NC OP Rocket launcher.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dippy, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. dippy

    Been testing it around the warpgate. just want your guys thoughts? :p

    • Up x 7
  2. UKAvenger

    Now that is a rock - et launcher.

    Funny but odd bug that, never seen it.
  3. Distortoise

    What a perfectly timed system broadcast.
    • Up x 1
  4. Jaes

    Even Auraxis bends to our might!
  5. Tommyp2006

    haha exactly what I thought

    Shouldn't the engineers be the ones getting the deployable cover? Dang crafty NC and their nanites.
  6. LightningWolfTigrBer

    • Up x 2
  7. hostilechild

  8. Pikachu

  9. treeHamster

    OMG I want that thing. It's like he's playing Pokemon but with a rocket launcher instead of Pokeballs. I choose you Onix! Totally would own a Maggy or Prowler column.

    Edit: I think you should make that your siggy. Put "I choose you, ONIX!" under the video. So many lulz.
  10. Commandant Cleavage

  11. Charlie

    What?! How is-? Huh?!
  12. DonC

    Needs a small nerf.
  13. dippy

    gonna "rock" some worlds with this.:p
  14. Zaik

    saw someone growing trees with a grenade the exact same way
  15. LightningWolfTigrBer

    What must I do to acquire these magical powers?
  16. EvilPhd

    Who knew we had materia enhanced rockets?
  17. dippy

    haha seems legit.
  18. USD

    Well that was unexpected.
  19. Ssidistik

  20. treeHamster

    I choose you Sudowoodo!

    Seriously though, where are you guys getting these Pokèballs? First a guy comes up and replaces his rockets with some Pokèballs, now some guy is just throwing them with his hands. I want one to capture a Galaxy to carry around in my pocket!

    Or is this like WoW and you're casting something? If that's the case, I want a wizard's hat to run around with.