New lib guns are worthless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by whitescar911, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. GaBeRock

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's better when SOE brings weapons out in a UP state, because then they get less rage and happy customers when they eventually buff them. When SOE brings out an OP weapon, they get unsubscribes, accusations of p2w, people leaving the game, and PO'd customers when they eventually have to supernerf the weapon so people stop complaining. Balanced weapons would obviously be ideal, butnit's hard for them to get weapons properly tested in the underpopped test server.

    In sum, the only place the duster/hyenas/spur can go are up, so people who buy them now will be pleased in the long run, and people who buy them later will get their balanced weapon.
  2. JackD

    Have you read this thread? But if you dont believe me you can come to cobalt this evening and gun the duster in my Lib.
    The Bulldog is far more effective then the Duster.
  3. Shockwave44

    My point is, if you want it to actually change, make a video and post it on reddit and here. Or you can just keep complaining and not get anything done.
  4. Bl4ckVoid

    Lib is OP and should be nerfed to hell. It cannot do its role (helping in big fights) and it is only used for farming.
  5. Runegrace

    What fights are people in where the Lib is OP? The only time my outfit has issue taking down a bothersome Lib is when a base is already swarmed and being camped, and at that point you need to re-deploy to the next base anyways. If you're lone-wolf in a base with 1-12 allies I could see that happening, but if Lib was OP I'd expect to see more people running them. Or is this one of those cases where an item is OP when others use it but they don't use it because it sucks? Because that seems to happen a lot.