NC HA are at a dissadvantage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dornez, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Dornez

    The following pic is a representation of the recoil experianced after firing exactly 10 bullets from each factions standard HA weapon.


    In order of least to most recoil

    TR, VS, NC

    NC nearly double every other factions recoil, "Oh but you do more dmg per bullet" That may be true, however the increased recoil puts NC at a severe disadvantage in mid to long range. Where NC and VS can fire 3-4 shot bursts, NC must resort to 1-2 shot bursts. Thus the NC suffer more downtime waiting between bursts than any other faction on top of the fact they have the slowest fire rate, effectively giving the NC HA the slowest TTK by far at medium to long range.
  2. ManualReplica

    Plus, we have this "low rate of fire" thing that makes mid-long range fighting even funnier.
  3. water fowl

    It's called variety between factions. Other factions are better at long range. Some are better at close range. Then there's side grades to bounce around. If you really want to complain, try the starting VS sniper rifle versus the NC sniper rifle... talk about imba.

    It's fine, l2p. Get a muzzle break.
  4. FPSgamer

    NC weapons after beta are very bad compared to the TR. Play NC Heavy/lmg for an hour and then switch to TR Heavy/lmg. NC lmg weapons are so bad that I am thinking switching to TR/Vanu.
  5. Kalfis

    NC has better weapon dmg. So you get slower rate of fire. Oh my god. The system works.
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  6. Dornez

    You didn't read at all did you? I addressed that. NC still at a huge disadvantage.
  7. James161324

    Yep, and that spread only gets worse at range
  8. Rane

    Aim to the neck, recoils up to the face. Aim for the head you miss. Welcome to guns, did anyone play and FPS' before this that used recoil? I would much rather my gun recoil in a pretty straight line upwards then bullets flying in random directions left and right as seen with most my TR weaponry.
  9. Kalfis

    I did read it. I still stand by my statement.

    Water Fowl's post has my thoughts exactly.
  10. Dubious

    Cant play NC to test it out (stupid devs...)

    (Could just change account but i cant be arsed)
  11. James161324

    Its double the recoil, explain how thats balance. NC also has longest ttk
  12. wolfva

    Try firing in short bursts. It's not a tripod mounted machine gun. <blink><blink> Well, I guess it is since your feet and arms form the tripod, but you know what I mean. Although I do think the cone of fire could be tweaked a bit.
  13. KenFGX

    So basically you want NC to have a powerful dmg/sec but no recoil ?
  14. Dornez

    Well since VS and TR have a higher ROF and lower dmg that means not every single bullet is crucial. You can afford to miss 1 or 2. NC have such a slow ROF and high dmg each bullet needs to hit on target. Essentially NC are punished the most for missing, as well as they have the wildest acting guns so they miss the most often by design.

    Again, NC still at the greatest disadvantage.

    Any faction can get a muzzle break making TR and VS laser accurate and NC will still be sub par.

    The TTK between the factions is nearly the same from a DPS perspective. Actually NC are last with that race too, but because of the recoil they are far outmatched by VS and TR, I simply want balance.
  15. ImGladUmad

    Some Random guy with a NC Agenda shooting a wall 5 ft away.........LMFAO.


    As you can see, the more NC holds, the more their accuracy sucks.
  16. ImGladUmad

    Punished most for missing?

    The HA LMG SAW has 100 bullets....You guys have more potential in kill streaks, you have a 100 bullets to do mistakes.

    TR does less damage per bullet, it takes more bullets to kill ppl yet we have 100 bullets lol.
  17. James161324

    Its the cone of fire,
    Atleast your bullets go straight, always goes all over the place even if we are on target
  18. James161324

    Here is the problem with the NC Lmg, this is 100 rds with the xm6 with a front grip. Full auto fairly close, with my sight sitting on the blue line for most of the time
  19. ImGladUmad

    Well the LMG is used in best in close quarter combat and I believe most of the bullets are pretty much the same in accuracy.....

    Obviously your gun which does the most damage, can't just be a hold the left trigger and good accuracy like VS and TR.

    That's not part of your characteristics.

    If you want great accuracy, join VS.
  20. Rane

    I vote we switch weapons with NC until they cry for the old ones back because ours are not helping.
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