Next thing to cry about?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DooDooBreff, Dec 24, 2015.

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  1. Pelainis117

    I can tell that ressist shield got some buffs while adrenaline one got nerfed. Anyway all heavy asssaults now gonna use ressist shield and it will be even more OP than it was before. So problem with heavy assaults will still exist. Unless they will do something with them speed that shouldn't be same as all other classes. And medkits spam.
  2. NXR1

    There is nothing overpowered about heavy assault, please show yourself out.
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  3. NXR1

    As long as they don't attack my restoration kit I'm fine :p
  4. Pelainis117

    I had 30k kills with my heavy assault I know how good they are. You don't need to try change my mind.
  5. Pelainis117

    One class gameplay isin't good gaming experience.
  6. Demigan

    Actually, resist shield has always been worse than the standard shield unless you needed it on for extended periods of time.
    The standard shield has gotten a hefty nerf, but the adrenalin shield hasn't. A single kill replenishes it with about 1/4rth at max level, and with that lower loss of energy you could very well be looking at an upgrade for skilled players, and a downgrade for people who use the shield as a supa-dupa buffer.

    So my money would be split between adrenalin and resist, depending on what you want to do.
  7. Pelainis117

    Ressists shield was Always been good against snipers. They can't 1 headshot kill you. And with ressit shield+hield capacitor you can quick back to battle after medkit. While with adrenaline shield you would have some problem after first sniper headshot.
  8. Garrum

    In Bizzarro World maybe. Here in reality HA is OP af.
  9. GhostAvatar

    People will just return to the default tank mines nerf threads.
  10. Garrum

    Are you trying to portray taking 1 extra body shot (versus a NW5 LA for example) as superior to taking 2 extra headshots? Would you also like to go for the bonus round of making the Hailstorm seem superior to the Cyclone?
  11. RadarX

    Let's go ahead and put this one away before it goes any farther downhill.
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