NC Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. JonboyX

    And the empire specific bolt drivers for TR and VS are... 100? Is that right?
  2. Bankrotas

    For now we have to stick with Cyclone.
  3. whitupiggu

    Forumside has been full of vitriol for months now. VS and TR are tired of NC complaining and NC are tired of having a valid reason to complain. Instead of fixing the cause of the problem they are just cracking down on the forum and telling everyone to be nice.
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  4. Epic High Five

    Look, if you're an NC heavy looking for a CQC hipfire LMG you need to just stop right there.

    A) you should be using the Jackhammer, shame on you
    B) if not the Jackhammer you should be using an SMG
    C) if not an SMG you should be using a Piston or Mauler

    Hell I'd go so far as to say you should be using a commissioner and quick knife before using one of our affordable LMGs in CQC.

    There are TONS of all-class CQC options that are all really, really good at what they do. Having more empire specific stuff specialized toward middle distances when all of common pool is dedicated to CQC is a really GOOD thing.

    The only thing wrong with the NC infantry-wise is that we have more downsides for our upsides - we get higher damage, but we lose ROF and mobility and dps and don't even have the highest velocities. On the X11 and Reaper, we even lose 10 rounds in the mag on top of all of that.
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  5. Necron

    The GD-22S is also 10x more accurate than the Anchor. I love it as it is, and would not bother with an UBGL even if it was available. People have to stop believing that ROF > all; it's not true.
  6. whitupiggu

    GD-22S: 0.4 | 0.175/0.175 | 10/13 | → | 13 | 1.5x | 0.03 | 0.35 | 3
    Anchor: 0.4 | 0.175/0.175 | 18/22 | → | 13 | 2x | 0.03 | 0.35 | 3

    The accuracy is pretty much exactly the same. If you have problems with the anchor it's only because you have problems controlling recoil.
  7. KnightCole

    Except the JH has no sustained fire and it has a very limited range. I use the EM6 with just a laser if I need CQC, or I break out the GD22S.

    Shotties are nice, but to limited for me.
  8. Epic High Five

    Jackhammer has all the downsides of a shotgun, they're just less. Biggest mag, tightest spread, good damage dropoff, and its alt fire turns it into a super pump action. If you like shotguns, it's pretty much The Best Shotgun. If you don't like them, it's just another shotgun.

    I find the EM6 with exmags and a silencer to be very...satisfying in CQC, especially when combined with max adrenaline shield. If not that, I'm using the Jackhammer for variety (not a big shotgun guy) or an SMG, because they're simply the best choice for close in work.
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  9. KnightCole

    Except every other shotty for NC gets a crouch bonus. The JH does not for some reason. The Sweeper or one of them gets 12 rounds as the 12 rounds isnt anything to special.
  10. r1stormrider

    3 round burst on the JH and tighter spread is all it has going for it. Imo it could do with at least a 16 round mag. If its the king of shotties then make it so. A box magazine with only 12 shells is a bit ridiculous. What is it carrying? Elephant gun shells? Sure as hell doesnt feel that way lol.
  11. Necron

    Quoting numbers does not = real in-game performance. Those slight changes make a huge difference when you are actually using the weapon. The Anchor is good a close range where the GD-22S is good at all ranges. The large first shot recoil multiplier makes a big difference when NC weapons need to be burst fired to be effective. I have and always will say that accurate fire trumps everything else; it doesn't matter how many bullets you shoot per second if you can't hit anything with them. That's like saying the GD-7F is the best carbine in the game because it has the highest ROF when in actuality it is probably the worst carbine in the game because it is only useful CQB and no where else because the recoil is insane.
  12. Aegie

    Because the JH gets the .75 ADS bonus? Just what you need on a shotgun.
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  13. whitupiggu

    I've used both the anchor and gd-22s. I vastly prefer the anchor due to the fact it's significantly better at CQC and better at medium range if you can control the recoil.
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  14. WaaWaa

    All I really want is an NC LMG with a .75 movement modifier so I don't move in slow motion when I'm strafing and ADS'ing. We don't have one (NS-15 doesn't count), yet the VS and TR stock LMG's have this movement modifier. Imbalanced to say the least.
  15. TheMercator

    It is a bit more flexible than a normal shotgun, but its basically a pumpaction, that does enough damage to be considered a OHK weapons, but has only 4 shells, even with extended mag. Spread an damage-drop-off are the same as the 1st gen PA. Using it without the burst-fire mode is just stupid, because its a worse piston or sweeper.
  16. Lamat

    The Jackhammer is great, both SMGs are great for exclusive CQC. (Ok the Cyclone is pretty good out to medium range too)

    I've got Auraxium with the Anchor and about 1/2 way there with GD-22S, So I've used both a lot. There's no reason I would take the GD-22S out, I can't bring myself to finish the Auraxium on it. I think the Anchor should be made more like the Cyclone, bring the RPM up to 652, then give it a little more horizontal recoil to make it a little worse at range but also improve default hipfire COF. Let GD-22S be the medium ranged gun that it is, although I'd like it to have the same 167/600 that the rest of our medium ranged guns have. (IE mercenary, gauss rifle)
  17. Fredfred

    Can someone explain who these "top players" are? And do these "top players" even play anymore?
  18. SquattingPig

    This is exactly what I asked on page 2.

    No one ever gave me an adequate answer. (For the record, I know there are good NC infantry players, but show me one who is breaking 6 K/D or even a few who have 4.)
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  19. Rogueghost

    This might be a hacker, but

    This guy did a ton of lib bombing but has a 57 infantry K/D according to DA.
    Neither of which still play, I'll try to find active NC players with good K/Ds but Dasanfall is running a bit slow right now, however one I can name off the top of my head has a 6.4 infantry k/d and a 4.7 total k/d
  20. Luperza Community Manager

    I've sent over my report to the Development Team.

    In the future, as you make posts regarding balance, please be sure to split up your concerns into separate threads by specific weapons, vehicles, certifications, gameplay aspects, etc, so that the Developers involved with those specific items can easily read threads and understand your feedback. (This means separatediscussion thread per topic, not a large thread filled with many concerns. ;) )

    Thanks everyone who replied to my requested questions!
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