No one, or at least the mass majority likes the new death spot indicator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Camycamera

    and that doesn't matter, because the damage indicator already tells you where you get shot from anyway!
  2. ComradeHavoc

    This hurts players that play stealthy, and rewards dying. The new UI is ****** and uneeded. People downvoted It to oblivion, in roadmap. No one asked or wanted this but they shoved it down our throats. The motivation is always money, but the only creatures that would like this are consol peasants.
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  3. MostlyClueless

    Have you seen the cone? it's not exactly a pinpoint thing. It doesn't give you any idea of distance. In most places there's three or four places they might have been, all it really tells you is "They were over to your right... somewhere"
  4. MostlyClueless

    It doesn't ban stealth, I was running an SMG Infiltrator most of last night because I just got in my Golden SMG codes and I did just fine, even without the last rank of Hunter cloak I was pulling out some nice kill streaks. Also played more with my TRAP, which I still need to get into the headshot mindset of, but it wasn't noticably harder to play in any way.

    And it isn't a reward for dying. You dont' get XP for dying, you don't get Certs, nor do you get to press a button to instantly kill the person who shot you. It's no more of a reward than the game telling you who killed you and with what gun.
  5. SnipersUnion

    To some the indicator will not be an issue. For others, it will hugely effect their playstyle.

    SOE has implemented it because it is "concerned about new player retention dropping" due to "random deaths."


    By pandering to them, you have lost one Planetside vet that I myself know of. Player retention. Please.

    I can agree that the learning curve has been an issue in the past but this is not the way to combat it, and to put in the same time as a lib update, the biggest "WTF, HOW DID I DIE, WHAT KILLED ME" vehicle in the game, makes me want to both laugh and cry at the same time. (especially seeing as a lib has NO care whatsoever for you knowing it's position when its 7 miles away by the time you respawn.)

    Servers randomly going down 45 mins before we're told with no warning (and no devs NOT just last night when the patch broke the game, they went down without warning FOR the patch, I was playing at the time) and now we get no ETA on how long they will be down for? Did I miss that meeting? When did that become a thing? Maggie always used to do everything she could to keep us updated with ETA's and what was going on at HQ. Regardless of whether that info turns out to be correct, it's just a basic of online gaming!

    Anyway, rant over. Let's see what SOE does about all this.
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  6. Gadamlu

    actually, the cone is centered on the players location
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  7. MostlyClueless

    No it's not, it's got some random deviation so you can't just look at the center of the cone to know where they are.
  8. Killerdude8

    Honestly, When I first read and heard about it, I thought it was the worst thing in the world, but after having it in the game, it's not that bad.
    It doesn't tell you anything that your HUD indicators and Minimap haven't been telling you since the beginning.
  9. Gadamlu

    nope. its centered on the player on live.

    it might supposed to have randomization, but there isnt.
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  10. MostlyClueless

    I think you're going to have to prove that. I've been shot by someone in front of me and the cone was off center to where I knew they were a few times.
  11. Fenrisk

    Kill cams or spot locators on death only belong in small sandbox fps games. They don't belong here in any form. This is a game of strategy which often involves hiding teams or team mates from the enemy so they can ambush them, flank them, quickly cap a base or take differcult to locate position to pin the enemy down before they know what's hit them. Being able to kill your enemys before they spot you multiply times should be rewarded, not removed. This change completely removes another element of strategy from the game in favour of trying to appeal to the COD crowd. Even in small sandbox FPS games they disable kill cameras on most servers because it gives away player and team positions in matches.

    If you want to appeal to another player demographic add a server with kill cameras and all that jazz on it but don't force it on us on the current servers. We prefer to keep situational awareness and strategy alive and worth having rather then murdering it.
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  12. ComradeHavoc

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  13. MostlyClueless

    My Outfit on Miller is MoX and our main thing is doing hilltop Anti Air/Vechicle/Infantry nests lateral to our main forces. This new change hasn't affected us one bit. If everyone we kill breaks off from the main zerg break to try come kill us then good, that's more kills for us because we're going to win that fight.

    But they don't, so far the worst we've had is one sniper trying to come pop us after we blew up his tank and that usually happened anyway.
  14. Get2dachoppa

    Same could be said of new players who died "randomly".
  15. ComradeHavoc

  16. Cirevam

    You almost sound surprised. Almost.

    Don't give me any ammo for conspiracy theories. To think SOE would have the foresight to know how badly we would react and using that as a diversion...
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  17. MasterCheef

    Lies. It was never difficult to find a troublesome sniper, especially those who insist on staying in the general area. In fact, a good sniper would make you pay for coming after them- because its so predictable.
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  18. ComradeHavoc

    There is no justification for this.
  19. Kepa

    I like it, if it stays its fine if its removed (i hope not) i'll adapt again so will you.
  20. PWGuy93

    I simply want the option to TURN IT OFF in the settings.
    Don't care for it, also don't mind that others do like it and want to keep it.
    Just please let me turn it off.
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