NC Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. SquattingPig

    The first guy is a hacker, the second guy has really average weapon stats, and the third guy has really average KPM and headshots. I should have added a qualifier that they had to have over 1, close to 2, KPM.
  2. Rogueghost

    Finding anyone with almost a 2 KPM is very hard, my servers 2nd best infantry player (couldn't use best because his stats are bugged) only has a KPM of 1.13
    How about this gentleman?
  3. SquattingPig

    Oh yeah, umbrellapower and Lythca are good. But they're just 2 and their stats are quite on the level of the VS guys. BigIronRanger kind of comes close too.

    I want to see players like these:!/5428031585332962609/weapons!/5428010618015286209/weapons!/5428061686735799489/weapons!/5428026242707959105/weapons!/5428130184545531585/weapons!/5428059527811818481/weapons!/5428064957328260289/weapons
  4. BoomBoom4You

    Thank YOU for giving everyone a chance to weigh in. Right, wrong or indifferent, I think it's good to have this sort of interaction from time-to-time (even if some people are a little dramatic).
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  5. r1stormrider

    Thanks for doing so and puttin up with our rants!
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  6. tigz

    No more shotguns...please. No more shotguns on vehicles. Someone said something earlier about bigger Gauss Saws for the max...that sounds way better then shotguns, and would look awesome. I love the idea of using Gauss weaponry. It is the main reason why I love the NC. Plus I love the more rigid look of the NC vehicles.
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  7. Xhaleon

    Mmm, thank you. Any chance that the dev team can write a few words each so that we will roughly know what they're thinking?

    It is a bit late, but I should probably post this. Just some food for thought that I made.
  8. Being@RT

    Balance of an item/class/vehicle does not exist in a vacuum though. Doesn't constructive feedback include looking at the entire picture instead of just a tiny part? Especially something labeled as "faction balance" cannot be discussed a single item/vehicle at a time.

    That actually bothered me with this feedback collection too: "one sentence" can't possibly be constructive, which is why those with the most constructive feedback in this thread broke the rule (which is not a constructive action?)...

    These matters aren't simple (if they were, we wouldn't have this thread to begin with either), so don't force players into discussing them simply.
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  9. WaaWaa

    Beautifully said, but probably lost on deaf ears. Nonetheless, thank you for saying it!
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  10. Andrea SKye

    Jackhammer is the best infantry weapon in the game. If you dont see this, you need to get some more practice.
  11. Nitrobudyn

    What makes you feel that NC is unbalanced?
    I feel that NC is treated somewhat like an unwanted child:
    -Indar north warpgate is considered as the best and yet the TR controls it most of the time (
    -Bolt-action rifles are anounced to be nerfd ( This way New NC players will have worse staring position.
    -Lockdown [MAX is anchored to the ground, increasing fire rate, reload speed, and projectile speed]; Zealot Overdrive [Increased damage output and movement speed, decreased armour]; Aegis Shield [A shiled in front, decreased movement speed, unable to shoot]
    -Our starting equipement has to be certified to be useable [uncertified Reaver is really hard to controll. New players would rather give up on using it, and leave us with no airforce]
    -Our empire-specific rocket louncher is next to useless against aircraft.
    -NC Infiltrators are most visible in the nigt and daylight

    If you could change one thing about the NC's balance, what would it be?
    The Developers should make a new NC characters and play it at least to BR 35 - with no sc spent on weapons.

    What's your favorite aspect of NC balance?
    I'm here just for the music :D
  12. RogueVindicare

    False. Only the VS get .75 ADS LMGs. The Orion (starter LMG, also the CQC LMG) and the SVA-88 (500 cert mid range).

    The TR have .75 ADS Carbines, namely the Jaguar and the Lynx.

    And for the record, I would support the NC and TR receiving a .75 ADS LMG, as well as NC and VS receiving a .75 ADS Carbine. All factions alread hvae at least 1 .75 ADS Assault rifle (NC have 2).
  13. Bape

    it still a shotgun a automatic shotgun > jackhammer
  14. Epic High Five

    This is very thorough and I applaud you (if it is your doing) for throwing it together.

    Personally though, as someone who is NC FOR LYFE and consider our guns to be frankly superior to VS/TR ones, I think the only adjustment that would be fair would be to lessen the severity of the movement penalty for MOST NC guns. The Reaper/X11/SAW however, should get a ROF boost to 526 like in your first revisions and keep the penalty as it is. The Reaper/X11 should be the same deal but they should get +5 to mag size as well. This would create a better defined niche for our 200 damage guns, and they would better excel in it. As it is, the Reaper - while fun as hell - is frankly inferior to the default Gauss Rifle

    Everybody has a 0.75x LMG in the NS-15M

    A gun that is so close in performance to the SVA-88 that I can't help but feel that the VS should be upset.
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  15. WaaWaa

    Pubbies don't have ready access to the NS-15, which is the point. Plus we're talking about empire specific weapons being balanced.
  16. Sandpants

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Do you just purposely get close to NC characters so they can shotgun you and then argue jackhammer is the best infantry weapon in the game?

    Cos then pounders are best anti air weapon in the game, and if you can't see that...
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  17. TheOriginalDeviant

    I was just wondering if we could have some feedback on our feedback. Which ideas did you like the sound of? Which reasoned explaination made you see situations in a different (Blue) light?

    im sure that if people knew better what kind of information you were looking for then discussions such as these would be more productive. id would also like to say thankyou for keeping this thread open and responding so positively to it.
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  18. BoomBoom4You It's a good shotgun at in-your-face to small distances, but beyond that a LMG, SMG, carbine or assault rifle would be preferrable. It's a unique shotgun but not the strongest, nor the fastest, just very unique and situational.
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  19. Being@RT

    But it's officially a 30-50m weapon now that Luperza said she can get a kill with it at such ranges.
    Basically a mid range shotgun! :eek:


    It's true, range isn't the only thing, but on shotguns it's by far the most important factor. And I mean the damage loss caused by spread/COF, not the damage dropoff caused by distance (which, at 30m+, is at minimum anyways..). While you can reasonably expect to kill a player with a 3-shot burst at under 15m distance, at 30m+ you can't expect to gain a kill with 12 shots. It can happen because of RNG or because someone else softened the target up, but it's not something you can rely on.

    It sounds to me like Luperza is trying to say the Jackhammer is an acceptable weapon for 30-50m range because she knows how to use it. If that's not the case, I wouldn't mind hearing a revised comment to clarify the situation.


    Check out more of my shotgun thoughts/math approximations at
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  20. Goretzu

    30-50m does seem a little..... unlikely (I can only imagine the range is being overestimated there).

    50m with the JH you've got to be very lucky, you can easily blaze off an entire magazine (or 2, or even 3 o_O ) at that range and hardly do any damage (due to spread, even if you're aim is 100% dead on the target). :confused:

    Of course like all shotguns you get occasional lucky shots where a lot of your pellets do manage to hit and you kill in a very low number of shots at that range....... but that is very rare compared to the number of times you'll blaze away and do very little damage at that range (we humans tend to remember the kills though).

    Even 30m isn't really within JH effective range as it can easily be a magazine or more to kill at that range, although it is likely worth having a shot at that range.

    Personally I'd say 20m is probably single shot effective range (there shots to kill generally ranges in the 3-4 shot range, and if you get unlucky with spread easily in the 6+ shot range), with a dramatic fall off in damage on target between 20-30m.

    With 10m (to 15m at the outside) being the triple shot effective range (as just past that people will regularly start to survive a triple-shot as standard - never mind with NW etc.).