[No RECAP] Friday Night Ops - Episode 60

Discussion in 'Friday Night Ops' started by Luperza, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Ash87

    Question on General Design
    Topic: Orbital Strikes

    Acknowledgement: This -may- be a weapon design question, or could be percieved that way, but I see it more of a general design question. Either way some clarification would be appreciated.

    Question: SOE's stance on why bombs and artillery cannot be implemented is inconsistent with their design of the orbital strike system, much less so considering the existence of HE and Rocket Pods. Some clarification would be appreciated.

    Elaboration (Option reading, but just to make my question more clear):

    Point 1: Based on my understanding of past comments, Artillery is not currently being considered for the game, as the devs do not want to introduce items that will cause death without a means to counter it.

    Point 2: Orbital strikes will drop an attack from orbit, that when it hits will effect a wide area, and can kill people in the area (at least in the PS1 version, it was deadly). It has been on the roadmap as something that will be introduced at a later date.

    Point 3: HE rounds on tanks do exist, and with Vanguards and Magriders, they are ohk strikes that cannot be avoided in a way that is unique to current or proposed systems (That is to say that you go inside, and you'll be fine, as would be the case with orbitals or artillery or bombs).

    Misunderstanding: While Artillery, and somewhat dumb bombs have been something the devs have avoided because of the statements tied to point 1, Orbital strikes are by definition violating what they seek to avoid by not adding Artillery or bombs. HE and Rocket pods already fill a role similar to bombs and or artillery, but are more directed. Is there any way SOE's stance can be clarified as to what is acceptable, and what is not acceptable?
  2. Ash87

    Question on Level/Systems Design
    Topic: Continental Lattice

    Question: How many unique battle islands are going to go live with the continental lattice, and will we see the new islands soon?

    Elaboration (Option reading, but just to make my question more clear):

    Point 1: Many large posts have been made, about people wanting continental lattice simply possess 3 identical Nexus Battle Islands, as opposed to 3 unique battle islands, if it would get the continental lattice introduced faster. This suggestion have been well received by the community.

    Point 2: Currently we have only seen Nexus, while hearing the names of the other two Battle islands having been mentioned.

    Point 3: Battle Islands do not take as much time to make as continents, but still do take some time.

    Question: As the community has expressed a desire to see 3 iterations of Nexus be introduced to the continental lattice, as opposed to 3 unique battle islands, if the creation of 3 unique islands will hold up the release of the continental lattice. Are there other battle islands, other than nexus, being worked on now?
  3. Ash87

    I quoted this because I can't edit the post.

    This question was already answered for me, by Malorn, and does not need to be asked.
  4. UAL328

    Question for Level Designer:
    Q1: Are you guys going to be redoing ALL or some of bases on Hossin that are on the test server.
    Q2: If you are redoing the bases on Hossin, will they be updated on the PTS in one update, like the Esamir update, or multiple updates, like the Amerish update.
    Q3: Will the Interlink Facility be changed or is the one on the test server final.
    Q4: Do you guys have a picture of the complete lattice on Hossin?
    Q5: When shall we be seeing news about the two other battle islands?
  5. Bullborn

    I apologize to Dowell for the he/she mix up, and as compensation, I will hereby refer to Clegg as a she. I hope this compensation is to your satisfaction.

    PS: Thanks for answering the questions, and please tell Clegg that her run in front of the tanks was indeed pretty epic. She should be proud.
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  6. Crashsplash

    What (+where) was Malorn's answer?

    I just ask because that for many this is the most important topic there is.
  7. kadney

    Is some part of the FNO Episode 60 record missing on twitch? :)
    The episode that was uploaded ~11 hours ago is 54:23 minutes long and starts with Malorn inside a spawnroom.
  8. FischiPiSti

    twitch.tv/planetside2/b/507157413 It starts here at around 2:02:xx

    Also concerning the rake:

    Im sorry, it had to be done :(
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  9. kadney

    Ah, thanks a lot! :)
  10. Ash87

  11. Crashsplash

    Thanks for the reply ... unfortunately I messed up the question, I misread your previous reply and thought Malorn had replied to your question about the continental lattice. :/
  12. Ash87

    I actually missed FNO, because I was out, but I heard that they refused to comment on the other two battle islands.
  13. NinjaTurtle

    Thanks for asking my questions Luperza
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    Oh and sorry for another post but for some reason I can't edit my last post.

    What breed of dog is Hoggarth? (I hope I got the name correct)
  15. Luperza Community Manager

  16. BoomBoom4You

    Luperza's back! Luperza's back! <3 <3 <3
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  17. iPlague

    That is beyond glorious. It is truely rakeerific
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  18. Godsmangamer

    For some reason I can't seem to find the recap:( . Would you please post a link. I have tried to access it twice yesterday and today:confused:. I have not been able to find a place where I can view it. Twitch only shows 59 as the last episodeo_O .
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  19. Luperza Community Manager

    Yeah, we had some issues with episode 60, so it won't be on YouTube until later.

    I'll let you know when the recap is up. :D
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  20. A Crispy Taco

    "Point 1: Based on my understanding of past comments, Artillery is not currently being considered for the game, as the devs do not want to introduce items that will cause death without a means to counter it."

    You mean like what Aircraft have to deal with from Ground fire? Aircraft cannot kill what is hitting them from the ground because render distance for infantry is shorter than it is for vehicle. They see us, we cannot see them ( unless the aircraft gets closer to the ground and subjects itself to further lock-on spam punishment ). Planetside devs have no problem letting people die from enemy fire that cannot be hit back.