Ok, Ok, I get it SOE. I will only fight the Vanu.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phrygen, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Phrygen

    The Phoenix cam out yesterday and man is it a beast. i trialed it and my lord it was fun to snipe infantry with. Best sniper rifle in the game. Then i switch over to my TR and i realized how annoying this thing was.First i thought "Nice move SOE.... the Phoenix is clearly fun to use, and incredibly powerful. Perhaps i will have to buy it and use it to great effect." I can barely repair my tank when I retreat and take cover with people firing them at me, and if i get out of the tank to repair, even with my shimmy step repair i run the risk of the phoenix missile hitting me in the face. The Phoenix is the new best rocket launcher, and the new best sniper rifle. I logged yday thinking SOE had presented me with an offer i couldn't refuse, even though i had not wanted to buy SC considering how poorly done the account wide unlocks were handled.

    This morning i woke to the same stuff. drove my tank to the first zone outside the esamir warp gate, got pounded by phoenix rockets, warded off some LAs trying to c4 my tank. Finally a rocket pod ESF was too much, i abandoned the tank and started warp gate waiting for resources for my next tank.

    As i waited, i tapped my credit card on the desk.... The phoenix is amazing... and i wanted it. infantry murdering from safety, fun to use, and solid against ground vehicles. Sure it sucks against air but w/e, thats what burster maxes are for. I even considered the striker, but that thing is meant to be used in groups [Edit:and is very powerful in groups i must say, this thread is not implying that the striker isn't a freaking nightmare against air when used in groups]. As a solo player... not really that amazing a weapon. Sure it makes the sky look like a Macross amv, but you need a squad for that.

    Perusing the forums it then occured to me... Why am i wasting my time fighting the NC? I gain nothing for the extra trouble it takes to kill them with this new weapon. Why am i not just targeting the barnies? I was never one to target a specific faction, so it never occurred to me. But this answer was so obvious that i questioned if SOE wanted me to avoid the NC on my TR account.

    Whelp, thats the new plan. They almost got me... and hell i may even buy the phoenix if it doesn't get the nerf it needs to OHK on infantry. Expecting that though, i'll wait it out, and target the purple guys that got the shaft with the lancer. Stay ahead my 4th faction people...
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  2. Oreo202

    All of the VS are having lots of fun using the lancer and saying 'look, they're repairing through it!'.
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  3. Jeralamo

    hahahaha yes you are exactly right XD
  4. Phrygen

    much better than the alternative for me.

    Though the scythe ttk on tanks is still the fastest/worse
  5. WalrusJones

    I expected this.
  6. Zenith

    That doesn't really make up for all their other disadvantages though, it has to be said.
  7. LordMondando

    Watching Tv leaves you seriously vulnerable, also the effective range is 150-270m

    Its really not as good as people make out.
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  8. MaxDamage

    I would focus VS on Miller, but they seem to have gotten organised. >:|
  9. Xyre

    If you are not using it from safe cover and are sitting out in the open then its not the Pheonix that is "not as good as people make out", but rather you...just saying.
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  10. LordMondando

    Roll a NC heavy, get it on trial, try to use it as you say. Film the entire thing, upload to youtube, upload here.
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  11. Phrygen

    compared to what? reavers?

    scythe is a solid ESF, and the pods def kill tanks faster than the other two pods. i barely have enough time to get out of the tank before i die to them
  12. Phrygen

    if you are dying while in camera mode, you arent using the phoenix correctly
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  13. LordMondando

    By all means show me wise sensai.
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  14. Xasapis

    Actually both the TR and the NC launchers can be used from the safety of cover. The TR one needs the initial lock, then you can stay behind cover and fire it.
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  15. Phrygen

    already burnt my trial. Apparently trial only lasts until you get medal with it? i lost my trial privileges in half an hour.

    here is a hint though: youtube
  16. ent|ty

    All I need is dumbfire.
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  17. AnnPerkins

    Most of us learned to not fight the NC after they removed flinch.
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  18. LordMondando

    Ok then post you the video which supports your point. We will go from there.
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  19. ACE McFACE

    Trial only lasts half an hour, I don't know how you missed the big blue numbers when you put it in your loadout.
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  20. Phrygen

    do your own homework? if you want to learn about the phoenix, go lookin the official review thread.