[NC] Phoenix Battalion [PHX]

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Adeodatus, Apr 2, 2013.

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  1. Adeodatus

    Yeah man its cool, we just try to have fun when playing. For us fun is winning which happens alot once we are organized. Course all outfits may have bad nights, luckily we don't have too many. If your on NC and want to give us a try go for it and see for yourself. Just let me know.
  2. Adeodatus

    We had a platoon on Esamir and a platoon on indar during last nights alert to take Esamir. PHX was taking bases nearby Eisa and we helped in the NC victory for the alert. We got as many people as we could on Esamir but that Que time was just horrible. Had people with an hour and a half wait times so we only managed one platoon there. But we were there.
  3. pyradacor

    Thanks for the correction.
  4. Adeodatus

    No prob :)
  5. A WakeSkate

    Bump FTW ..!I!11
  6. cwcriner

    Also ex-phx. Normally they're a bunch of good guys, but their effectiveness is directly proportional to blackweb's, their CO, time online. If there is a tactical or strategic error to make, Blackweb will make it. Like the last Alert where he pulls all of PHX off continent so a winnable alert is completely lost!
  7. Snow Sheltie

    Oh good grief. You do not realize just how difficult to impossible it is to get a platoon into a continent that is on alert without being on that continent prior to the alert starting. Particularly when we try to get two platoons on an alert continent. It would take most of the alert time to get that many on the continent during prime time. I heard your obscenity-filled rant against the entire NC who couldn't get onto a bloody full continent.
  8. totalBimbo

    some new recruit footage for all of you with just a taste of our basic training we hold every saturday at 5pm cst

    sorry to hear that you didnt work out for us Pyradacor, I hope you find an outfit that suits you. for everyone else interested in PHX come join one of our open platoons and ask for an invite to the outfit.
  9. cwcriner

    I fully appreciate how hard it is to get a platoon across, it's difficult getting half a squad over, that isn't my problem. You had a full platoon on esimir during the alert, I know because I was in it. At the 15 minute remaining mark Blackweb pulled it to Amerish. PHX wasn't the only group to go to amerish then either; and yes I was pissed to see 2 hours worth of work collapse due to EVERY NC outfit pull out (total pop dropped from 33% to 10%); but PHX does this more than any one else.
  10. totalBimbo

    if your unhappy with how we operate then that is the end of this discussion. This is not the thread for such an argument, there is reasons why we do what we do. if you dont like to work as a team or support your squad mates no matter where that might be this isnt the outfit for you PERIOD!

    moving on...
  11. GeneralSapo

    This might be one of the most fun outfits to play against. Very organized and they will never let you farm them.
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  12. totalBimbo

    :cool: I'm a cert *****. :D
  13. totalBimbo

    it doesnt happen all the time "pyradacor" majority of the reason for not hitting an alert right away is due to capping an almost capped map or fighting other organised TR/VS outfits such as TRAF,SENT,TT6..ect to better hone our platoons skills as an over all unit. and as you already know there is que times which make it difficult for our whole outfit to mass deploy into each alert.

    Cpt Total Bimbo
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  14. totalBimbo

    first video test recording of our air squad basic training for new wingcom recruits. enjoy
  15. Blackweb

    That is an accurate statement. I try not to let my people get farmed :)

    [PHX] values the respect of our enemies as much or more than our friends :cool:
  16. Blackweb

    Oh puhleeze. You think you can do a better job? Start your own outfit, recruit several hundred players, choose some good officers, get them organized and trained and get them all where they are supposed to be doing what they are supposed to do and I will listen to you. There are outfits and outfit leaders I respect, Longbow, DREV, WRNC, EZC and TRAF to name a few. Who are you?
  17. Blackweb

    Last night, on Esamir, Captain TotalBimbo or should I call him "Cpt. TotalBimbo the Seer" correctly predicted the alert on Esamir and had the entire outfit in position and ready to go when the alert began. Great work "Seer TotalBimbo":D
  18. totalBimbo

    my prediction for today is that the TR and VS will be warpgated once again by the compleatly underpowered NC :). stay tuned the next alert will be on hossin......
  19. Adeodatus

    Cpt. Adeo Bump :cool:
  20. UmbraUrsa

    Fun fighting you guys on Esamir last night.
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