No one, or at least the mass majority likes the new death spot indicator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Villanuk

    But it gives me great satisfaction knowing i can get them back with skill and knowledge, not some cheap gimmick. I love killing campers more so when they know i out played them. That can never be the case again.
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  2. Hasteras

    There's nothing more obnoxious than a vocal minority who believe they're a majority.
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  3. Epic High Five

    If they're good, they didn't get spotted, and you can still do this.
  4. Captain Kid

    wait wait, has this gone live already??

    I play sneaky Light assault, hiding in trees, on rocks and stuff, picking off the enemy one by one without trying to alert his friends.
    Now I have to worry, besides radar, (I use suppressor on all weapons) the guy I just shot knows where I am?

    This sucks!!
    I guess heavy assault just rushing in to the enemy head on like the rest of the zerg is the way to go now.
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  5. Epic High Five

    Motion sensors can be replenished from ammo packs now

    If you're within 50 of a fight, you're spotted
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  6. Leer

    See you in a week.
  7. Aegie

    I don't think you're going to retain people by implementing things that long term players hate- just think about it. People that stick around and support the game do not like it- people that do not stick around or support the game like it. So cater to the people who do not stick around or support the game and alienate those that do? Brilliant? No.
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  8. Leer

    If it gives a 10 degree spread then at 100 meters away you are looking at only 5 linear meters the shooter could be in. At 300 meters I think is it about 15 meters. Pretty much a straight line to the shooter.
  9. Fujikaze

    Anyone who wants this thing to stay permanently are the people with no eyes. They get killed by snipers and they whine whine whine. Everyone cries about infiltrators. Yes we're annoying but if you cant use the braincells inside your skull its not my problem. Infact you deserve to be my prey. SOE claims that they are doing this for new players but its not actually. We were all new to this game once, i dont remember getting annoyed by snipers because i know when i get a bullet to my head , i did something i shouldnt have and i deserved that bullet into my skull.

    Okay. Lets say this change was to help low level players. Make it available to <BR10 players. If they cant understand why they got killed by snipers then they should stay as the food of infiltrators. Any person with working braincells will find you in your spot and kill you. Because there are very little places where you can try to snipe people. That guy you killed will not give up and more people you kill, more people will go after you.

    Basically this is a big "F*** You" to infiltrators because maybe like %5 of the game who cant stand infiltrators flooded SOE headquarters with their delicious tears.

    I'll just say this. Dont be sad, get better or get rekt.
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  10. gloowa

    You are wasting your time. This is "rage rage death to SOE" thread. The raging people here don't want reason. No amount of arguments from you or anyone else will convince them now that they are dying because they made an error / everybody does in this game. Now every sniper death will be blamed on minimap. Not their obvious positioning, not them shooting from same spot for 10 minutes, not crappy use of cloak. It's minimaps fault.

    [EDIT] Also, as i routinely skip through the deathscreen (as i think many others do), i don't even look at the map. I looked at it like first 3~4 times i died, then proceeded to ignore it. When i get sniped, i know where it came from. I don't need map for that. And 99% of players also know, and also don't need.

    This minimap thing changes nothing.
  11. Epic High Five

    Nobody cries more than infiltrators. Not even skygods

    I'll just say this. Dont be sad, get better or get rekt.
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  12. Get2dachoppa

    You are aware you can avoid detection from the recon dart and motion sensor, right?
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  13. Captain Kid

    It's even worse then I thought.. You get a "life meter" to see how long you lived and such. Like this game wasn't focussed on k/d enough. Plus you have to press a button to get to the map to respawn every time you die and mouse button doesn't work.

    This is the last straw for me; back to single player games. (getting massive hickups after altering my graphics settings doesn't help either)
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  14. Sysagent

    SOE please give me the option to turn off the Kill Camera information screen, I do not want this, infact I am pretty damn sure 90% of players do not want this....

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  15. Fujikaze

    I stand corrected. Only the people who hates infiltrators wants this to stay.

    Because some people cant use their braincells and eyes to watch out for infiltrators.

    Yeah mate get good or get rekt.
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  16. Epic High Five

    I don't hate infils, infils are great. Motion sensors, crazy *** mid-range - CQC power with SMGs, full auto scout rifles, and the low zoom no sway BASRs. They're quite useful to have around.

    They also aren't the ones complaining about this. It's the 12x bush wookies I hate, and even then not because they kill me, but because I feel like they're ignoring 90% of what makes their class great. You know the medic that everybody hates? The one that just self-heals and never revives and just plays like an HA? That's the 12x bush wookie.
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  17. TGDing

    Ok, I can admit that people need to learn how to spot an infiltrator. But this is the absolute worst way to do it. Instead of teaching new players, SOE is holding their hands.

    Case and point, if I am shot, first and foremost, I look at the damage indicator. Guess what, I get a ~45 degree angle of where the shot came from. Next I will stay behind cover, cloak, and watch for another shot, repeating until I see another one at a team mate, also scanning in case he is an idiot and not preping his shots while cloaked. Then, I would say 95% of the time I get the kill on said infil (not being cocky, but most infils are in fact bad). Doing so, I used skill, albeit basic, to beat said player.

    With the update however, SOE just holds the hands of every single player, saying "The shot came from here", and honestly insulting the intelligence of every player that can stop and think instead of rage each time they are sniped.
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  18. TGDing

    And funny, when I am a "bush wookie", I prioritize medics and engineers. The reason you never see the benefit of actions from infils like me are you cant see me, same as the enemy. I take special care to only place shots on high priority targets that will help my faction take an area, because I know each shot exposes my location.

    Ever fight a Max with engineers and medics to keep him up, to kill him and his medics and engineers are gone? Yeah, you're welcome.
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  19. LIKE A BOSS!

    Some 12x "wookies" have destroyed squads of players and have allowed the Zerg to push forward I see it everyday on Matherson Vanu.
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  20. Epic High Five

    * unless they're moving around or indoors and not in dense cover

    Also, the kind of sniper I like to have around that I described can do all those things better (due to proximity) in addition to fulfilling the squad roles of hacking and recon

    Sounds like you have nothing to fear from the minimap changes, why are you railing against something that is objectively good for the game due to an increase in new player retention and acting as a soft gag on the more egregious types of farmers that EVERYBODY hates?