Now that the IV scope is getting nerfed...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goden, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Goden

    Unless they are exceptionally stupid, no infiltrator is going to attack you from the front so it's not surprising you never see them attack you that way. Also great work with the continued baseless and fabricated exaggerations to attempt to make your point look valid.

    I'm sitting here trying to understand the logic behind this but it is completely alien to me.
  2. Sledgecrushr

    Higby said the other day that it will have a tiny amount of weapon sway so that it matches the tiny bit of weapon sway the other 1x scopes have. Lets not get our panties in a wad until we see if the thing is broken or not.
  3. Krayus_Korianis

    Looks like the NC don't want their cloak to be uncovered by a heat sensor...
  4. LT_Latency

    Thats right, You want to know why they don't come straight at you.......because you can see them just like other classes if you are paying attention

    Because you don't want it to affect the class you like. Why does the have to be against infs?? Why not another class??
  5. Goden

    It's not the sway that concerns me it is the activation delay. The IV scope is a very short-range scope and if it doesn't work when you pull it up to your face then chances are you are going to be shot. The luxury of time is something you don't have in close-range engagements.

    If you can't already tell, I play medic. Your "fantasy-scope" affects me in no way that I would care.
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  6. LT_Latency

    So why not another class?? Why inf. the point of this is to show, It's stupid when you talk about it countering a heavies shield or turning off a LA jump pack. They same way it's stupid to counter another class ability like the infs
  7. Krayus_Korianis

    A HA and a LA aren't a match for an Infiltrator who comes up behind and blasts you in the back with an SMG... Sorry to say, but reaction time is non-existent.

    They come in cloaked because no one sees them.
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  8. Sledgecrushr

    Ive used the iv as an every day every situation scope. Its not going to be that utilitarian tool anymore. But if you are assaulting an area that is being shelled or smoked then it will still be very strong for that job. This change will create some meta on those kinds of decisions since this scope will have drawbacks other than just limited range.
  9. Goden

    Then you clearly don't understand the freedom the cloak grants to the inf to allow him to run around on the front-lines mowing people down with his SMG (either that or you do the above thing). For an infiltrator, this should be a risky and reckless thing to do but it is not because the cloak has no counter.

    I don't know how many times I need to keep saying this: The cloak-spot ability used to be something the IV scope could do. This is not a new idea. It could have used some tweaks but for the most part it was balanced and the only chances needed to be made were to the scope itself, not the cloak-spot ability. Almost nobody complained about the cloak-spot, mostly just the range of spotting non-cloakers. This has been fixed as of recently.
  10. LT_Latency

    Wow a class is using his abilities.

    A HA and INF are not a match when I use my jump pack to fly behind them either.

    A inf is not a match for a heavy who just turned on his resist shield in a face to face battle
  11. Goden

    Why are you toe-to-toe with HA as an inf? That's like trying to kill a Prowler with a Flash.

    The LMG and SMG throwing bullets at your face disagrees with this statement.
  12. Krayus_Korianis

    Yet they have counters... Shotguns spread to catch a LA flying, rockets take out and kill basically all HA. So what cloaks counter?

    I don't have time to see the shimmering of the predator cloak, tell me what counters it then. (Don't state that I should turn down my graphics, because that's just asinine.)

    Your argument holds no water.
  13. LT_Latency

    You right I don't because a shoot them dead. While my stupid team doesn't even notice them because I can see them and hear them and I truly don't understand how other people have so much trouble with this.

    That my teams fault for being terrible nothing to do with the infiltrator.

    When i do play inf i will just goof around stealth over and over right beside people to see how long it takes for them to even notice then kill them. I don't think we should dumb the game down because people are terrible. They should learn to be a little better.
  14. LT_Latency

    Why are you letting inf sneak up on you when you can see and hear them???
  15. Goden

    Then we should clone you so we can fill the factions with your obviously super-human abilities and reactions.

    No, you don't. Stop making stuff up.

    Welp, you have official pulled the "l2play" cop-out card because you can't form any other coherent argument. This argument is over. Thanks for admitting defeat gracefully.
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  16. LT_Latency

    Yeah i do. Try it. Play inf go right up behind people and destealth a few times at least 75% people won't even move.

    Maybe I am a super human, But it's really not hard. I feel bad for you man, If you can see them now, You won't see them with a scope so whatever.

    People that need to see something that is already visible are just gimping themself for the gun fight so let them take it. It just makes them easier to kill when they take longer to scope in to shoot back. Won't help them getting better at situation awareness but it should effect all class not just one
  17. Krayus_Korianis

    Can't see Predator Cloak on ultra graphics settings in the heat of battle. Can barely see it in Very Low (Their outline)... Your argument strategy is failing, kid.
  18. LT_Latency

    Ok lets do this, Come to waterson, And sneak up on me.

    If you can knife me I will admit i was horrible horrible wrong
  19. Krayus_Korianis

    Yea sorry, I don't play on an NC infested heckhole.

    Honestly, your argument has truly failed... You're letting your Ego out to play.
  20. LT_Latency

    we are noting playing we are just testing you can pick NC so you don't have to worry