New Lynx is good, Old Lynx is as well. Can we have both?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by asdfPanda, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    Well nvm about the old lynx, but the new lynx is actually ****** awesome.

    Very low recoil, and high RoF. I loved it for the little while i used it on the test server.
    Its much BETTER than the armstice.

    I dont know how many players you meant by 'We' but i know a bunch of players who wanted a 167 damage gun while making it slightly TR-ish.
    Actually the new Lynx felt more accurate than the GD-7F, as i stated above.
    You can go test it.

    The TR got the cougar, which actually adds a little diversity to the TR arsenal. (best TTK of 167 damage tier)
    NC got the bandit, which is they same thing as the AF-merc (167@600), that has higher reloads, and worse ADS accuracy for a slight increase in hipfire accuracy.

    Now I'm not asking for a buff or anything, all I'm saying is "Be Grateful" the TR are seemingly getting the better stuff out of this patch.
  2. MasterCheef

    Why cant each faction specialize in a certain type of weapon? or is it like that already? We dont ALL need the exact equivalent for each faction.
  3. asdfPanda

    I feel great that the players that asked for a higher rof carbine are getting one, and that TR is getting a 167 damage carbine. However, I'm sad that a good weapon was removed for the higher rof carbine.

    While asymmetrical balance is appropriate to an extent, I don't feel it is entirely appropriate in this case. TR has a huge jump between 750-909 rpm. The Lynx would've filled that gap.
  4. SpcFarlen

    It now has less less DPS, meaning its now weaker at its intended role of of being a cqc carbine. Not to mention does less damage per magazine...

    Old Lynx: 143 damage @ 800rpm = 1907 DPS
    40 round magazine: 5720 damage per

    New Lynx: 125 damage @ 909rpm = 1897 DPS
    40 round magazine: 5000 damage per

    The whole point of many TR complaining about the Lynx is that the Serpent and GD-7f out class it in DPS and go agaisnt faction traits (which seem to be homogenizing to nothing these days). So essentially this change is just a wolf in sheep's clothing since it doesn't even address what people we complaining about but tries to disguise it as "Oh TR wanted higher RoF"..

    We just wanted the Serpent/GD-7f equivalent. This change nerfs the Lynx.
    • Up x 1
  5. minhalexus

    Actually no.......
    10 DPS does not make any difference in game-play.

    I would actually like the new Lynx over the old one.
    Why? The new lynx's recoil is even easier than the GD-7F. (for me and my mates)

    The old lynx needed the 10 shots to make up for the accuracy it did not have.
    The new Lynx can utilise that shot effectively.

    According to your comparison, it is ok to say that the Guass Saw is better than the LA1 Anchor in CQC.
    The Gauss saw has 0.48 TTK (removing the first shot) while the Anchor has 0.5 (removing the first shot).

    Is the Gauss Saw better or the LA1 Anchor? (in CQC)
    I would always say the LA1 Anchor, simply because of the better accuracy and faster RoF.
    The LA1 Anchor does less damage than the Gauss Saw, and much lesser damage per magazine. Its TTK is higher than the Gauss Saw as well. But those things are not necessarily what matters in CQC.

    You need faster RoF to make up for the missed shots (the new lynx has that), you need more accuracy (the new lynx has that).
    TBH i would like to have a "new lynx" in my NC arsenal. Only if the TR promise they wont cry about it.
    Its better than the old lynx at range, simply cuz of the better accuracy it offers.
  6. asdfPanda

    I beg to differ. In close quarters, with players of equal skill, the player with the higher dps weapon will win.

    Which is good. You like the new Lynx, and I like the old Lynx. So why can't we have both?

    Because the old Lynx was a cqc powerhouse, designed for that purpose. Also, that "accuracy" you refer to is false. Sure, the old Lynx has stronger recoil, but the cone of fire bloom per shot is the same as the other TR carbines.

    Which is great. The old Lynx has the tightest moving hipfire of all carbines. That, and it has a 0.75 ads speed multiplier, and a good 800rpm. I use the Lynx because of those features. The accuracy you mention, as I previously stated, is null and void because the Lynx was designed to be a cqc weapon. I ask again, why can't we have both? Why can't we both be happy? :p
  7. minhalexus

    I already agreed with you before.
    I do not mind if they bring back the old Lynx renamed into something else.
    I do not mind if they give TR a GD-7F as long as its identical. (talking about the -10 rounds)

    I was saying that IMO the new lynx will be overall better than the old lynx to SpcFarlen.
    In CQC faster follow up shots and accuracy is what matters most. That's one of the reasons why higher damage guns are not popular in CQC.

    And yea just saying 10 DPS does not make any difference in gameplay.
    An infantry has 1000 health.
    It does not matter if you do 1897 or 1907 damage. Cuz there an average bullet does more than 100 damage, that means you will not have a bullet released in those 10 DPS difference.
    They both have a TTK of 0.52 (with first bullet).
  8. asdfPanda

    Oh, sorry about that >_<.

    I still can't say that the new Lynx will be better though. If the softer recoil follows through, it'll be slightly better than the old Lynx at medium range, simply because it can dump rounds down range faster. Still, the minimum damage range was nerfed to 50m. However, the hipfire was nerfed, and the ads speed multiplier was nerfed, in addition to there being less damage per magazine, so I beg to differ.

    It still offers that high rate of fire, which some players may like, but it doesn't provide any significant benefits to me, other than the better reload time.