Nerf the Tank Buster FFS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klabauter8, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Ziggurat8

    They aren't afk. They are spawning from the air terminal and locked into auto pilot. It's absolutely no different from putting mines in front of a vehicle spawn. I have a 4 /1 KDR with my dual burster MAX. Most of these kills are from infantry. It's effective against infantry because it's a MAX. MAX armor and bursters do decent damage, slightly less than the gorgon and they're effective to about 40m.

    Skyguards need something, they really do. Burster MAX and AA sundies are fine by my estimation.
  2. adamts01

    I hope you mean Walkers and not Rangers.
  3. Ziggurat8

    So the skilless shoot near air but do less damage is broken. But the need to aim or miss but do more damage is fine.

    So what does the ranger need? Should it just be a reskinned walker?
  4. adamts01

    If you think the Ranger is fine, you're in the minority.
  5. Ziggurat8

    I'm in the minority on a lot of things when it comes to balance. How exactly do you buff the ranger without making it better than the walker in every way?

    As it is right now it's easier to use than the walker imo. It also does wonderful things to pilots vision, at least on the PS4, making them pretty much blind if they're looking anywhere near the direction the flak is coming from.

    Walker does 1 thing better. It does more damage. In the hands of a skilled user it is much better. In the hand of someone new even with it's velocity it can still miss if they don't lead well with it. With a ranger that same player will score more hits.
  6. adamts01

    I'd like tighter accuracy and less burst range. I'm all for having easier to use weapons for players who can't aim, as long as those weapons can never compete against a pro with a very accurate weapon. So I do like the idea of flak, but I feel the current scale dips a little too far towards the random side. I will say that I've never run across a single Ranger that kept me from killing my target in my ESF, but I can't say the same about the Walker. I think it's just laughably ineffective, from a giving and receiving perspective.
  7. Klondor

    I don't mean to rag, but every liberator that actually performs their job of ground attack typically uses a Tank buster because it's just so effective, and it's TTK is the one of the fastest of all air to ground weapons. It's even used as an anti-aircraft weapon against larger targets, there is literally NO reason not to use the tank buster as the primary weapon on the liberator because it IS that good.

    The Vector puts out about half or less the amount of damage in the same amount of time the Tank Buster takes to destroy a tank in one magazine, and the Spur's only silver lining is that it can be aimed by the pilot, but behaves like the Wyvern on the Valkyrie.
    There is no reason not to use the Tank Buster. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  8. OldMaster80

    Yes, and that's completely idiotic. Why is aircraft allowed to farm ground units, but ground units have to be awarded with "air-deterrance" xp?
    Hell I want A2G to be nerfed so pilots will get "GROUND DETERRANCE XP", then we'll see if they still have fun at empting clips of their highly specialized weapons without killing anything.
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  9. Pikachu

    o_O Because flying liberator is the most difficult play style.
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  10. Pikachu

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  11. Pikachu

    Speaking of overpowered weapons, check out this video from Eternal Crusade (released 23 sept). A guy using plasma cannon in a building. It puts tankbuster to shame.
  12. Pat22

    Oh boy.
  13. Pikachu

    In the steam reviews one guy describes it as PS2 at it worst state, squared. I'm surprised the overall rating is mixed.
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  14. Gundem

    The difference though, is that the tank buster the only viable alternative. It's not simply OP.

    For a fairly squishy vehicle that, if in attack range, is generally being shot at, the Tank Buster/Dalton combo provide the least exposure time for the most damage.

    Stuff like the Zephyr and even the Vektor is pretty decent, hell, the Vektor is basically a Basilisk on steroids. But they have such long exposure time that you risk eating a dozen tank shells in order to kill anything.
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  15. Crayv

    Problem with the Ranger is due to the lower velocity you actually have to aim more in the form of leading your shots.

    Also if I recall the detection box for flak is based the the distance from the "core" of the aircraft. Basically meaning a Gal and an ESF have the same effective hitbox when using flak. So ESF's it gets the most benefit but it doesn't really gain anything because of the amount you have to lead your shots, while larger aircraft the aircraft is slightly smaller than the hitbox so you don't really benefit from using flak over the Walker but you still have to lead your shots more.

    Skill is a lot more than just how well you can click on a small circle.
  16. Ziggurat8

    Pretty sure that's not how flak works but i'll spend 20 minutes in VR to see if you're right.
  17. Pat22

    Because WH40k fans really, REALLY hope that they'll fix the balance and clunkiness of third person combat and reveal an actually decent game beneath all that grime.
  18. Crayv

    If I remember right there was a video a long time ago that Wrel did that mentioned how it worked, maybe it changed since then but if you shoot at the edges of a Gal the flak explosions seem to be almost next to the wing while if you shoot at the front the explosions are bit away.
  19. LaughingDead

    All fairness, perspective of difficulty should be a moot point when concerning the balance of weaponry. After all, gauss saw is supposedly the most difficult weapon for new players to learn while vice versa onion is far easier however both of their TTKs are similar. ESFs are also hard to fly and shoot, however that doesn't mean that weapons don't get balanced based on how skilled the user is, it's balanced on the weapon itself and the platform it is on.
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  20. Ziggurat8

    Funny you should bring up the SAW vs Orion. TTK may be similar until you can shoot. Then the SAW stomps the Orion into the mud. Difficulty of use, once mastered the SAW is very much the superior weapon. I would go so far as to say it might be the very best LMG in the game and I probably wouldn't be alone in that statement.

    ESFs are hard to fly and master. Yet they have some of the most powerful weapons in the game once you get a handle on flying...

    What would you consider an easy weapon to use that is also extremely powerful while being balanced? A couple things jump into mind but I will let you respond. I also know that being on the receiving end of these really really sucks. When a weapon is hard to use and it rips ne a new one it makes me go, huh that guy is really good. When a weapon is pure cheese and it rips me a new one I go, I hate that cheese weapon, any jerk can get easy kills with it.

    I play every aspect of the game on every faction. I have a pretty good grasp on what's cheese and what's hard to use but amazing when you master it. The Liberator is assuredly hard to use but amazing when you master it. Anyone who's ever spent more than an hour in the cockpit knows it takes a metric ton of certs to be useful and then quite a bit of skill and coordination to be more than a bunch of XP for someone else.