Next person who cries to nerf X...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nehlis, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. ronjahn

    While showing that you have auraxiumed a weapon may be a bit much, it would be nice to see some videos of people using supposed OP weapons.

    I see all sorts of Phoenix OP threads, but haven t seen a single bit of video evidence that it is, only about 50 people total have auraxiumed it, and from my own personal experience it is extremely niche and unless you are spamming squads worth of them you won't be achieving anything.
  2. ronjahn

    Nah all you needed was to look at that glowing crab moving back and forth faster then any human could realistically hit with consistent accuracy to know it was OP. I agree it's a bit much to ask for but a bit of evidence that you know what your talking about would be nice. Especially when it comes to weapons and abilities that are Debatable. One such weapon that comes to mind is Phoenix. A lot of people complain about it, but I have seen maybe 1 video highlight reel of someone being successful with it.
  3. Jackplays17

    Wait, Since when was the lasher for real? It IS for ***** and giggles!
  4. Vertabrae

    The beamer needs a serious nerf. I died to one like a year ago and it was total bs. I went afk behind what i thought was a very safe rock, when i came back, i had been killed by a beamer. Now i was only gone for like two minutes, so these is no way a beamer should have killed me that quickly. Totally op.
    • Up x 2
  5. Vixxing

    They have salt in salads now? :O
  6. Vixxing

    Tbh "X" is a bit OP in "Excellent" "Ecellent" would be just fine!
  7. a-koo-chee-moya

    Only 11 people have auraxed Lancer....
    and 4 have auraxed Striker
  8. Rovertoo

    This right here is exactly how I feel about balance. It's how League of Legends does it and TF2, both very well balanced games. Weapon too powerful? Don't try and find a new damage number or rate of fire to reduced it's power, make it a Niche weapon with a real downside. Have a high-damage bullet hose? Give it an obnoxious long reload. Have a hugely effective close-range LMG (cough, Orion, cough)? Make it even worse at long range with an even worse damage drop off. Just examples, but there is no need to nerf a weapon directly, just make it fit a more specific niche by nerfing some other aspect other than just 'damage' or 'rof' (though those can be changed just fine, the problem comes when people just want to straight up reduce it's effectiveness with those changes).
  9. DatVanuMan

    Buffed CARV.
    They all rek me:(
  10. Nehlis

  11. CNR4806

    I have a bronze medal on C4 and I haven't even unlocked it, can I call for a mega-nerf? Pretty please?

    On a more serious note, I find buff/nerf discussions fine as long as people actually explain why they think that weapon is OP/UP beyond "it killed me"/"I couldn't kill **** with it".
  12. Leftconsin

    Quoting Wikipedia:
    The word "salad" comes from the French salade of the same meaning, from the Latin salata (salty), from sal (salt). In English, the word first appears as "salad" or "sallet" in the 14th century.

    Salt is associated with salad because vegetables were seasoned with brine or salty oil-and-vinegar dressings during Roman times.[3]
  13. Vixxing

    You got access to a time-machine during your lunch breaks??!
  14. The Rogue Wolf

    I remember a while back that someone called for a nerf on explosive darts for the crossbow. Why? Because a dozen Infiltrators had taken up position by a vehicle spawn and were obliterating vehicles almost as soon as they spawned.

    But as silly as that is, it's important to remember that, just because some calls for nerfs are uninformed rants, that doesn't make all of them so.
  15. trustedaid

    Everything you can do with a Lasher you can do with an MCG (except splash someone behind cover but that takes sooo long to kill them that you could simply walk up to them in knife them instead). Have a door that needs to be sprayed down? Three or four MCG's, bullet hosing the doorway is just as deadly as three or four Lashers spraying the doorway.

    The only difference is in a direct fight, the Lasher will lose to a Beamer, much less an actual gun like an MCG.
  16. Akashar

    You speak of 4 mcg barring a door, imagine 4 lashers, nobody even come close to said door because of splash. With 4 people spamming lasher, you can lock an entire squad inside, during 4 hours. (little exageration here) No seriously, lasher is good, I auraxiumed it, I can speak, thanks OP ^^
  17. SteelMantis

    A good way to have an extremely biased balance discussion would be to only allow people who love a particular weapon to take part.