[NC] 666th Devil Dogs

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by EVILPIG, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Kracken

    Also taking the Stronghold and 1 shoting TRs on Flashs drving by!!!!
  2. wok

    havin tons of fun playing on west01!!
  3. Believeinsteve

    do we have to be in the ps1 outfit to be in the ps2?

    I used to play planetside awhile ago but thats just one more game I'm not sure I can dedicate time to. I play the beta more than I probably should but I just would like to be in a solid outfit
  4. Kracken

    No. I never played a FPS till the tech test.

    www.planetside-devildogs.com and apply
  5. Believeinsteve

    Thanks for the fast reply, doing it now
  6. Believeinsteve

    By the way which server are you guys on? I'm on west 02
  7. Powerlyne

    Gotta have massive respect pig and his devils dogs. If they set that huge mass of troops at their disposal on a target, just give up, it would be like trying to stop a train with your bare hands. Even if its going slow, it will still run you over eventually.
  8. Kracken

    Where there is more meat. Make a toon on all with same name as close as possible
  9. Huntn

    Since these forums appear to be the only safe place to talk about the beta, I'd like to confirm 666th is in West 1 now? Thanks!

  11. Sledgecrushr

    I have to say that the best video game fun i have ever had is rolling with the Devil Dogs. Come see what mobile infantry can do when you are using combined arms tactics. Join the Devil Dogs Today!!!
  12. Whalenator

    This **** is fresh.
  13. edtide25

    666th Max Crash team will crash and burn you down!
  14. Lowkey

    Did I mention the air wing? We have missles...
  15. wok

    H E double ******* hockey ******* sticks yes we remember you!!
  16. Hyperien

    I loved my time in the devil dogs in ps1! i never had so much fun in a game. Leading the armor division around in ops on Sunday was so much fun.
  17. Spin Doctor

    Until they wipe characters.
  18. Whalenator

    Then they'll earn them back in one day.
  19. Yosarian

    I'll join, Yosarian on west 01, I'm former Navy so i'll try not to make fun of the marines too much :)
  20. Prydz808

    can't wait to see you all ingame!