerfed to hell)
    Scythe (nerfed to hell)
    Orion/sva88 (were nerfed resonably a long time ago,not op anymore) INCOMING NERF TO HELL THO. (Glad I switched to TR)
  17. Scorpion97

    Hmm,never tested the GR before but I will.
    Assuming that this is true,if all the VS weapons are nothing but an unreliable versions of NC/TR weapons,then why complaining that our LMGs have bonus ADS and u don't?this is actually the ONLY thing unique in VS,they buffed the accuracy tho nobody suffered from any accuracy problems from them,i can actually play with the life SVA without even a compensator.And that muzzle nerf for Orion/betel makes them the lowest muzzle spd LMGs in the game(even less than MSW) and why nerfing the heat bleed off of the Betelgeuse,that cool down is almostly like a carv long reload,btw 540m/s is a carbine muzzle and not an LMG's and here are my 2 suggestions:

    1) make the .75 ADS to be .625 to preserve the mobility VS should have but keep the muzzle as it is (570) I don't mind that much about the horizontal recoil changes neither the entirely useless hip fire buff.(that if .75 ADS is really a threat to NC's lives as the claim)

    2) make the 3 LMGs mobile in another way to have less equip time,faster reload spd and make u sprint faster and walk WITHOUT aiming faster

    If DBG didn't take mobility as a concern for the VS,then their main aim behind these nerfstreaks is to eliminate the idea of having alien culture in this game!
  18. ATRA_Wampa-One

    No they're not and your only proving your ignorance about weapons by stating such things.

    Don't forget that the VS have had the lowest damage per mag since release on almost all of our weapons with only a slightly improved reload speed to show for it since launch.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Compare the Stats of the PTS Orion & PTS MSW-R side by side.
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    MSW-R has SPA, better velocity, faster reload, better ADS COF accuracy... so thanks again for proving your ignorance about what makes weapons balanced.
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