Ninja Patch - 6-18-13

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. ManualReplica

    inb4 ninja NC nerfs.
  2. Ribero

    They're introducing a Metagame. Just reeeaalllyy slowly.
  3. FateJH

    Forumside may as well be the metagame.
  4. patricio_z

    Can anyone confirm that G2A RL are still working like before this patch.... because I just fired a dozen of them and NONE of them hit their targets.... Their trajectory seems a lot less agile than before, seems like ESFs can out turn them now....
    Good god if RL got nerfed on top of the nerf to max resource AND scatter canons, I think Im gonna take a break from the game, this is gonna be December all over again