Not Bad,Waterson VS Command / VS soldiers-From Tippership

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zapon, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Zapon

    Yes, we lost those last 3 alerts by a hair, the snd one this night by 1% on Waterson

    But I dont think i've ever seen that many squads and platoons coordinating HARD on the server.

    I daresay we actually were working together with quite a few hundred men and women- led by men and women- in conjunction in that last alert..

    Yes, we couldnt hit Mekala with enough VS running from Heyoka and Indar and Esamir- that's why we'll HAVE to convince the rest of the VS leaders to get command chat-

    But if those of you who weren't there just now- could hear us... well, perhaps you wouldnt know

    but Waterson Sovereignty Command has come a very long way- and we forced the TR to use their command to pull more platoons from other continents to stop us from winning the alert, with under 10 mins to spare- that was a close one

    It's funny, all of the alerts today were very close....

    I can't name all the leaders...from Notyourbro, to azerith, to nivek, to yongchonsea to Botep, to Andrea

    I am missing a ton of names- I couldn't remember all the names in Command Chat/leader chat/orders....

    Keep it up- Wit h luck, we'll eventually manage to work with nearly all of Waterson.....and the numbers superioritythe other factions have will be strained hard in their ability to keep winning alerts. They're already doing it by the skin of their teeth at the last second..

    -Tippership Commander, Waterson's dedicated Leader of Randoms
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  2. Zapon

    Surprised none of the other leaders logged on- guess they're still in-game, or perhaps im one of the few who also is on forumside2

    Well, that's what we need more command channel certed leaders....

    /It's almost unrivaled, the ability to converse and move forces around on a scale of hundreds, across continents, on a entire server- if you lead at all, and you are tired of your 48 men and want to see about getting more in order to smash 5 enemy platoons camping a base while another 11 run around the server, get command chat- and be nice!
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  3. Zapon

    So, Mittens, just what were you doing on Indar in all that time? Fighting for Archives I know, at one point...
  4. Mittens4kittens

    You missed the party at Vanu Archives. Anyone who has been on the server a long time knows its futile to kill yourself against what was the overwhelming TR, now NC pop. Its more amusing to enjoy the game and kill as many people as you can. I don't know why people sit and stare at the map all day and plan their tactics when they can barley aim and hold their SVA-88. At the end of the day when you are just throwing dead bodies at something you will get nothing.

    No disrespect to the people who choose to play like this, but 6 competent people can usually achieve what a platoon of zombies can barley do.
  5. bubbacon

    Interesting post and points out the mindset of alot of players...including myself. I found that the higher my BR got, the less I cared about Alerts. Today, I don't even give a damn about capping anything. I just look for the fight where the odds are in my favor of play.
  6. libbmaster

    I am sad that I was not there.

    Keep up the fight, brothers and sisters! Into the fire, no mater how hopeless it may seem! Stand strong, waterson VS!

    Together, we can crush any zerg!
  7. starlinvf

    Intense operations can be draining, and stale mates can get frustrating when both sides are so clustered, pushes from either side melt when they hit the wall.

    But I do find it very entertaining when its more like each side stymied each other blow for blow in a coordinated effort. Counter MAX crashes, well placed utility nades, cutting off spawn points, unexpected flanks, and booby traps. I once laid out 4 blocks of C4 around a jumppad, and nuked half a MAX crash as they came down from a Bio lab. I earned a little bit of respect for that, because I had waited on them to start pushing off the pad before blowing it to get most of them at once.