No suppressor for Underboss and Commissioner is a deal breaker for Infiltrators. :(

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Hoki

    Seriously wtf is this?

    Might as well rename pistols the Com****infiltrators and the Under****stealth.
  2. Fenrisk

    I thought infiltrators were about as making much noise as possible to make sure the entire enemy base knows your there? At least thats how i play my infiltrator with all the loud abilities they gave me.
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  3. Selerox

    Right, so not being content by being able to punch face at close range with usual cloak/smg/cloak/smg routine, you also want to be able to hammer people silently with some of the most powerful pistols yet released at the same time?

    How about no...
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  4. Teegeeack

    Good. At least there's still a reason to use the empire specific sidearms.
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  5. LoneMaverick

    with 3 possible kills per clip, giving these things to infils with silencers would be worse than giving them PA shotties.
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  6. GSZenith

    never felt the need to run* silencer when running around like a manic in a base with bolt actions, you do know cloaking removes red mark on map right?
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  7. Hoki

    Repeater is better at close range so what is your point? I happen to prefer smaller magazine pistols, they are a sidegrade.

    But when it comes down to it, stealth beats no stealth. Best pistol in the game is still NC 8 shooter.
  8. Total_Overkill

    How does one silence a revolver anyways? o_O
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  9. Hoki

    Do you realize that the Emperor has 7 kills per clip?
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  10. ShayeUK

    I was just thinking the same thing in VR, I won't be buying this.

    IRL you can get silenced revolvers, even silenced shot guns. It isn't a matter of realism here with why they are without silencers...
  11. Hoki

    Heh I should have known, a new gun is released and all the noobs think its the most powerful gun in the game.

    Its just a sidegrade, higher damage per shot, lower dps overall.
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  12. Compass

    The Emperor is horrible.
  13. LoneMaverick

    I think the 2 rather than 3 headshots needed is a pretty big difference, but no I didnt know that, I dont infil much :)

    Also with the Underboss the reload is insanely quick, IDK why anyone would pick the Commissioner currently unless they just want a pistol as big as a Carbine XD
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  14. Syphers

    Yeah no silencer blow you get the same TTK with an SMG really
  15. Hoki

    Again you seem to be focused on close quarters, yes the Repeater is better at close quarters, Emperor is solidly superior at mid-long.
    But I find the recoil on the Emperor so much more managable than the Repeater that I prefer it.

    Again as TR I dislike the burstfire style pistol, I like semi-auto.

    I dislike super-high ROF semi-autos, its hard to manage but I have adapted and am pretty good with the emperer now.
    I STILL prefer the NC 8 shooter and the new revolvers especially the faster reloading one.

    The new revolvers are not *better* sidearms. They're LOWER DPS, and lower damage per "magazine" than what we already have.

    NC 8-shooter btw, has 4 kills per clip just FYI.
  16. Compass

    The Repeater also has semi-auto, and unlike the Emperor, does not have a semi fire rate slower than my lazy click rate of 10 per second.
  17. Hoki

    Commissioner is the pocket sniper rifle that people were asking for but they will soon find that its recoil to be so unmanagable that they'll want a refund.
  18. Bloodmyth

    I'm just surprised they didn't add it so more ppl buy it, I like them personally but then I've been running with the pea shooter sidearm until now ;)
  19. Hoki

    Oh please, be real. I like you. Don't ********.
    10 clicks per second is not a lazy click rate by any standard.
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  20. WookLordz

    Yeah, it's stupid.