[NC+VS+TR] Heliodine Community Event - Server Invasion: Connery

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by ROMNEYTRON, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Arenthas

    What, are all the factions here on Helios rolling Vanu to help Connery or something?
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  2. NickelJuice

    ....the vanu on Connery don't need help though. they had NC pushed back to the warpgate for about an hour last night and nearly the same with TR. 33% for each faction.

    This would be a great idea but Connery doesn't need the help.
  3. kaptinkrunch88

    Yes. All of the outfits from all three factions that want to participate are going to create Vanu characters for Connery to help out the underpopulated VS faction take some realestate. I've already started collecting some certs so I can have a Sundy with a few bells and whistles so I can support a platoon of VS durring the operation. It's just a fun thing to do instead of chasing alerts on Helios.
  4. AuntLou42

    During an alert on another continent. Doesn't count!

    Regardless of if you feel you need help or not, this event will still go on. The main purpose is to provide a nice change in pace for the tired residents of Heliodine :D
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    We're on a roll, maybe 1 or 2 more major Outfits and I'll start sending out the PMs.


    We need more VS and TR.
  7. kaptinkrunch88

    Most of us will be very new to the friendly end of VS weapons and vehicles but we'll have a pretty good idea of what the enemy is going to try to use against us. "The HE Men" (Heliodine Equalizer Men) are comming.
    Note: HE Men is a working outfit title and is subject to change and/or ridicule without notice.
  8. Arenthas

    Count [TED] In. We'll bring our platoon.
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    With TED that makes enough of us to field a minimum of 8-10 full platoons. PM will be sent out shortly.
  10. Rogueghost

    This is going to be a lot of vanu on Connery...
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  11. Excellentz

    haha this is gonna be awesome triple cap for vanu!
  12. CEGrif

    so many BR1's to kill. about time the connery VS got some help
  13. RachelGomez

    Hell yeah, this'll be awesome.
  14. NytDragon

    We may have many BR10 and under... but we have Vanu's Will!! I can't promise more than expect a good fight... or.. at least a fun one. :)

    With our superior science??? :eek: We shall prevail!
  16. CEGrif

    Vanu's will well not prevail against the mighty TR . :eek:
  17. NytDragon

    TR stands for Target Rich!
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  18. RachelGomez

  19. RachelGomez

    Fighting in platoons alongside people I have been fighting against for months? This just seems like so much fun. Love you guys.
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  20. Excellentz

    Haha sounds raw doesn't it