NC LMGs or "is the Promise really good?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarAnubis, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. LordKrelas

    What I am saying is, this was about why to use the Promise over NC's other LMG's.
    Not if it's balanced properly in concordance to the other Empires - that's a different thread, as a different topic.

    Balance between Empires is not "Why pick this NC Gun over this NC Gun"
    Balance is balance, and unrelated topic.

    So make a new thread, about balancing the LMG's.
    This one was about if the Promise was worth using over other NC LMG's.
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  2. Prudentia

    The answer to that question has repeatadly been stated in this thread:
    it is the most accurate and controllable LMG in the game combined with average to above damage output making it a perfect weapon for combat between 10 and 50 meters.
    it's non existant recoil and better than average accuracy means you can focus entirely on tracking your target and don't have to fight against the weapon itself.

  3. LordKrelas

    Then why on Page 1, was VS brought into the thread, and the argument about VS LMG's compared to NC's...
    On a thread about why NC should pick it over their own LMG's.

    But seriously.
    Do start a balance thread - You actually one to have data, so it would be an interesting read.
    Don't stop on LMG's though - Like look into ES Sniper rifles, like the miserable TRAP.
  4. Prudentia

    because when that conclusion was reached after 5 seconds of thinking NC players refused to accept it because it didn't fit their victim complex that the Promise is a competetive and easy to use gun so i had to start bringing up broader statistics and comparisions.

    And the issue with me making a big balance thread is that the forums don't allow for extensive cross referencing and table formatting i'd need for that... and that i don't have an excel license atm, i do all the maths by hand on a stat per stat basis
  5. LordKrelas

    I see.
    Well damn.
  6. Prudentia

    tho i might just do one on comparing the Anchor and the Meow by hand just to trigger some people :p
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  7. DarkStarAnubis

    I too used the Promise (and the Meow) after patch.

    Like others I found the post-patch Promise a rather precise and valid weapon - had it a slightly quicker reload it would be quite good (IMHO of course).

    A few words about the data: the approach used is the same that Iridar uses in his guides and the same used when doing weapons review, that is (1) all shots hit the torso (2) bullet travel time is not part of TTK.

    Bullet travel time could be easily added and should have an impact on TTK especially at long range. But the implications of bullet speed are not easy to model (faster bullet - less leading - more chances to hit a moving target).

    The other two big missing elements in those simulations are recoil management (vertical and horizontal) and CoF/Bloom.

    Recoil management is subjective (skills/experience), all one can say is that a weakly kicking weapon is easier to handle (duh! ).

    CoF/Bloom is objective instead: given a target size at certain distance it can be compared with the CoF growing bullet after bullet to evaluate the probability of hitting the target hence inflicting part of the damage.

    One of the things that makes the Saw good for counter-sniping is (aside from its DMG model) the 0 CoF of the first bullet. It is a needle.
  8. Campagne

    I was going to compare you to the handful of other forumsiders whom all disagree with me vehemently, but I don't think there is anyone who is as hardcore as you. :p Even Chingles and I are amicable, and we agree on next to nothing.

    So, good on ya' I guess. ;)
  9. pnkdth

    That's exactly why I think damage / BTK is entirely pointless on their own.

    ROF + DAMAGE tells us infinitely more about a weapon than saying 200 is a larger number than 143 and you can get to 1000 with fewer steps with 200 than 143. Like no S*** Sherlock. ROF + DAMAGE on the other hand will not only tell us what kind of weapon it is, how it applies its damage, and so on. In other words,

    TTK/DPS is one part of what matters. ROF + DAMAGE does once again tell us why this is. For instance, a long range weapon tend to have a higher TTK. A CQC weapon which focus on ADS and maintaining a target might also have a higher TTK but since it is easier to hit (or get headshots).
  10. JibbaJabba

    If we've gotten to the point in the discussion where I have to defend my suggestion of **actually using the guns to see what they are like** then I am done.

    Good luck to all you forumsiders and spreadsheet warriors.
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  11. DarkStarAnubis

    "Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?" [Full Metal Jacket]