[NC] - Adult Only Team Seeks Quality over Quantity

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Triburst, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. MarauderIIC

    For instance, we ran an off-hours 3-man squad today and captured points out from under a 12-man TR squad five times.
  2. DeadliestMoon

    "Adult Only"? So you openly discriminate against players who are younger than 18. Okay, what ever floats your boat.
  3. Blade Bow

    you choose to use a rather strong word in discriminate. By your addition the USA is discriminating because the drinking age is 21 years old. No the reason we have an age cap for our team is because of several factors. first alot of us are former or current military. Some of us are in law enforcement. When you get a group of guys like us together letting it "hangout" so to speak then you unavoidably have commentary slips. If everyone in the group is over the commonly agreed upon age of consent then we cannot be considered a bad influence on young people. Second There has been those that were younger than 18 in our group and history has proven that those young people have lacked the level of commitment that our team is looking for. We train in real world military and law enforcement tactics and use them in game play. our instructors treat us as if we were in the military and history has showmen that people under the age of consent feel "picked on" by what most of us consider normal training. Now all that being said we will consider applications of people under the age of 18 and those Special cases will be interviewed by our leadership for consideration of a waver up to and including a phone interview with the applicants parents or leagle guardians. To date we as far as I know have two Team members that are below the age of 18 and both are dedicated and valued members of our team. In fact one just celebrated his 16th birthday. So before you try and troll a team's recruiting thread please take the time and ask us a few questions first who knows you may be the next member of our team.
    • Up x 1
  4. Bacardie

    It's a choice, not a right, to join or be accepted into a "group or club" Don't like the rules, find someplace else to go.
  5. CaptainYamerica

    Practice tonight.
  6. CaptainYamerica

    Whoops I posted this a day too soon. 5 day vacation threw my timing off... Practice Tonight!
  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    I was wondering where you had gone. Welcome back.
  8. CaptainYamerica

    practice tomorrow 9pm est.

    We've been making some good strides even with out smaller numbers.
  9. FearxManmyth

  10. CaptainYamerica

    Practice in about an hour as of the time of this posting. 9:00pm est.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    Had a fun time last night with a mixed squad of SPV and fellow NC.
  12. CaptainYamerica

    Practice tonight. 9pm. est
  13. Abyst

    Sent in an application. Hope to hear from someone soon!
  14. Abyst

    Joined this outfit a few days ago. This is a great team. Work hard, get better and succeed as a team! Join, you'll love it!
  15. CaptainYamerica

    Practice going on as of this posting
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    Our Tuesday night practice is coming up tomorrow, now is the time to submit your application so we can review it and get you in on that training.

  17. ArTiFaKs

    Hey guys, I am currently new to planetside 2 (I just installed the game yesterday) but I am a fairly experienced FPS player in the Battlefield series and am looking for a good group of people to hang out with and kick-*** with as well. I filled out an application on your website, so I look forward to hearing back from you and trying out. Thanks!
  18. FearxManmyth

    We appreciate you taking the time to fill out an application. On a side note we do not hold tryouts, we simply look to see if people who apply are like minded in the sense of playing tactically using military techniques and tactics. People can be trained and skills can be learned however, you cannot change a person's mentality. We will review your application and get back to you shortly.
  19. ArTiFaKs

    My bad I meant to say "trying this out". Not to actually try out or whatever lol. but thanks for the heads up!
  20. FearxManmyth

    Your application was approved and you will receive a message on our member forums with our teamspeak information. If you have any questions you can always find me in game. (FearxManmyth)