No way to improve aim

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odins Son, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. WaffleMonster

  2. hollowed

    Hi. My accuracy is right there on the average 20% with carbines and such (I play on my couch in a less than ideal FPS setup lol) and this is also because I will often times use the weapon well outside its intended range and consequentially miss a lot of the shots. But I don't think your problems have to do with accuracy by itself. Like someone pointed out awareness and positioning will go a long way to better your overall effectiveness. I'm still noticing a staggering amount of tunnel-viison from players ally and foe alike.
    for example when I don't have to mind other players as much, when I play infiltrator for example, my accuracy bumps up to about 50% and more just because i can set myself up for the ideal shots with the weapons I'm using.
    If you're playing solo like I do you don't have any information feedback which is a big handicap in itself.
    The corsshair at head level might be a good piece of advice also, but I just can't get myself to do it and my headshot % isn't the best because of that. Of course this changes if I'm using scoped weapons like a ghost for example which bumps my headshot % to around 80%.
    At this stage in the game lifespan a lot of players just playinly have excellent aim and experience with base layouts and terrain overall and you will find yourself running into their crosshair. This will get compunded if you play solo.
    As for the videos you mentioned, I was wondering about that myself. There were few and far apart instances where i layed down 20-30 killstreaks and I think this is due to many of those videos having been made when the game was much younger with more of newbie players running around.
  3. WaffleMonster

    There are still plenty of killstreak videos still being made with. Check out Destructions channel for example, as well as sykka's channel
  4. 0fly0

    From what i read about what he said you're probably right, he complain about getting shot because people see him immediatly and compare it to gyllebmf maybe even without realize why this guy manage to not getting shot at while playing.

    People seem to think aim is everything in game and focus on that but you don't really need it when you have awareness and knowledge about the game, weapon, base, good spot, interesting jumping...
  5. Eternaloptimist

    A thing that I have only just noticed is the difference in when you play as well (I'm average skill, BR 36 to 58) -
    • On the EU servers I find best time to play is Saturday mid-morning (lots of players and good range of BRs).
    • But late afternoon / evening on Saturday is hell (same servers populated by BR 100 - 120 MLG pros)
  6. johnway

    I would like to add that some servers skill base / experience varies greatly. I noticed that in the earlier months colbalt was considerably easier compared to Miller. The latter server was filled with all sorts of organised outfits and very skilled players of sorts. hell i got murdered a lot on that server. So i spent more time playing on colbalt getting use to the game. i only switched to playing Miller afterwards.

    Generally my aim is trash but there are several ways i even the odds a bit:

    1. preaiming - Always think theres someone around the corner and aim at head height and hopefully you'll get the jump on them by having your aim aquired.

    2. Choosing the right weapons and attachments. I suppose like most multiplayer games you could save vital seconds if you can shoot without aiming down sights. In that regard i guess laserscope and a SMG is probably best for this, but for longer ranges you're in trouble. Pick a good set of sights as well. I personally like the RDS as its not cluttered and makes target aquistion easypeasy. the TR green T sight isn't bad imo.

    3. Pick the HA. they're built for combat and are the most flexible. I learnt to play as HA almost exclusively as any other class usually lead to death more often if you're doing front line assault work charging into rooms and such. Sure, an infiltrator has their cloak, but in a straight up fight? they're toast. LA you have the advantage of flanking and attacking from different angles but once you're spotted, you're in trouble and its best to run.
  7. Odins Son

    don't know if done right it says:Sensitivity 1:

    360° rotation:

    8.5444 inches

    Config FOV:

    Vertical Field Of View 65

    Actual VFOV:

    65 degrees

    Actual HFOV:

    97.11 degrees

    anyways thx for this much attention to my thread. And the stream and vid tips.

    had a good session yesterday. Thought to myself just let it go and gank around a bit. So we were just flying around in a lib doing stuff flying into bridges and ridges. I didn't care about K/D or points just had the most fun in a long time. And now guess what? Today I was much better as I went more competitive...
  8. 0fly0

    Good for you ! the sensitivity look good, i don't know about other but i personnaly play with 0.150, 800 dpi
    After that it's a matter of feeling, see if you can keep the pace at following moving target with 0.145 and adjust if needed.
  9. Insignus

    I practiced my aim up by limiting myself to the TR AMR-66 (Single Shot 20 round Battle-rifle)

    If you don't get those three shots off against someone's garden hose, you're dead.
  10. HisokaTheRed

    Aim better.

    Just kidding, go here and practice if you really want better hand eye cordination. Friend linked this to me before to test out my aiming.