Orbital strikes should not be allowed against spawn rooms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malebranche, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. MonnyMoony

    Why - when they can farm cheap certs for a few minutes - just like the attackers are doing.
  2. Luicanus

    It's kinda reminiscent of Thermals how the screen jsut goes black beyone a certain distance, althoght he actual look of it is more similar to Nightvision.

    Oh indeed a stalker can take it in but bear in mind the minimum distance is 200m, if the target is nearer 800m that will take a long time to get to, even if you aren't crouch cloaked the whole way there. And as I argued earlier, if the target is mobile then there's no guarantee it'll still be there minutes later. I usually take Drifter light assault for the task as it is easier to compensate or enemy movements but as I say you get shot plenty of times trying.
    Honestly, I think most OS shots are fired with the mindset of "oh hell this is probably the best I'll get" they've pulled it they're painfully aware they lose it if they die so they want to use it on the first semi-decent target. I'd love to see stats on the kills per shot fired. and also he shots fired per hour OS has been up.

    I'd be shocked if it was anywhere near the claimed 50 kills that some have suggested.

    Hmm, yes I do see your point there, I suppose there is a context in which farming doesn't refer to the rate of kills but rather the effort to make kills despite no tactical value for the rest of the team. To which I'd argue that there are tremendous tactical advantages to OS. In the same way that suppressing fire and grenades have a tactical advantage. And mines. Just because a weapon effectively gets kills for the user (in the short term for OS) doesn't mean it's not useful for the rest of his team.

    Even the threat of OS when charged can be enough to dissuade some attacks.

    I think the same Hex is a bit much those things are pretty massive. But an up to ~75m radius around the target point I could get behind. Such a no fire zone would be plenty big enough to encompass most bases without making the battleground in the nearby area off limits.

    But yeah I really liked the concept, and would be willing to consider how to implement it.

    The idea was two-fold, firstly to reduce the number of OS bases being built by increasing the investment cost. Forceing cooperation to a degree that most bases don't see these days.
    Secondly, it would erve to increase the constructon time of the OS. If the item showed on the map from the first piece being places then time taken to build parts 2 and 3 would leave the base a littl more vulenrable befroe it can start charging.

    I'll admit to being a little married to it since it's my idea but I'd like to see it tested even if it's not as effective as I'd like I don't see it harming the flow of battle.

    Also, another idea I'd been forgetting about is the idea of an orbital shield. Major bases like Amp stations Bio labs etc would get a destructible generator that would prevent OS shooting into the base while up. Could be extended to a lesser degree to bases like Ti Alloys if it was needed.
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  3. Luicanus

    Yeah, that wa my thinking, if it auto repaired over time it's too hard for attackers to properly quash it. I'm not sure how you'd implement the auto regeneration when no enemy players? Do you have an idea on how that would work?

    It's crude, but I think just having them all regen on the capture of the base is the easiest way. It gives the new owners an immediate tool to defend it. Or you could use a quasi-SCU type structure that explodes on the capture of the base and upon repairing it the antennae are repaired too.

    Haha, yeah that would be interesting, I suppose they could make a whole new type of shield? One which is one way acting so infantry on the outside can always exit but then only reenter if it's on their side? It might still be fair/reasonable to have access to reahck it from the inside too.

    You could make it that there's a mix of repairable and non-repairable defences in an effort to ensure that a base under sustained siege will eventually fall. The Non-repairable ones could auto heal when the base is fully defended or captured perhaps taking a minute or two to come back online after the fact? I quite like the idea of there being very high-value defensive points that smart attackers and defenders would want to contest because of their near irreplaceable value. Perhaps an auxiliary teleporter room that transports defenders from one side of the base to the other can be disabled in such a manner?

    Hmm, that sounds reasonable. Perhaps give squad leaders the ability to remotely activate a certain number of these points (especially the antennae) from the map whereas joe average troopers have to go there in person and activate them. You could have them activated on a timer similar to the 20 minutes before a sunderer despawns, but anyone dropping on those antennae can reset them to 20 minutes at their terminal.

    I don't think the Sunderer Garage Generators would need the same controls nor the Turret AI Terminal or an Auxiury Teleporter.
    I think merely having them should be fine, similar to how the hardlight bridges aren't that big a deal in small fights either.

    Yeah, I suppose that's fair too, any attackers worth their salt would probably C4 the Turret while it's offline anyway so repairing the control terminal wouldn't automatically clear the point for the defenders. Although a handful of Rep 'nades or a sneaky Engineer could ruin someone's day in a hurry.
  4. Pacster3

    You forgot that you need to survive long enough after uncloaking to actually set the OS up. Just shooting the dart does not mean it will fire...there is like a second before the actual OS is called in...if you die during that time then no OS. At least to me that happened a couple of times as infils are rather squishy and you are really close to many enemies.

    Most of the complaints are by people that NEVER EVER tried an OS. They see one of those deathrays and think "hey, that's cheap, that's easy, let's complain" instead of trying it and facing reality.
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