New Weapon Speculation Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VKhaun, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. VKhaun

    So their team worked on the pump action animations and the launcher, and now they've got around five pistols keeping them busy... What do you suppose is next? People may have noticed that there are other pump shotguns not released yet, hinted at in videos and weapon names.

    I seem to remember some tweets a long time ago claiming more 'melee stuff' was coming. Whatever that means. I would like to think we'll get borderlands style bayonets for weapon attachments eventually, but the knife does seem to have it's own equipment slot that alternatives could be provided for. More damage or more range in exchange for a longer cooldown? I know some people on Reditt also found game files for MAX melee weapons as well.
    NS is still an incomplete collection, needing an LMG, a heavy weapon (Lasher/T7 MCG/Jackhammer), shotgun, SMG, sniper rifle, scout/battle rifle, and after the flamethrower is out they'll just need a MAX anti-vehicle weapon. IIRC the sniper rifle was an NS break-action weapon in Planetside 1. Maybe we'll get an anti-material rifle in that sort of format, with more bullet drop and obviously lower RoF, but still a one hit headshot kill if you make it and lots of damage vs armor/MAX suits?

    And lets not forget Special Assault. For those who didn't play Planetside 1, there was a drum mag grenade launcher (think unerbarrel launcher with six round mag and much larger radius) and a rocklet rifle, which had a similar drum mag of small rocket projectiles and an alt-fire mode to spam all of them quickly. In Planetside2 I could easily see all of that rolling into one weapon. A drum mag grenade launcher which defaulted to regular frag grenades, but could be loaded with smoke, shotgun shells, mini rockets, and who knows what else. One weapon and one set of animations, with a whole bunch of ammo certs... But what class would use it in what slot?
  2. smokemaker

    I am personally hoping for some different ESF's type weapons.
    Specifically :
    AT lock on missile. Your basic hellfire missile. 2 needed to set tank a lite.
    Bombs of different varieties. Basic dumb bomb & steal rain AI bomb that deploys little mines that explode on contact.
    Both of these would replace rocket pods slot helping with less rocketpod spam and provide the esf with more roles.
  3. Kastrenzo

    why do we need more OHK pump action shotguns?

    Are they just going to do what they did to the Cycler TRV? Nerf it's Hipfire and then a day later release a new 700SC assault rifle that is basically a TRV before it was castrated?

    One Pump shotgun is enough.

    I would like to see a new Machine gun for each faction, there's already a lot, but they are all little different from each other. needs to be a new contender to mix things up a little more
  4. irishroy

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  5. Kiekeboe

    Rocketlaunchers for MAX is coming. From what they said there working on it now.

    I think there are enough weapons for now. Better spend time balancing everything out before more more more weps that are not really needed.
  6. Joram

    Jimmy Whisenhunt@jimmywhis
    Finishing some polish work on the NS-15A LMG :) (paul-ish, not pole-ish.)

    Hope is comming with the next patch, btw will have a ton of stuff to buy, NS revolver and 2 flametrhowers at least.
  7. Reventine

    There was talk of TR specific high ROF weapons not being in the game yet but I doubt we will see them any time soon if at all. As for this new NS-15A LMG, hopefully it will have 167 damage or more. It would just be nice as a TR player to have more options other the TMG-50.
  8. VKhaun

    Hopefully the polish is making sure the hand and forward grip lines up with the barrel. [IMG]
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  9. Tamas

    Guns look cool.

    Galaxy - lol wtf is this
    Vanguard - looks cool, railgun?
    Prowler - even if the turret is controlled by the gunner, 4 guns with HE? Infantry **** beyond wildest dreams.
  10. Tobax

    While SOE could of course change their mind they said long ago that SA is not coming back because its too spammy and in huge battles such as these it would be a nightmare.
    They will be working to make at least 1 NS weapon of every type for the esports since thats the weapons we'd be locked to using not our empire ones, we already have an NS carbine, assault rifle and launchers so expect to see NS sniper, smg, pistol, shotgun and NS max weapon (flamethrower).
  11. Pikachu

    We all know they love to give us new helmets.
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  12. illgot

    I wish they would just make composite helms that use camo.

    I love the original composite helms, but they do not use any camo so with camo they look stupid.
  13. warmachine1

  14. irishroy

    Galaxy - cool

    Vanguard - imagine a cannon like the Tau have in WH40K. melting though auraxium and sh*t
    Prowler - the dmg for each barrel will be reduced to a minmum, so it's balanced.
    what do you like more?
    shoot 1 time a f*ck*ng high explosive projectile that is pure badass.
    standing on a hill and shooting 4 times to cause the same dmg as the vannie did with 1 shot.
  15. FateJH

    Are we ever going to see this a variation of the Thumper that I keep hearing people talk about?
  16. VKhaun

    Someone in the thread already mentioned that they'd read dev quotes to the effect that it won't happen. The low TTK of the game would make large AoE's overpowered. We've already experienced it and the devs have had to nerf the radius on pretty much every explosive in the game.

    Personally I still want it. If all we could do was launch smoke to block regular sight, chaff that prevents locks and blinds HSNV, and load some kind of EM pain fields that only hurt shields... I'd still use it for a tactical advantage for my team.
  17. Hyllan

    When someone asked Jimmy if it was more like the M240B or the M249, his response was the M249. It's a good bet that it'll be a pretty standard 143-125 damage weapon.

    I'm personally hoping it turns out to be 55-80 rounds, very fast reload (best in class or close to it), .75x ads speed, .35 moving ads cof, 600+ bullet speed, and 1 tier better hipfire (same as MSW-R and Orion). I can tolerate the lower fire rate for those stats.
  18. Littleman

    NS weapons could stand to step on some NC toes. The NS-11a and 11c have been primarily VS weapons statistically, with a dash of TR magazine sizes mixed in.
  19. Aegie

    But if I'm not mistaken they have the first shot accuracy of NC and are middle of the road damage wise. It does not have zero bullet drop or a particularly high ROF.

    IMO the NS stuff is like Mario- middle of the road, borrowing a little from everywhere but not really copying anything.
  20. Littleman

    I wouldn't call the first shot accuracy NC level.

    NS-11: .22 x3 = .66 on the first shot.
    NC Gauss rifle: .3 x 2 = .6
    TR T1 Cycler: .27 x 2.5 = .675
    VS1 Pulsar: .22 x 2.75 = .605

    NS rifles also do 143 damage, and have a 652 RPM.

    The VS' CME rifle is the closest to the NS-11 among empire specific rifles, with the Equinox being a very close second. Arguably, the only reason a VS medic might use the NS-11 is for the +5 rounds, .75x ADS movement multiplier and tighter hip-fire spread. Where for the TR it's more of a med-long range weapon, it turns into a CQC weapon for the VS... and they have a better CQC weapon. The NS is truly middle of the road however, mostly excelling at everything and nothing at the same time.

    Mostly, it's only truly beneficial in the hands of a TR as it fills a niche, and maybe an NC would find interest in it's lower RPMs (easier recoil management) though I'd argue at that point one might as well just get comfortable with the Gauss Rifle if they haven't fallen in love with it already. The next step up in terms of RPM for the NC is the Carnage BR, which is essentially a superior version of the T1 Cycler. Really, NC got some nice guns, I can't imagine many people really feel they need the NS-11 as an NC, and I swear the VS only use it because the player might prefer bullets to plasma.

    Honestly, I don't expect the LMG to be a 167 weapon. It'll either be a hideously low RPM 200 damage weapon, or a low RPM 143 weapon that is a beast with hip fire and accurate over longer ranges.