NC SplatterMax's need to be adjusted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talizzar, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. phreec

    Still wouldn't fix the lack of instagib weapons for TR and VS nor give NC proper mid-range weapons.
  2. Phaze

    They were adjusted... they clearly don't work as well post-patch.

    Hit detection is bordering on silly. I had some crouched medic... unmoving... unloading his gun on my MAX. I walk up to him... making sure to stay a few m back, just cuz I know the hit detection is wonky... I position my target right in the center of his body - I have 2 full magazines of 12 each.... I start firing... the first 10 shots miss... it wasn't til the very last 2 rounds in each magazine that I finally hit and killed him.

    Hitting people with slugs at range that was previously working... very hard now... accuracy is way down. Now maybe this is all just the result of whatever performance nonsense has happened because of the patch... but right now NC MAX are far from OP.

    VS has their own OP MAX.. ain't hard to find.
  3. Xasapis

    The hit detection is bad for everyone. For some reason all heavies when they activate their shield become totally immune to damage (their hit box disappears) for a while. Light assaults the second when they leave the ground and so on.

    VS doesn't have an OP max, they have ok maxes vs infantry and get absolutely slaughtered by NC maxes, now in bigger ranges than before.
  4. xMihr

    Wouldn't call them OP either, effective mid range AI MAX that can hold a door by standing on the other side of the room much like Mercies. As for bigger range of slaughter it'd be nice if people stopped perpetuating this lie.

    Edit: friggin auto
  5. Purg

  6. Xasapis

    Well, rubbish or not, expect some changes in the max balance. After all that's what SOE does these days ... "balance".

    And yes, whether you want to admit it or not, the NC scattecannon max is equal to two VS maxes and it takes 3 VS maxes to bring down a NC hacksaw max. Always talking about point fights btw, these are the fights the maxes are made for. Tanking points or holding points.
  7. xMihr

    The cognitive dissonance here is beautiful. A MAX which can not physically aid in a point cap is designed for point caps? Or is it just NC MAXs because of their CQC nature? Are we talking biolabs? Towers? Surely not tech plants or amp stations because their points are open enough for a 1v1 VS/TR max to drop an NC MAX by using range to their advantage.

    Even still with biolabs the shield generator and SCU are in areas with more than enough range to beat hacksaws and scatter cannons. Many of the points with exception to possibly C offer the ability to range one yet even with C the ability can exist.

    I see VS/TR MAX play in medium range to great success against scatters and hacksaws constantly on Connery. The dedicated users there are by no means lacking when it comes to MAX combat. Many stay outside of 10M force NC MAXs to dash away, those that don't just die and I assume post on the forums later.
  8. Xasapis

    I'm fine with how the NC maxes are. But given the recent changes to the magrider, you'd be delusional to believe that things will stay as is.
  9. Syphers

    There's a difference betwen dominating and being OP, that stuff literally kill in 1 sec we dont even have the time to turn around quick and sprint while I have to spray 3 clips in your head, from behind of course, to take you down lol. I say decrease the dmg and increase the range
  10. Purg

    Clearly you've never tried using one. I was beaten yesterday by a TR MAX with a Cycler and a Pounder - their default MAX at 10m. They flipped an Amp Station on me and I had no escape. I got him down to 1/4 health and I have extended mags. 1000 certs and I was beaten by a 0 cert MAX.

    If you think it takes 2 to 3 VS MAX to take down one Scatter MAX, you're particularly bad at using your faction's MAX. Based on my play since the 02 patch, the Hacksaw range has been reduced and the slug accuracy has been reduced. If I have 2 to 3 VS MAX at 10m or more from me, I'm dead unless I charge away. At 5m I might kill one but the other will finish me off quite easily. 3 infantry focusing fire on me at 20m will kill me before I can reload my Hacksaws with time to spare. 1 LA will ruin any MAX's day.

    If you're not using slugs, playing an NC MAX is very limiting, with them it's shoot and hope at range while giving up a significant amount of its CQC ability but affords you more versatility. A further nerf will render it useless at all ranges.
  11. Xasapis

    Has it ever occurred to you that you're the one that is not particularly good with your max?

    Btw, I've dropped 4k certs on the max to be somewhat equal to the scattercannon max. The odds against an equally certed as mine hacksaw max are zero.
  12. Nephera

    Y'know nerfing it so a scattermax cant kill people in one shot at close range would actually make each arm worse than a standard infantry shotgun.
  13. Gelohess

    and? you have two and lots of durability
  14. Nephera

    shockingly I don't always use two.
  15. Purg

    My stats would suggest otherwise and I don't sit around a corner at a Bio Lab waiting for people to walk infront of me.
  16. Shinrah

    Ooooooh the NC outrage! It´s justified tho, the outrage. While I find myself cursing Hacksaws left and right when I find them around a corner, I still think it is okay for NC´s to have them.

    What I dont find justified is how bad the VS AI MAX compares to it. Even on close ranges the accuracy is BS, sometimes you still get misses on people that are hardly 10m away from you. And unlike the Hacksaw, a Blueshift does need multiple hits to kill. I would love some accuracy improvement for the VS in CQC to make up for that. Tbh, I am mostly using my AV MAX against infantry, because up close I can kill with a doublehit to the head, while my Blueshift has a higher TTK.

    Not sure how it is for the TR, but I always think bringing other units up on par with each other is better than smacking down one unit. Sure, takes more effort to balance 2 units than to just nerf one down. But I am sure the overall satisfaction of your playerbase will be higher that way, and isn´t a satisfied playerbase what you should try to achieve? :)
  17. Beartornado

    You seem to seriously understimate just how useless Scattermaxes are outside of close quarters. Anything more than 10 meters away will not die instantly to us, hell even 5-10 meters away you'll have more than enough time to react if you're near cover. Outside of that, we can't kill anything.

    So take count of how many areas in planetside 2 guarantee a scattermax can fight someone at less than 10 meters, and then compare it to how many areas medium to long range anti infantry weapons will be superior.
  18. KageRyuuUjiMakai

    I think a lot of people don't know or understand what "insta-gibb" really means, as such I think they just throw the term around like children who just learned a new word for anything they feel is OP or just killed them recently. Now, insta-gibb refers to the act of being able to one shot kill someone, usually by way of head shot, such as a bolt action sniper rifle or a shotgun, with the use of explosives, or in the case of MAXs one shot someone with both weapons simultaneously.

    Regardless, can a NC MAX insta-gibb any non MAX infantry? Yes, assuming he's duel wielding and all pellets hit or he manages to get a lucky shot in with a single weapon that scores a head shot on at least one of the pellets, now at range with Slugs an NC MAX needs either 2 shots to the head or 3 to the body, so Insta-gibbing someone becomes quite the feat, while attempting to do so with shot is literally impossible. Now can the other two MAXs insta-gib others? Not without AV weapons and a good or lucky shot, but their AI TTK is low enough that against infantry the difference is moot, especially when dual wielding.

    Now Max vs Max within 5m the NC MAX will destroy any other MAX unless they can get multiple head shots. But outside of that range, they tend to lose because the pellet spread and damage drop off. You can argue it all day long, but in game evidence is indisputable, so if you ignore it then clearly you have your head in the sand and I can wash myself of you and your filth with a clean conscious that I tried to educate you unwashed masses in effective counter measures against my own faction's MAX.

    NC MAX vs TR MAX

    NC MAX vs VS MAX

    NC MAX Slugs

    Only addendum that I have to make is that while the testers in the video clearly don't like the Slug upgrade and suggest against buying it, it can still be an effective upgrade if used properly, perhaps in combination with the Grinder?
  19. Xasapis

    Again with the forged videos. Keep repeating them like they matter.

    What needs to happen here is for the NC max to get some ranged weapons and the VS/TR maxes to adjust their bad close combat weapons (especially the VS). Then everyone will have a choice to play how they like, regardless of faction.

    They also need to adjust the max vs max combat. NC maxes are free certs in 30+ areas, a 50/50 in 10-30 areas and TR/VS free certs in anything smaller.
  20. Corviid

    The hacksaw is a giant triple barrelled fully automatic shotgun, and you fannys want it to suck in close range. what a load of babies, 2 rockets kill a max go get in there with a friend with your rockets already in your mits and fire them at the max. Now don't tell me you don't have time to fire a rocket because it has happened to me on plenty of occasions. Countering close range units is the easiest thing to do in any game if you cant get range then you use explosives and hide round corners, maxes are not supposed to be soloed.