NC low win-rate - where is the balance?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trizadd, May 1, 2016.

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  1. Newlife1025

    Im actually pretty good. But everyone else... I went to a base and im guessing an alt account was teamkilling and blowing up our sunderers. Then, i was in anotherfight where infiltrators were tryinh to snipe a prowler to death. Ive seen a lot of stupid, but if you look hard enough you nay see a pro nc blowing up prowlers and sunderers... and you might see me KingBluelife
  2. LaughingDead

    "Simply blaming playerbase is just bad logic".
    "Statistics point out that on all servers, NC is doing the worst".

    Those two have something to do with each other, I can just feel it.
  3. Newlife1025

    Add bad player base to our higher skill floor weapons, and you get a faction that gets eaten up and **** out faster than you can empty a trac 5 clip
  4. Beerbeerbeer

    I have three toons I play regularly, well not so much VS lately, but I'll jump around three or more times per day, literally, as I get bored easily I have ZERO empire loyalty. My VS is 94, TR 62, NC 62, all created in 2012.

    From my observations of frenetic empire hopping, it really does boil down to player quality. A few good players can wreak havoc and turn the tide. Personally, I think the TR has the bulk of the better players, at least those that play consistently.

    VS is feast or famine. They'll either zerg around and be completely oblivious to back hacking until it's too late or, very rarely dictate the agenda by jumping around and forcing the action and keeping people off balance.

    NC is the same: feast or famine and this depends heavily on who is playing.

    TR is just like steady mode. Yeah, there's a huge Zerg of fodder floating around, but they consistently field more veteran players IMO. They actually look at the map.

    Don't get me wrong, VS and NC have those uniquely good players and in fact, some of the most skilled individuals litter those empires, but the drop off is big, whereas I really don't see too many ultra TR players, but they have a bulk of generally good players.

    This is for emerald btw.
  5. Partl

    I have seen NC rule more than one continent, so very often by now(miller)... i am not seeing the point anymore.
  6. guerrillaman

    From personal experience....

    A. my TR prowler I have GK and ap. When I get a gunner, VS loses are their base turrets.
    B. my VS HA, my accuracy and TTk improve dramatically.
    C. With my NC, I ***** and moan that neither A nor B are possible and I die continually from people doing A and B.
  7. rahte

    I have heard that Daybreak have hired new manager, who will work on keeping new players in the game. I hope he will gonna make it...but I am afraid that it is might be too late. On the other hand latest patches show that it is hardly possible that something wil be fixed in possitive way in the future.

    In PlanetSide 2 there is incredible potential...which is completly wasted by the FUBAR in game balancing.

    Like I said. World of Tanks was created in 2010. PlanetSide in 2012. Where is PlanetSide now and where is WoT? How WoT is developing and how PS2?

    Maybe managers in Daybrake grow up enought to realize that it is not world wide foult that new players do not stay. Maybe it is something wrong with their acting. On the other hand lastes patches i.e. in a patch with HV ammo practically only NC weapons where nerfed to balance it out.

    Even if You think a while about only one single fact: They nerfed beyond recognition fracton that attracts majority of new players. And it is nerfed on every single on every single one... not even one has been left on othe level than unplayable (even flying in fighter is nerfed on speed...without giving durability... which is lol on reasoning of persons who were worked on this one.... but they shouldnt make difference on speed when they wanted to differentiate ESF in first place). I know what they wanted to do when they nerfed NC to that extend level. You can see the thinking process. Sorry to say that, but that thinking process is ******** and incredibly short-sighted. Moreover, it is acting to the detritment of the company in which You are working for.

    Like I said. As far as I noticed even in lates patches You cant see even a sparcle of hope to change the way of thinking in Daybrake... so I think that it will go in the same direction where it was going in last 4 years.
  8. wolf113

    Simple the answer, because the NC very difficult for new players.

    First of all a new player encounters with the weapon that is difficult controled. then it will try to play VS or TR, or to withdraw from PS2.

    I've already written about the fact that NC weapon that is very difficult controled require the players to be more accurate than the VS and TR. And how to be more accurate when the weapon is not accurate. It does not make sense.

    For example Gauss SAW, should have a minimum 25% precision to TTK was the same as VS and TR LMG. 25% precision is not attainable for new players, as well as old players. Stim to NWA and R.shild, TTK increase much more than the 143dmg Model, which requires even greater precision to 30%. And once we have that the average accuracy of 21%, which means that there are players who have a precision of 15%, How is he going to kill with 15% accuracy. It is necessary to fire 34 shots (4 seconds) to kill
  9. rahte

    The answer is not that the NC weapons are difficoult to use, and for sure it is not precision either. The thing that You learn to throw a hammer to get headshot every single time it doesn't mean that it became SMG. Simple. The thing that You became better player doesnt mean that the equipment became better. It is You and Your skill. Nothing more. Explaining foulty equipment by skill gap between new and old players is missunderstanding and in fact damaging to game it self.
  10. rahte

    They withdrawing from PS2 in most cases. The lack of balance works the same in every single game.
  11. HamOnRye

  12. Riksos

    When does statistical disparity represent an imbalance? Where do we draw the line?

    If 3 players begin a game of basketball, in a 1 on 1 tournament, and 1 of the 3 consistently loses to the other 2...does that mean there's something wrong with the game of basketball? Or could it be that one player is simply not as skilled as the other 2?

    The VS win most of the alerts, should we nerf VS? TR is in the middle, does that mean TR is "balanced"?

    I think people should think long and hard about what the word "balance" means.
  13. Campagne

    The game of basketball is perfectly balanced. Each team plays with the same ball in the same court. The only determining factors are teamwork and skill.

    In PS2, however, each faction has a different set of balls and plays on a lop-sided court. More so, when six different tournaments are held with six different groups of three and the same team loses each time, then something is suspect in how the games went.

    As for player skill:


    Et cetera. (Source:

    The NC performs roughly equal to the TR & VS when using common pool NS weapons. I encourage you to look through the many, many other NS weapon in the game. :eek:

    When one faction consistently loses across different servers in different continents is a very clear sign that there is a problem. The fact that you argue that this is a balanced equation forces me to redirect your own statement right back to you.

    I think people should think long and hard about what the word "balance" means.
  14. LaughingDead

    So the answer is not something reasonable? And instead something varied person to person, riiiigggghhhhtttt.
  15. Okjoek

    I hate the NC as a faction, but I agree that I think they are underperforming. One way to look at it is the mentality of the NC is more individualistic wheras the other two factions by definition are more collective. The "personal liberty/freedom and independence mentality isn't suited for team efforts required in this game. IDK if this plays a role, but I think they do need something to lift their spirits in wake of revelations like this.

    The one thing I truly envy about NC is their weapons which feel very utilitarian. I love the Gauss Saw because it's a great support tool and the Cyclone because it's like a SMG that wanted to be a carbine and is very unique. I love the design for the default NC knife over most knives in the game.

    A few ideas I have that I would appreciate when playing NC are:

    1. Make the camera guided launcher either more powerful or carry more ammo.

    2. A pump action shotgun with the superior damage dropoff range of the Baron/Jackhammer.

    3. Make it easier to get weapons like the Cyclone and the Bandit with much higher RoF than their default counterparts.

    4. Give the rail jack the ability to damage heavy vehicles on a level similar to the Archer. Gauss technology is MUCH more powerful than traditional ammunition and a weapon the size of the rail jack should clearly have the ability to damage armored targets. I don't see why they didn't do this to begin with.
  16. ExarRazor

    just popped in to say:
    you cant fix, patch, or balance stupid.
  17. Riksos

    That's weird that you say the game of basketball is "perfectly balanced", yet cite the differing performance of players in Planetside as evidence of imbalance.

    The San Antonio Spurs in a "perfectly balanced" game end up in the playoffs almost if not every year over the last 10 years, while teams like the Sacramento Kings seem to fall short year after year. Should we buff the Sacramento Kings? Should we nerf the San Antonio Spurs?

    When one team consistently loses across different states, in different cities it is a very clear sign there is a problem. The fact that you argue that this is a "perfectly balanced" equation forces me to redirect your own statement right back at you.

    I think people should think long and hard about what the word "balance" means.

    Balance does not mean every faction wins an equal number of times. This would mean the game is less of a skill-oriented shooter, and more of a coin-flip.
  18. Campagne

    Differing performance due to differing cercumstances, that is. In basketball the teams are always equal in size and the court is identical on either side, while the ball is always the same type of ball. This is of course not even remotely true for PlanetSide 2.

    With your real life example, the difference is purely skill. (Or maybe drugs, I dunno.) In PS2, the NC consistently lose alerts across all servers, and as I said above perform roughly the same as the TR & VS with NS stuff, so skill is not likely the cause of this discrepancy.

    I do believe that is exactly what balance means in this sense. That each faction should win an equal number of times, within one or two standard deviations. Instead, the VS dominate with the TR not too far behind, while the NC is dragged along as a participant in the race.

    Having only NS weapons and gear would actually make PS2 a skill-demanding game, instead of having victory be decided by one's equipment as opposed to their opponents.
  19. guerrillaman

    Once everyone agrees that imbalances can exist... such as developers decide that only the NC should be able to drop dirty bombs from galaxies.... Then the arguments can go forward.

    I personally think VS wins more because people flock to accurate guns. When I die to a VS is either to a purchased gun or a br100+... at least it seems that way.
  20. MasterOhh

    According to the PS2Alerts Statistics, winning an alert has nothing to do with what faction has the most kills or best K/D.
    So, when there are plenty of alerts, where the winner faction has the LEAST kills and the WORST K/D, the argument: low win rate = worst equipment looses a lot of validity.
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