[NC] 666th Devil Dogs

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by EVILPIG, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Kracken

    • Up x 1
  2. bobbhimself

  3. Kracken

  4. Sledgecrushr

    Come and rock with the Devil Dogs.

  5. Kracken


    We got your freedom fighters!

  7. Atmosfear

    Today's art lesson: Red and purple make easy targets.
  8. Rokmonkey

    Devil Dogs - We have shot glasses and beer mugs.

    This is really all you need in an outfit,but we offer so much more as an added insentive. :D

  10. Kracken

  11. DarkestMan

    Devil Dogs, the only outfit ever able to piss off an entire faction at once. While taking orders from a woman drunker then high hell and halfway there ourselves.
  12. Whiskey

    And Whiskey...lots of Whiskey.

    Join up today!
  13. Armored Gorilla

    Also Our Pilots know how to fly backwards.... WHAT MORE CAN I SAY! Join up and you too can master this hidden art.
  14. Rokmonkey

    How dare they push us to the second page?!

    Come on you Apes, you wanna live forever?!
  15. Kracken

  16. Kracken

  17. Kracken

  18. Armored Gorilla

    Training was so fun today!
  19. bobbhimself

    I was new to the Planetside universe. After running around on my own for a few days, I was ready to write this game off as another FTP dud. I decided to join an outfit to see what that was like, and WOW. THIS was the game I had heard so much about. I have never, not ONCE, had a bad time while rolling with these guys. Is your Planetside 2 experience lacking, well, anything? Join the Devil Dogs, you will find the experience here that this game was created to have.
  20. Rokmonkey

    Cooperation brings Victory.

    Want to have some relaxed, yet highly organized fun? Join the Devil Dogs, you won't go anywhere else.