[BUG] New bug detected, developers not listening.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trucky, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. QuakerOatsMan

    Actually, deconstruct is useful if you've somehow found yourself stuck in a ditch and all your exits are "blocked." The issue of players deconstructing to deny exp can be fixed simply by adding a longer timer to do so, and also maybe having the timer reset upon taking damage (players should still be able to deconstruct if they have damage but are not under attack, in case—for example—they are stuck in a ditch with a 50% hp vehicle and have no way out. /Suicide may be an option, but it would make more sense to just allow the player to deconstruct.
  2. Bindlestiff

    OK, if you take that stance then only a vehicle with 100% health should be able to be deconstructed; any less and the 'nanites' can't work properly. That way, anyone in midair or on the ground can still do it if they want - but they won't, as the only reason it is used is to deny XP when close to death, and that breaks the above rule.
  3. Trucky

    Welp, how many ''proofs'' you want to believe?
  4. SgtScum

    I have yet to see a single proof. Lots of claims but anyone can say anything they want with text.

    ei. Damn instagibbing haxorz keep killing me over and over when I spawn. This bug has been around since before beta and I demand it be fixed now!
  5. Trucky

    You really havent see any people using this mechanic like this? really?
  6. SgtScum

    Not a one. Which isn't to say that it isn't happening but the complete lack of any actual proof hints that its pretty rare when it does happen so no one feels the need to document it.
  7. Phazaar

    For the love of God, I have to get into EVERY one of these threads to say this.


    Simply grant the kill to the last person who did damage to the vehicle when it gets deconstructed.

    There are a -lot- of times when you may want to deconstruct a vehicle when you have taken recent damage, not to deny the kill, but to hide your vehicle on the radar so your approach isn't blindingly obvious. This happens constantly when trying to infiltrate using flashes or Reavers.

    There is no reason on God's green earth that I shouldn't be able to deconstruct my vehicle in this situation. It would be vastly more sensible to just grant the kill XP to the opponent anyway; I'm happy for him to have it!
  8. Scatterblak

    I could fall asleep trying to care about what you want me to do. You're trying to support a play change that you want to make by picking and choosing logic ('nanites shouldnt and really shouldnt,' etc.) based on the tenets of a fantasy world -- this certainly doesn't constitute a bug - it constitutes something that goes against your own personal preference. Buck up, camper, and learn to live with it - I applaud your efforts to campaign for the changes you want to see (God knows it worked with the Prowler sissies wanting to nerf the Mag), but it's misleading to label it a bug when it was clearly nothing more than a design decision.
  9. Scatterblak

    And yes, to be fair, I deconstruct my stuff anytime the enemy gets near it. It's part of the immersion as far as I'm concerned - if there wasn't a deconstruct option, I'd hope there's at least be a self-destruct. I wonder if people would complain then, re: realism, etc.

    I'm hoping that, in the future, Inf's might be able to hack enemy vehicles (obviously should be harder, and should alert the owner when it begins) - in the mean time, with no self destruct option, deconstructing your battlefield assets is simply strategy - not a bug.
  10. Garantine

    [PSA] The term "Bug" now being redefined from "unintended design flaw" to "anything that I don't like about this game".

    This isn't a bug, deconstruct is an intended mechanic.
  11. Trucky

    Can a dev pro this? that would be all i need.
  12. Phyr

    This isn't a bug.

  13. Jachim

    *Devs release pages of bugfixes in GU4 and update huge parts of game*

    *Forums freak out over one missed bug*
  14. SgtBreastroker

    Deconstructing is not a bug.