NC SplatterMax's need to be adjusted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talizzar, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Talizzar

    They are way too strong up close. There is really no counter for a Splattermax crash.

    NC will whine and QQ about their UP weapons that are not.

    No class should be able to dominate in a bio lab or close quarters like these do.
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  2. Bill Hicks

    shotguns good at close range; film at 11
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  3. MiZrY

    Rocket launcher + rocket launcher aimed at Max = profit
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  4. Beartornado

    So you want to nerf a weapon type that is intended to dominate close quarters combat because it dominates close quarters combat?
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  5. AUSGrizzly

    So tempted to make a post/thread saying something like...

    "Prowlers Shoot Twice with no reload, needs to be addressed..."
    "Magriders Float and Climb Mountains with ease, needs to be nerfed..."
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  6. MiZrY

    "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

    You should abide by your signature.
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  7. GamerOS

    After the 10 Meters both the TR and VS Max will easily beat the NC Max in every situation.
    So what our MAX is better at CQC against infantry?

    The Prowler is also twice as good against infantry compared to both the NC and Vanu tank, you don't hear me complain about that one.
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  8. ExarRazor

    the main problems is, that tr and vs dont have anything even remotely equivalent.

    infantry shotguns can drop people fast too, but every empire has more or less identical versions of each shotgun.

    the nc max is literally in a class of its own, with no real direct counter, or equal. and no rocket launchers dont count unless yer 30-40 meters away. turning a corner and running into a scatmax = dead. there just isnt enough time to react, let alone pull out a rocket launcher, aim, and fire, which takes about 4 seconds minimum, which is about 3.5 seconds longer than you have to live.

    if tr and vs had something similar, you wouldnt see this many people concerned about them, and they'd be pretty much balanced.

    but since shotgun maxes are NC only, they are broken, and very overpowered
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  9. moooosa

    That has nothing to do with the NC MAX. Almost everything in the game works like that. Difference is that NC MAX shotgun is worthless beyond 10 meters while TR and VS MAXes can wipe through infantry at close range to medium long range with impunity.
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  10. Erik

    Flame throwers are coming in the future. Yea they instant gib you and it is annoying as hell, but I don't think it is game breaking as they are far less effective at range than the other two. I can see their damage being toned down against other maxes as they almost insta gib them but that is about it. Not much you can do when taking a shotty to the face.
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  11. GamerOS

    And We don't have the nice chain guns or VS equivalents, meaning at range we are sitting ducks.

    The TR and VS might have a longer TTK at CQC, even at 20 to 30 meters it's still only 1 second to kill an enemy, at that range an NC MAX might need to empty it's entire magazine, then most likeley reload, before he gets a kill.

    The NC MAX is good withing 10M and horrible outside of that, Deal with it.
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  12. exLupo

    We'll have to see how flamethrowers play out. I know they won't be potentially OHK but they may still have super quick TTKs.

    Not that I want that. Seeing an infantry unit and knowing "if I try to do anything at all other than leave I'm going to die" is boring and boring the player is the biggest crime a game can commit. Scatmaxes, Libs farming spawns, AT/C4 one-man>AMS. All frustrating and all things I'll keep doing until they get balanced. Why? Because they're all super effective.

    I felt the same way about rocket pods. Did a lot of that, got good certs, don't do it anymore. Am I mad? Nope, it was bad for the game. Any time you have to shrug and resign yourself to failure (and leaving/ignoring the objective = failure) is. Scatmaxes are just another example of the same.
  13. CryoGlacial

    So? We've all been vying for more faction differences, I don't understand why you people care so much about a situational role occupied by a unit clearly incapable of any other role. It falls into a niche, its one thing NC has that there is no parallel to, just like magriders and scythes, and reliable and controllable TR weapons.

    If you're dying to a scattermax, its usually your fault and you should admit that to yourself. It doesn't need a nerf, if anything the other maxes should be buffed to fill their own niche and be powerful in their own specific way.
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  14. Beartornado

    You seem to miss that it's not all flowers and sunshine. Even in bio labs I've been cornered because some of my enemies know better than to rush a dual Hacksaw max. Long range explosives and a few C4 rushes wear us down rather fast. My only option if I want to kill anything is to literally run at it and unload at a range less than 10 meters if I want to be effective. Maxes should be expected to dominate smaller groups of people, but you get more than 4 enemies or even an enemy max with a couple escorts I will not be able to get out of that situation without taking lots of damage if not dying. We have very small clips already and a painful reload time that feels like an eternity when you are mid-combat. In larger groups of enemies I would be dead as soon as I ran out of ammo if not sooner.

    You forget the punishment one must take for running into enemies at close range like that instead of firing from cover at long range. If we had shotgun clips 2-3x larger I would gladly call for a nerf to either damage or clip size, but as it stands we dominate infantry where we are supposed to and we lose to them where we aren't. There are more places for medium to long range combat than there are for CQC, a scat max out in open areas or long hallways indoors is a big blue target.

    Don't get me started on what the other factions have that the NC doesn't. A max that's obscenely effective at killing infantry at less than 10 meters is the least of our problems with faction imbalance.
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  15. DancesWithHogs

    I personally think shotgun damage versus MAX armor should be reduced. At least then you can beat a MAX crash with a MAX crash.
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  16. Odin

    Fine make it work out to the same ranges as the mercys and we have a deal you can tighten the spread which will make it worse in close.
    It has to have a niche or its useless.
  17. Meh.

    I hate TR max more than NC so much.. It kills from so far away it's like an turret. Worst if they have duel :|, NC max is good at killing other maxes/infantry at CQC that's about it. If you know a NC max is close by, why go in it's face then say it op ?
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  18. InfernoKoV

    I could care less if the TR and VS find it a problem that they have nothing similar... NC doesn't have range like they do. Try to kill someone outside 12m and then come back and complain.
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  19. Biyson

    Hm, let me try this too:

    Mosquitos are way too strong in the air. There is really no counter for a Mossie cloud.
    TR will whine and QQ about their UP MAXs that are not.
    No vehicle should be able to dominate in the air or in dogfights like these do.

    Nevermind, that sounded dumb. I think I'll just try to figure out better tactics instead.
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  20. DukeFlash

    I wouldn't nerf NC MAXes specifically... but I would be open to anti-MAX countermeasures, to give a defense vs MAX rushes in general. (do EMP grenades do anything special to MAX units?)