Opinions on Mattherson/Waterson Merge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alarox, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Kanya

    Please. I find Waterson easy mode, it's as if they have no idea what an LA is.
  2. Negator

    Thats interesting stuff. When Soltech came, they brought a single large zergfit that was gone in 6 months and a couple mediumish outfits and a huge number of 100ish sized outfits. As stated, virtually all dissappeared. Waterson, if you want to come through this with any identity left, I think its in your best interest to start merging outfits.

    By comparison, 95% of Mattherson's launch outfits are intact. We've lost BBRO, Spectre, TE afaik. Weve picked up a number of small/mediums. The only outfit of notable size that is still around from Soltech is NTMR. The rest dissolved or run so few numbers as to not be relevant.
  3. ViXeN

    LA? Aren't those the pesky gnats that fly around and die so easily all the time? :eek:
  4. Epic High Five

    I'd rather be around "nasty and crude" Matthersonians than get TK'd every 2 minutes and never revived because nobody plays medic like on Connery TR

    Listen to Mustarde here. Mattherson has, since day 1, been honing their infantry game like a laser and we have gotten very good. Every single player is never more than 10 seconds from a VEHICLES GET OUT loadout designed to massacre farmbots so that the real players can get on with things. There is no AV meta like on Mattherson, and there sure as hell isn't an AA meta like ours. I've never been on another server where not only are there guaranteed to be bursters hiding on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere, but there's very probably 3 or more of them. Does this mean Mattherson is so hostile to vehicles that we're willing to just sit somewhere in an expensive fatsuit just on the off-chance we can ruin some skygod's day?

    Yes. That's exactly what it means.
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  5. Vostogon

    Death to all skygods.
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  6. Spacedad

    I'm saddened that you would believe this about us, because GOKU/FRZA/LWTX has been going out of our way to try to improve the quality of fights on the mattherson server. If a particular faction is doing too badly, we'll schedule multiple nights to play as them - and we're always teamplaying in good faith whatever faction we play. Hopefully trying to help newer players on each faction play by example. We also try to run at least 1 squad full of random pubbie non-outfit members on our big 'main' play nights in our platoon, and we're always happy to see how quickly the newer players are able to figure out how to keep up.

    We do like to do silly things sometimes too but we're not here to ruin good times - we're here to have fun and make memorable moments out of the game for everyone involved.

    As a side note, one of the most fun things I've ever been a part of in this game was a flash race for TR we were called on by TR command to help to build TR morale with the empire during one of our TR playing nights. I made it from our warpgate to the NC's across the map, though a lot of us mostly died straight away, as this video shows:

    I look forward to more server/faction-wide events like that in the future. :)

    As for the idea of a server merger - I welcome it! I would love to have a mass of more people to make for larger fights and more of them more frequently, with lots of new people and experienced people getting to know one another forming a new community structure for the server. But that's up to SOE to make that call.
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  7. WyrdHarper

    As much as I hate fighting against you guys sometimes, it is a pleasure to have you guys on TR. I always find it quite entertaining when people say the server is toxic. The outfits in general are friendly and professional, and there's a lot of crossfactioning and cross-faction communication with altfits and /tell & yell conversations which help the server camaraderie. My friends list has a lot of NC and VS players, that's for sure.

    For whatever reason I don't think this is as common on other servers, but I imagine it's cultural. Mattherson's tough, but the fights are amazing. Hard to hate someone when they make the game fun for you.
  8. Ender

    I haven't logged into these forums in a month, or even played on live in a month..... I found this thread.... nothing's changed :D lol
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  9. Diodeone

    The key difference is Matherson needs Waterson but Waterson doesn't need Matherson. And many of the people who want this have already made alts on the other server. There is no need to merge these two.

    If there must be a merge then better to merge Waterson and Connery and let Matherson waste away on its own.
  10. Drippyskippy

    Malfunction does not compute. Then why is the OP from Waterson asking about the merger if "Matherson needs Waterson"...I think you're confused.
  11. Diodeone

    Don't know what motivates the OP or if he is even on Waterson as he say he is. Never seen him there. Bottom line. No to the merge. SOE will merge the EU servers (which are 4) before they merge their last two East Coast servers.
  12. Syggelekokle

    A server merge won't be happening because a Mattherson/Waterson merge would put peak players near 3k which Connery (~2k+) doesn't even come close to and you know the servers wouldn't be able to handle that. The four EU servers all have similar peak pops to Mattherson and Waterson +- a few hundred so they won't be seeing merges either.

    This thread really only serves as a showcase of Planetside 2's greatest and only metagame of drama, which makes Dramattherson the top dog #1 canon server.
  13. RoyAwesome

    I think people don't realize our 'hate' for other factions are just words. 90% of my flames in /yell are not personal. I just enjoy smack talking and others enjoy smack talking back. You get someone who doesn't understand that reading the chatbox and they instantly think 'OMG SERVER IS TOXIC' when we all spam 'GINYU FORCE RULES' or 'UPGRADE NOW' when we win a fight. When we say 'get on our level' we really mean it because our level is fun, you should join us here.

    Also, Matty VS's 'worst/zerg' outfit, DaPP, is FAAAARRR better at this game than most other servers more serious large outfits. I've not have any serious issue with DaPP getting on the point or exterminating sunderers in months... something I see Waterson and Connery outfits struggle with on an hourly basis. If there were a merge, Waterson would be in for a few weeks of serious pain... just like SolTech. I think Waterson outfits would survive though, unlike most SolTech outfits.
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  14. metrotw

    If you don't play on Mattherson, then you don't matter, son.
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  15. Huxer

    Okay, that's cool. I enjoyed toying around with EGOs a little bit in this thread. Now I'll just leave this little bit here.

    If the idea of this server merger is due to the addition of a new continent in June (hossin) be aware that this will most likely come at the same time as the continental lock system. This means that under normal circumstances players will only have 2 continents that are available at any time rather than 3. This also means that an overpoped faction may have more continents to fight on and so they will be spread thinner which will help alleviate the overpop issue. This in itself is a measure to fight a population issue to include imbalance. Having looked at the project in a more rational light such as this does reveal the unlikelihood of a server merger in conjunction with this. There may be server mergers, who knows, but it wouldn't be spurred by Hossin.

    So, nice talking with you Matty guys but the merger doesn't seem to have any basis in our reality.
  16. xboxerdude

    You mean the merger doesn't have any basis in your reality. Because it has a huge one in mine; more fodder. Sounds like you could be potential fodder :D
  17. Posse

    As someone who played both servers a lot, I have to say that

    -The average player is the same on both servers (which isn't surprising, same demographic, lol)
    -The best of Mattherson is better than the best of Waterson
    -The worst of Mattherson is even worse than the worst of Waterson (yes, AOD is even worse than PHX and ODAM, I'm not even joking)

    So, on average, same ****.

    The platoon I was in had 3 squads, we were literally missing at least 12 people.

    As for the lanes, yes, they were heavily biased in favor of Waterson, the east lane implied attacking nanite subterranean, which is impossible to take unless you throw more numbers, which would have left us completely exposed to an attack from the west lane, and the west lane was hard to advance because of splitpeak being in the middle, in spite of that, we managed to push into the Bio Lab.

    So, in short you had

    -West lane: Hard to push for both sides
    -East lane: VERY hard to push for Mattherson, easy to push for Waterson.

    On top of having less numbers, I think Mattherson did pretty well

    To be fair, they don't have to deal with DA light assault squads destroying everything every now and then so they're not used to it :p

    In fact, balcony fights on tech plants on Waterson were really rare, I personally had a lot of fun farming in the gun deck, I was surprised when I moved to Mattherson, the tech plant metagame is completely different.
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  18. Czerny

    If you want to see just how well the outfits on Mattherson can work together, look no further than VG's Friday Night Ops just a couple months back.

    This is a perfect example of how well the TR, VS, and even NC outfits can coordinate on the server. Game starts a bit after 25:00.
  19. VSDerp

    Not sure about that lol
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  20. Aeflic

    Silence fool! NC Command has been doing wonders. The fights on Mattherson have been the most even during prime time since forever. It's been a lot a lot of fun.
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