No warp gate connection = no more Sunderers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by centurionvi, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. SmellyBoots

    idk how I feel about this. This is your own dumb fault for not clearing out the enemy.
    Just send some people to cap it back, its usually not a whole lot of people that do this.
  2. Sinclare

    IMO, SCU should only work if connected to your warp gate; much like the idea of electricity and power lines. Cut all the lines going in and more power (connection) for SCU. Besides, if it's an organized defense (and not just a bunch of people farming kills in a bio lab) then they would have pulled enough sundies prior to hold out a temporary defense until it can be re-connected.

    Point is we are trying to increase the ebb and flow of battle and get away from the static farming of an area that's getting old for a lot of players. Defending is fun but many people get tunnel vision while doing it and won't leave even if it means giving the rest of the world to the enemy. I've done it myself so I'm just as vulnerable to it as anyone else.
  3. SmellyBoots

    This take away from smaller platoons that try to hold a base. Sometimes you are just out manned and can only bunker down. I see that you are trying to add more tactics into and I dont think its a completely bad idea but this would just cause platoon leader looking at their maps 24/7 to see when they are going to be cut off.

    That would take sooo much fun of the game away from me if Im trying to hold an amp station or bio lab from an enemy platoon.

    One person could stop you from spawning just because you didnt look at your map for five minutes.

    What could defenders do to stop the enemy from spawning if they cant get outside the bio lab due to massive air outside. They cant get outside of the amp station due to a tank zerg waiting to get in.

    Unless you start getting points for ordering people around, I dont want to look at my map every time I die or every two minutes to see if im being cut off while trying to hold a major base.