One Anti-Tank Mine, two C4= blows up any vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sneakier, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Sneakier

    Its alot of fun, that super mine always gets me a kill when i set it up good
  2. Adamar09

    It was a lot more useful before C4 was removed on death.

    Unless you really like hanging around on the redeploy screen or in spawn rooms.
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  3. ManualReplica

    It's also ultra expensive.
  4. FateJH

    I'm not surprised. Mine Guard offers no defense against C-4 and it doesn't negate the damage of the singular mine either - it just lessens it, though the threshold is still great enough to vaporize what little health the vehicle has left after the 2 C-4.

    For the singular enterpenaur, there's also the consdierable back and forth between target and the Spawn Tube or Loadout Terminal to consider. Multiple intrepid kamikazes could do this in a single swoop, but greater numbers also raises alarms and reaction times faster than one person. If the C-4 guy goes down before detonating, the whole operation can easily become fubar.
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    275 resources better damn well blow up any vehicle that happens to drive over the exact spot you placed it and not notice 2 giant AT mines sitting there first.
  6. Sneakier

    That is true but i set it up before a incoming attack

    On my TR main i managed to kill 4 vehicles with that rig, 2 sundys. 1 harraser and 1 lightning

    Its all about placement and timing
  7. Tobax

    Tank mines are not as easy to roll over these days since their size was buffed, plus since C4 disappears on death you'd have to sit somewhere safe after laying it for this to even work, you'd get more kills and exp if you just carried on playing the game instead of sitting somewhere.
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    I prefer a bouncing betty and a couple tank mines left in a spawn room on a base we just lost.
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  9. Regpuppy

    OR, you know. Someone could totally do it the easier way and use two C4 and an underbarrel grenade launcher.
  10. GoldenDeath

    2 under-barrel grenades and 2 c4 don't kill a sunderer anymore....
  11. Regpuppy

    Was this nerfed then? Wasn't last time I checked, but oh well. If so, then 3 C4 since you're already an engineer. Doesn't require having a friendly terminal like the OP's video.
  12. Stride

    If someone wants to waste 400 resources to gib a single tank then good for them.