New Spiker O.o

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Kunavi, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. AdmiralArcher

    my point is that statistically the repeater MIGHT be able to fire that fast, but its a 3 round burst, i can see getting 6 rounds off in 1 second, but how often will you get to the full 845 RPM? all of these sats look good on paper, but it doesnt matter, the Mag scat in the hands of a player who can aim really good will shred anyone in point blank range, the repeater will do pretty good at medium distance, but the spiker holds the ultimate advantage in range, you cant run away from someone with the spiker, you have to run towards them to prevent them from using their range against you

    DPS is nice, but it doesnt show how people actually play and how things actually pan out
  2. SenEvason

    I haven't run into it yet. For something so OP, you'd think more people would be using it.
  3. cruczi

    I can burst fire the Repeater at almost full theoretical RPM. 13 rounds per second is realistic.
  4. AdmiralArcher

    in battle?

    are you actually trying to hit something? cuz yeah i can click spam my mouse too
  5. cruczi

    In CQC yes, I can hit something too =). I usually run Emperor though because Repeater is pointless outside of CQC.
  6. AdmiralArcher

    lol...same here.....well....regardless i dont think the spiker will be a least the VS have a burst weapon now....they have been crying about that since launch

    im just sad that the AMP isnt all that great.....but ill buy it least its useful unlike the inquisitor
  7. DatVanuMan

    It took me FOUR DAMNED HOURS to get the bronze with this abomination.
    It took me 11 minutes to get the bronze on the AMP.
    It took me five minutes and 37 seconds to get the bronze on the beauteous Scat.
    Instead of getting something UNIQUE, we got a burst pistol. Sexxy model? YES. Crazy audio? YOU BET. A different reload? WE GET TO HOLD A BALL OF PLASMA, that's different. Is it GOOD? NYOPE. Just give us a special pistol that can actually compete with NS pistols, and THEN shall I stop using the 44. Because the only good VS pistol to date is the Manticore, and it's based off a NC pistol. JUST LIKE TWO OTHERS.
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  8. Runegrace

    It's a long-term measurement, not the damage a gun can do in one second only. If a gun deals 150 damage per shot and shoots 600 RPM, then you can calculate the damage per second. 600 RPM is 10 rounds per second, and 150 per round is 1500 (damage x shots per second). Even if the gun shot 8.7 rounds per second (522 RPM), you can still find the DPS (1305).

    You don't care about partial shots, as most guns can be fired for several seconds. DPS gives a pretty good idea of how much damage output you have and how quickly the enemy will die. There are certainly other factors, but in general a higher DPS gun will kill faster than a lower DPS gun.

    Vanu got shafted because of Vanu. At first you had a pistol that could charge for AoE damage. Vanu wanted a burst pistol. Then it was a burst pistol with excellent DPS perfect for CQC. Vanu wanted the charge burst to be more powerful. Well, you can't have one of the best DPS performances of all pistols PLUS a highly effective special function, so now you get a better charge effect but lost the useful DPS.

    I've not seen any reasonable TR/NC complaining. TR/NC DID say that you guys should keep with that cool AoE, but Vanu complained. When you got a great DPS burst, most comments I saw from TR/NC were basically 'congrats', but Vanu complained. You now have a pistol that may be a decent primary, but is a terrible last-resort panic weapon, which is the most important quality for a sidearm in my opinion. I'm sure Vanu is going to complain once more, but don't suggest that TR/NC is the reason why your pistol has an identify crisis. Your faction doesn't seem to know what it wants, so that's what they're getting. A convoluted mesh of conflicting ideas given pistol form.
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  9. Shazsta

    People should not make comments on whether or not it's good until they have used it for multiple engagements.
    I used it in biolab just now for about 30 minutes and can honestly say it is complete garbage. I frequently run stalker w/ Cerberus with a 2 k/d. I went 3 for 20. One of those was a guy that was afk and the other 2 were already low on health.
    The Cerberus is significantly better than current iteration of spiker. I was amazed at how terrible the spiker was because the stats look really good on paper.
    Something feels off with it but I can't put my finger on it. It could be the fire rate. It perhaps should be halved?
    The spiker is certainly not ready for prime time. My current favorite of the new secondaries is the magscatter. But it could use 2 more shots. 4 is too unforgiving, but the discussion on that gun belongs in another thread.
  10. AdmiralArcher shazsta had your chance..and ya blew it

    you get what you get i guess......its unfortunate that its only use for now seems to be stalker infils, maybe itll change down the assume the spiker would be great for snipers, its accurate and quite powerful at range
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  11. Rigsta

    • Press fire button.
    • Burst starts.
    • Release fire button during burst.
    • Hold fire button before burst ends.
    • Burst ends.
    • Next burst starts immediately.
    • Repeat.
    Even without doing that though I find the repeater the easiest burst-pistol to fire at high speed just by tapping.
  12. AdmiralArcher

    i meant in combat, many times the enemy is dancing around me, so i dont superburst fire the whole time...its more of a "in use" vs"on paper" type of thing
  13. DatVanuMan

    That was not amusing... Still want mah hitscans, homie:p
  14. minhalexus

    That does not mean the Spiker is bad lol.

    I get kills more often with my EM1 than I do with my God SAW.
    That doesn't mean that the so called amazing God SAW is bad, compared to the so called terrible EM1.

    It just means that the handling the God SAW is something I'm not good at.

    The same was with Railjack and TRAP.

    Railjack introduced a totally new mechanic, which made people suck with it for the first few days, but after a while they say "Hey, it's not that bad once you get used to it"

    But if you take opinions of the better SR now (among these 2 only) I can bet most will say that the Railjack is better.

    The reason you probably did better than the Magscatter is becuz everyone has used a shotgun, but no one has used the 6x burst before the Spiker.
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  15. DatVanuMan

    Then what do you think of the Shift?
  16. DatVanuMan

    My EXACT same thoughts! What do you think of the AMP?
  17. minhalexus

    I think it would be a pretty nice gun IF it has access to all scopes. I just hate the fact that I'm restricted to 6x or higher scopes.

    Even better if it could change scopes instantly with lets say the button 'H'
  18. DatVanuMan

    You THINK??? What does THAT mean, sir?
  19. ttttz

    1. The average DPS with charge up is just 511 assuming 1s charge up.
    • The charge up time is entangled in a non-removable way for virtually every situation; you need to have the gun out and be restricted to walk mode.
    • During charge up time the opponent is free to get full advantage of the flinch mechanic.
    • Another click needs to be made to kill players with nanoweave or beyond 10m. This is a disadvantage over the TR AMP because players will click too soon and miss out or too late during the heat of battle. The TR AMP can be bursted easily and retain better DPS than the Spiker.
    2. The burst is not instagib at all (test this against a full-auto weapon or the TR AMP).The 6x burst takes a good old time to fire during which time you have to track the target, and move to dodge their aim. The fire RPM is just 366.

    3. The average DPS in 2x mode is 1000 DPS assuming players don't click too soon or too late and get the best possible DPS.
    The charge up is only useful if waiting around a corner, and the the DPS is only 366 it seems. Waiting around a corner, no one will use secondaries. It's only useful for stalkers, if they want to click less.

    There is more info/discussion in this thread.

    If you believe the Spiker is OP can you specify what attributes need to be nerfed?

    If a weapon is unbalanced that should be dealt with on a case by case basis. One weapon being OP for a faction can't be offset by others being OP for the other factions, especially when they are in different categories.

    You should also consider that pistols affect the group of players who play objectives and mostly use vehicles/heavy weapons to support that, instead of farming. Getting back at these players for something concerning nerf crying over other weapons isn't helpful.

    As for costing the inquisitor a burst mode, no one on VS said it wasn't deserved or that the inquisitor was deserving of it. Players just wanted the same treatment for other weapons requiring an insanely high CPM. SOE either decided against it, or the burst mode thing in the text description was a mistake.
  20. Rigsta

    Yup. Not much use in VR.

    If you don't believe it's possible, all I can say is that it comes with practice. Simpler is better yes, but semi-auto & burst are generally viable as long as the individual mechanics aren't obnoxious.