On Harassers...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pacster3, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Pacster3

    Shouldn't they be about harassing? Not about packing a much better TTK punch than a lightning that costs mrore than twcie as much and is comparably a sitting duck? No matter what you do these days once you leave you vehicle pad you have like 2 harassers on your tail...and you are dead in what feels like 1 second. If it would at least be about skillshots...but seriouslly...they can mostly spam away. On top of that mines can't harm them either cause they are either too fast, detect them or are protected. They are basicly the ESF of the ground(and similar cancer)...just that they always have some rock to hide behind from guided rockets. And just like them they are off to the next hex when a bunch of people try to counter them. That just isn't fun at all...unless you sit in a harasser(and that especially counts for TR and NC. VS weapons are not THAT great).

    In short: very fast, spamable guns, spamable costs, no real counter and high TTK. If you want something like that then they need to be as squishy as a flash to balance it out. Time to do something about it. It's like that for quite some time already...
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  2. Ziggurat8

    If you can't beat em...

    Seriously though if everyone everywhere only pulls harassers DBG's might get the hint.
    Or not.

    Either way this game has and always will be about adapting to what works.

    Sadly the lightning has been pretty meh for most of the last 5 yrs. You either spend an inordinate amount of time getting really really good with it or you're free certs to everything else.

    My advice? Use what works. Stay away from the lightning. Running over people in a harasser works almost as well as trying to shoot people with the lightning and only costs 150 nanites and you've got a turret if you want to shoot things. Get a gunner and you're all set to be a harasser ****ter.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    For me, the attraction of the Lightning is that I can drive and gun at the same time. But HESH and Racer chassis are essentials.
  4. FateJH

    You don't feel like you're being harassed?
  5. Pacster3

    Nope, I feel like being obliterated. So maybe they should rename it to Obliterator...
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  6. r1po

    Signed. Said that years ago. But DB isn't capable of balancing them.

  7. Blam320

    What Harassers need are an HP nerf. They should be a glass-cannon flanker that can deal considerable damage, but requires the driver and gunner both be on top of their game to get the most value out of it.
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  8. Halkesh

    I agree. it's a shame for the game balance that harasser can resist that high amount of damage.
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  9. Blam320

    It's a shame they can drive over Tank Mines with impunity most of the time. They detonate after the Harasser is long gone, making them free minesweepers.
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  10. boey

    Yupp, Harassers are definitely way too overpowered for their cost. Either reduce the HP to half, or double the cost.
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  11. Blam320

    That's a bit too drastic. We don't want to accidentally gut the Harasser, but we definitely need to make some incremental changes.
  12. Ziggurat8

    What's crazy....really kind of mind boggling...

    Harassers were very good before the combined arms changes. Borderline OP but you could kill them or chase them away if you reacted quickly and were a good shot. Instead of leaving them where they were DBG has made them harder to kill....

    I really don't get it. I really don't like it either. The Lightning/MBT/Harasser meta has been skewed in favor of the harasser by quite a bit in my estimation. Instead of feeling like I was a threat to the harasser and it could go either way I feel like without ally intervention I'm pretty much SOL.

    The current state of the ground vehicle game is not good. Not good at all.