NC6 Gauss SAW attachments and recoil test

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    I would argue that starting Cone of Fire is more significant at long range, as it determines how accurate your bursts will start out.
  2. Mekhazzio

    They're both important. COF is the determining factor for the first shot, but horizontal recoil quickly overtakes it on shot 2+. Being able to plink singles accurately is useful, but so is being able to land multiple rounds at once, especially for weapons less powerful than the Gauss SAW. When it takes 4 headshots to kill, single plinking just can't keep up with bursting.

    However, it's no coincidence that all the medium-range weapons have good values for both COF -and- horizontal recoil. If you get one, you're going to get the other.
    The NS-15 has very nearly the worst performance at range of any LMG in the game. It's down there with the Orion, MSW-R and EM1.
  3. Revanmug

    So long as you can control a weapon, ROF will dominate the rest except if you remove burst damage instant kill from shotgun or sniper. There is no reason to use the SAW except if you want to snipe with it. Guess what, I use a bolt action for that.

    Who care about long range. Aren't most objective at closer range?
  4. Zaik

    the rate of fire on the EM1 is way too low for it's piss poor damage. If it was even 698 instead of 652 it'd be okay, but as it stands it's the lowest dps least accurate least controllable LMG the NC has. there is no situation or role the em1 can possibly fill that another LMG can't do better in addition to being better at unrelated things the EM1 can't do.
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  5. Revanmug

    -Actually, the dps difference between a EM6 and a EM1 is very minimal. The EM6 is the top DPSer with the EM1 just after. The rest are lagging behind. If only you knew what you were talking about...
    -The "piss poor" damage is irrelevant when you have a higher ROF which make a very big difference when fighting several target at once. It's also the same kind of damage as every other faction's weapon.
    -Control if of little importance as for excuse. This game as little recoil and alot of COF which can be control. Every NC weapon(most) have a good COF anyway. There is 0 problem with the EM1 because you just spray in closer range. COF is of little important so long as you don't fire 50 rounds nonstop.
    -The EM1 is the best closer range NC only LMG. Always been since Beta.

    That's the problem with players nowaday. They talk without even knowing what the hell they are talking about. The EM6 and EM1 are fairly close to each other so opinion may vary depending on taste. But the gauss SAW is nothing more but a Wannabe 100 rounds auto sniper but lacking the actual power of a sniper.
  6. Flashtirade

    6x, adv grip, compensator, HVA.
    You now have the Warden-but-better for 430 certs.
  7. Zaik

    it would have been a lot shorter if you'd just posted "oh **** i'm wrong on the internet so i'm just going to repeat myself and insult you this time"
  8. KnightCole

    Umm, you mention your own problem in that post. Full spray, on a stock saw......its not the fault of hte SAW. You just gotta burst it more, even if they are long bursts of like 15 rounds. You will love your NC6 once its upgraded. THe control the upgrades give the gun are amazing.
  9. Pie Chasm


    The NC6 has the second highest DPS after the EM6 and the anchor.

    Here is the proof:

    143 damage per round * 652 rounds per minute = 93236 damage per minute (for the EM1)

    200 damage per round * 500 rounds per minute = 100000 damage per minute (for the NC6)

    167 " " * 600 "" = 100200 damage per minute for the EM6 and Anchor

    167*577 = 96359 (GD-22 and SAW S)

    So, actually, the EM1 has the lowest DPS of all NC specific LMGs.


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  10. Pie Chasm

    On topic, thank you very much OP. I always felt like the forward grip did more than just modify horizontal recoil.

    Just to make sure I'm understanding the variable recoil angle correctly, does it imply that the horizontal component adds to the vertical, so that guns with an angle > 0 have an implied reduced vertical reduction from the grip as well?

    I know it's moot to the discussion, because the SAW has 0, according to the spread sheet, but the more you know....
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    You're most welcome.

    I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, though.
  12. Flashtirade

    Horizontal and vertical recoil are wholly separate from each other in terms of how they work.
    Vertical recoil is present in every gun and will always pull up. The difference is how much it will pull. This can be countered by pulling down.
    Horizontal recoil can pull either to one side only or to both sides randomly. Recoil in one direction can be controlled by pulling in the opposite direction with your mouse. Recoil in both directions can't really be accounted for, since the direction in which the gun will pull is completely RNG.
  13. Revanmug

    I said I spray with the EM1 because I don't need to burst with it. How the hell is that hard to understand? Why do you think I have a stock SAW? Every gun I used is fully upgrade. Do you really believe I have problem acquiring certs?

    In the end, amuse yourself bursting at range, doing a kill every 4 min on a HA while I'm being more useful on the front helping actual players.

    You forgot reload btw... Why do you believe certain weapon are balance with lower Magazines and longer reload?

    That's why ****** people shouldn't be on the internet.
  14. JPJones

    Reload time is moot. TTK is what's most important, and the EM1 is the worst.

    Another point, how many kills can each gun theoretically get in one mag? When push comes to shove, that is another big factor in why the SAW is such a great weapon.
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  15. Pie Chasm

    What does the angle in the spreadsheet mean for horizontal recoil?
  16. Pie Chasm

    It's tempting to press the report button, but this is just so obvious that it'd be a crime to do so.

    You've just made it obvious that you're trolling, nobody can be that obtuse.

    Never has reloading been used in a DPS calculation where the ttk in a game is between instant and half a second; if you are serious, then that's merely a product of your own imagination.

    People aren't raid bosses, even heavies with their shields on die in less than a second. Besides, even for a short reload it makes more sense to swap to a secondary, so .... yeah... obvious troll is quite obvious.
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  17. Ghoest

    Is this a troll or are you actually thinking we will believe your out right lies?
  18. ladiesop

    If the EM1 had 698 RPM it would be a decent (though not great) short-mid LMG.

    Or instead, If it had it's 1st shot recoil reigned in a bit, and access to some long range attachments like the compensator, 2x sight and maybe the advanced foregrip it would make a decent mid-long weapon not to disimilar to the TR Bull.

    Unfortunately, it has neither of these.
  19. Alchonis

    EM1 user here, i love it and i can kill at range and close up effectively.
    The quick reload does matter, going from the NC6 which reloads in over 6 seconds!! i cant believe how fast i can reload 100 bullets now.

    I enjoy and am skilled with both guns but i never feel im caught with my pants down in close quarters with the EM1 as i can do with the NC6, dont get me wrong if im scoped up when you pop your head around the corner you are dead whatever gun you have, but if their is no time to aim down sight with the NC6 then im dead whatever i do unless the other guys is awful.

    I dont like stats, this isnt a math test this is a game and its about feel.
    If you feel comfortable using a gun it could have the worst dps in the game and an enemy could come around the corner with the best gun in the game but you still have a great chance to win.
  20. Lexicon

    Holy lol @ the stupidity and misinformation revanmug is spewing forth in this thread. I don't think he's even trolling either, just doesn't have the slightest clue of what he speaks of.

    "EM1 is far superior to Saw".......hahahahaha, thanks for the laughs.