New Spiker O.o

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Kunavi, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. CuteBeaver

    After the recent patch...

    the Spiker feels better, was significantly less frustrating then its previous version. I could actually make kills with under live fire. I am not in the positive in terms of KD with this weapon yet using stalker. However I think this is my personal issue, and not the fault of the weapon. I actually favored using the charge up, not because using it was ideal for circumstance I was in... only because I personally kept having mental hangups when trying to rapidly spam fire. I actually enjoyed the 0.5 second 4 round partial charge up bursts for peekaboo. Also not really knowing exactly when the weapon was fully charged was a problem. However I liked how Spiker doesn't annoyingly auto release once fully charged like the PhaseShift.

    What seems to be causing me issues was the delay. Reactionary timing lost from fire on release made landing the majority of my shots in CQC a major struggle. Hahah it felt like being a noob again because id click to shoot someone in the head... and be like ((wheres the bullets lol)) oh yea I have to let go **release** crap I was charging ((wait for reset delay)) try again. I think in the end what really was messing me up was the reverse trigger mechanics more then anything. The fire on release is not instinctive for me personally. I' SURE someone who uses the weapon enough to learn / rewrite their mental process for the reverse trigger mechanics to become second nature will love it. Its going to take a dedicated person to do that however. I would imagne most people will be like myself and question if its worth the time or effort. Understand by design there isn't much we can do about this. I really tried my best to love and learn to use the Spiker well... but its just not going to be something I would enjoy doing overall. If reverse trigger mechanics could somehow be changed without killing chargeup functionality id be all over this weapon. Sadly I don't think so. This will definitely be a learn to use weapon.
  2. minhalexus

    By saying "I think" I'm referring to my individual experience.

    And my individual experience does not make a gun good/bad.
    IMO the Razor is the best NC carbine, but most people will disagree.
  3. DatVanuMan

    I was just joking, manXD
    Everyone has her/his own opinion. But when you said I think, I thought you never even used the Shift. I just swear by it, and anyone who hates it is someone I consider to be an enemy to the human race:p
  4. AdmiralArcher

    actually scopes on pistols are set to come out around the time that playerstudio is opened up for scopes
  5. AdmiralArcher

    i think they really tried to stick with faction traits on this one, and when they couldnt think of anything they decided to give te VS a longer ranged pistol, which is why it is the way it is
    • Up x 1
  6. SCreech

    Altho in the last episode of Highby pls, he did mention that all the ES pistols were supposed to be for close range use, which AMP and Mag-scatter are. I guess the charge is supposed to make the Spiker a CQC pistol, but who knows. Drop it down to 143 model and give it a bit more ROF would have been my fav. solution, or even keep the old stats (buffing the charge ofc).
  7. minhalexus

    I was talking about the Phaseshift sweetheart.

    Not the pistols.
  8. AdmiralArcher

    sorry babe i assumed you were staying on topic
  9. Shadowomega

    Hmmm not sure what to actually say about this build of the Spiker, it does hit harder but the extra delay between burst feels kind of odd. The increase from 4x burst to 6x burst left me scratching my head as alot of the complaints I saw about the burst mode was the wicked recoil the weapon had on the 125 damage model. I did see alot of suggesting that the pistols charge up mode fire one shot and hit like an Underboss or Commissioner.

    As for the name I hope they change it before official release as I would like to see the name Spiker held on to in case they do ancient tech weapons so we can get the Spud gun back for all factions. Possible name would be Beamer Storm/ Beamer Tempest both of which were alpha testing weapons which were full auto/burst fire weapons also the charge mode could be jokingly called thunderstruck. I do have a feeling the Caverns will come back but set up to work like the "Battle Island" maps that are 48v48 maps.
  10. vanu123

    Only problem now is that the 2x burst feels awkward, they need to make it more seamless because right now there is an awkward delay/response time.
  11. vanu123

    Striker has to be replaced (LIKE ZOE) with something else. Vulcan only needed a harasser nerf and the marauder was a better fury in every way. I had my good saron replaced with a spammy POS that no one on any empire asked for. Fractures were being used for the wrong purpose and are still a decent AV option. MCG just got a buff, sorry about that lol. Meanwhile we are stuck with the lasher. ZOE was only powerful in a few situations with a few people, it honestly wasn't/isn't worth pulling just because:You blind yourself, you take more damage, you get no DPS benefit out of it, and you are a big glowy bullseye for anything within render distance. Also PPA and saron are decent at best because the magrider itself is garbage compared to the other MBTs. VS should've got the burst fire when NC got it but it was delayed for months. Honestly the one we have now is okay at best, the charge up only kills in one charge if you hit all your shots, the target is w/o nannoweave armor, and if the person is within 10m, If you get all your shots in YOU DESERVE THE KILL.
  12. doombro

    If every shot hits.

    Not on the leg

    No nanoweave

    And only within 10 meters. In PS2 terms, 10 meters is about from your head to your toes.
  13. minhalexus

    Yes but even if you hit 4 shots, you can easily finish the target off with the next click.

    And 10 meters is a quite a bit more than you described, I've played the NC max extensively and I know the limits of my instagibbing range.

    It's about one doorway from the other in the A-point in the Tower. ( a bit more than that, but that's my realistic instagibbing range in the live servers)
  14. Klondor

    So guys, how 'bout that T4 AMP? OP ain't it?
  15. minhalexus

    Why don't you make a thread called "New AMP O-o"

    I think it's fine, could maybe use a slight DPM buff.
    And while SOE is at buffing DPMs of pistols, maybe they could buff the Desperado by 2 rounds.
  16. Klondor

    Already had a post called T4 AMP: would say it's fine, if in combat you didnt need every single round to just put someone's basic shield down.
  17. Goliath Mk2

    while testing the Spiker i thought to myself that the VS drew the short straw again, but after finding myself at it's mercy more than once I quickly changed my mind.

    That gun is boss.
  18. baka

    Then what am I doing wrong, since it feels very weak to me. If I get close enough, uncloak, charge up and fire, I get seen and killed before I can follow through on my target. If I get close enough, uncloak and PEW PEW PEW, I get seen and killed before I can deal enough damage to kill my target.
    I mean I don't want an insta-gib weapon, but what can I do differently?
  19. sindz

    Needs less delay between bursts and a better sight.
  20. Teoke

    I think the Spiker is in a good place. The only thing I would do to it would be to increase its RoF to abouts 400-ish to make its 2x Burstfire feel less clunky.

    The other two factions pistols have a faster TTKs than the Spiker, For refference:

    Magscatter has a TTK of 0.5 seconds. (( 60/120 x (2-1) = 0.5 ))
    T4 AMP has a TTK of 0.57 seconds. (( 60/934 x (10-1) = 0.57 ))
    Spiker has a TTK of 0.81 seconds when doing the 2x burst, its TTK rising to about 1 second-ish -give or take- for the charged mode, due to ofcourse the charge-time.

    The AMP and the Magscatter makes for good panic secondaries, where as the Spiker only makes for a servicable Stalker-pistol.