NC on Ceres.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheAntiFish, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Mxiter

    TR broken weapons fix are already planned (AI damages of all Max AV weapons and striker's guidance: bad for the already terrible pounders).
    Indar N warpgate and 4th factionners nerf maybe? :rolleyes:
  2. Vaphell

    my beef with my brethren
    - invariably i seem to be the only inf out of 50 people who actually has and uses darts so i can't even switch classes or the last shreds of situational awareness go down the tubes
    - nobody rushes sunderers and we routinely lose 50/50 situations where the whole enemy attack is based on a single, barely guarded sunderer, ffs
  3. Delnar_Ersike

    I play VS on Ceres, and as funny as it sounds, I have to say I agree with the OP. The alert about 12 hours ago pretty much cemented my suspicions that Ceres NC is currently full of idiots.

    Short version: NC did worse than VS in Dome Domination alert despite starting favorably and having a much higher server population.

    Long Version: TR started with 5, NC with 4, VS with 0. Despite a server population of 28% VS, 35% NC, and 37% TR thoughout the alert, the alert ended with TR 6, VS 2, NC 1. What happened? Basically, the excess NC population from Indar all stacked onto Esamir to try to take back Mani, the lab we captured from NC early into the alert, even as they were losing their Amerish labs to TR. Seriously, VS was outnumbered 2-to-1 by NC on Esamir, yet we still held on to Mani, and in the meantime, TR slowly ate away at the NC labs with little opposition. But no, for 2 hours, a large part of NC kept trying to take one of the only biolabs the losing faction had, instead of having some sense by defending from and going after the winning faction.

    Also, in my experience, fights against NC generally are much easier than fights against TR, even after you account for slight TR imbalance. I've been in plenty of fights where random VS held out against random NC, even though we were outnumbered 60/40, whereas 50/50 against TR almost always leads to drawn-out battles going back and forth.
  4. Chipay

    Yeah it really is, there was this time that NC attack Botany Wing with 12-24, most of them where in tanks though, i was the only guy there with a HA, final score me:14 NC:1. Next time i'm fighting NC i'm gonna scream: "One VS Is 14 NC" :p
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  5. W0rthy

    I don't think that's fair to say overall though, NC has several really nice outfits that are really tough to go up against. When outfits like MACS and others roll out you know you're in for a really hard fight. As any faction when a zerg lacks coordination and teamplay but are just trying to farm, instead of sticking together it turns into a cluster.... where you can take out 3 times the amount of enemies because they can't be bothered to help eachother out.

    The only solution to that is to bring them into an outfit, random platoons don't work because they lack the leadership/can't be bothered to listen to eachother, and often don't give two ships about what command tells them to do, if command even knows what's a good idea to do that is... A lot of lone wolf players thinks its enough to just form a random platoon and charge the waypoint in whatever way you see fit. It isn't.

    Even just 1 squad where people move in tight formation and don't go yolo somewhere a mile away all of a sudden because they think they are helping (themselves) out, can attack/defend 2-3 times their numbers of uncoordinated zergs. Teamplay makes all the difference in this game for sure.
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  6. Chipay

    If only, sure MACS knows how to play and when to pull stuff where, but their individual player skill lacks. They're by far the best NC outfit but they get their power from organized vehicle zoning, they perform poorly as infantry and are less than noteworthy in tank versus tank battles. They are however good pilots and actually bother to defend their liberators in areas. But overall i never had the feeling MACS was any threat to defending or attacking.

    it really bothers me that i still see so many high BR NC without outfits, like they don't even want to fight together or something.
  7. Torok

    You really have no idea about what you're talking about :p
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  8. MrMurdok

    You- You're kidding, right?

    He's kidding, right?
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  9. Chipay

    Not really, you guys your infantry play really lacks, like that time you were drop podding the rock south of Crossroads and you just kept dying or even just missed where you dropped (which was really funny to see), after i was killed i took a LA and took out all your 4 beacons, no one that stopped me...
  10. Torok

    as far as I Recall we have never before "camped" a rock, like other outfits do, so Sorry it probably wasn't us, we do often clear those rocks out of pesky VS/TRs though, and we always succed, since it's no big deal after all, don't know what you're talking about.
    and anyway there's many players in my outfit and we don't always run together, tbh we often play by ourselves so it's not like you'd deserve a prize for spotting one lol, hf on the field!
  11. TheAntiFish

    It happened again today. NC makes me sad.
  12. Ubad00d

    Wait what? You run by yourselves? Doesn't that defeat the point of an outfit?

    Also, I think MACS is the best outfit on NC, but I got to say that when you clear the 'Pesky' VS out of the rocks is always because you ended up doubling/tripling us on pop. It always ends up as 12-24 VS vs 48+ NC.
  13. Naisha

    TR wishes to thank OP for his happy C4 trigger finger. We are more than happy to help you eradicate the majority of the NC members.

    However, in all the time I've played on Ceres I believe I have always had a certain respect for the NC forces, especially some seemingly well organized outfits.
    The average NC pack may come in great numbers in what appears to be an overkill assault on an empty base, and their above average affection to their tanks prevents them from actually claiming aforementioned base, but honestly, I see no difference in "skill level" between the factions. A selected few stand out and make names for themselves, others just follow the stream - guns blazing, shots missing. All three factions seem to be having the same problem. It's just Planetside 2. :eek:

    - Evelinn
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  14. Chipay

    Excessive use of Liberators, Reavers filled with LA's with C4 and a damn good sniper who was getting a decent amount of headshots combined with drop podding SMG infiltrators? Pretty sure it was MACS. You kinda did succeed until we brought 2 AA MAXes and suddenly no more MACS :p
  15. hotblackwoman

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  16. Torok

    I'm sorry for that, the Pop is something nobody can do anything about, except maybe going to less populated areas but that's it, I go where the fun is, which is usually where we're getting outnumbered still.

    lolwut, If you're able to have fun and be competitive and useful alone you don't need to be in an organized squad 24/7, that's how it is, but I do agree that individual gameplay is harder than let's say, "organized teamplay", but that doesn't mean one alone can't do as good as if he were in a squad. a good 2 man squad can do wonders, and ramboing alone is fun.

    I'll take that as a compliment from someone who's not very good at making compliments :p

    back on topic, NC WON AN ALERT!
  17. MrMurdok


    Halfway through the alert, someone goes on TR Command Chat: "Let the VS take Freyr to get a draw, not an NC win"
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  18. DramaticExit

    We never had that dance party :(
  19. HappyT

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  20. ThommiX

    Playing as VS on Ceres i haven't ever even noticed NC or their outfits. They just have been pretty easy to roll away. Again and again we do see them failing on alerts,mainly because they usually attack VS, not TR. Attacking TR could bring them draw or even win since we seem to be usually fighting TR too. But nobody on NC seems to realize this,instead they want to keep hitting their head to the wall.
    TR gives a fight,but it seems to be mostly from population,not organization or leading.
    My small view of things only.

    Look out for TFDN. We make magic happen ;D