[NC] ∞ Recursion ∞

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Exploding Fist, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Frotang

    That's his second BR 100 :) dual membership to cool kids club, cool vid Ghst was fun to watch lol your flash just didn't wanna make it happen.
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    Makes more sense, thought he was slacking lol.
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  3. BlueSeventy

    Always have a good time with or against these guys. Thumbs up from me! :p
  4. LimGuan

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  5. Trudeus

    Always great having these guys as backup.
  6. Akeita

    Can someone in here write a guide to use the tracker please... I started the session and seem like it work and recorded my stuff, but I can't hear the voice such as "double kill" "headshot" vv.... At all... Tried to turn the volume in PS2 down but it doesn't work :/
  7. eufie

    Make sure that your Mixer did not mute the tracker. If that's fine, go to "Tools -> Options" and check if "Use sound" is checked. If that is checked, go to "Configure" and adjust the volume there. If that doesn't work, probably would recommend reporting the error in our forums.
  8. Trudeus

    Seeing [00] MAX crash is the single most beautiful thing I've seen in the game. Besides water, cause that **** is rare. Fantastic group to run with.
  9. PolywannaKraker

    Hi guys.

    Whenever CIK is dead I've been playing an NC character lately and have been having bad luck finding a good platoon to play with. I prefer high skilled tactics rather than the mindless zerg of most of the open platoons. Would you guys be willing to allow me to join you guys during those times? Here's my NC character if it helps: https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428186718633693105 I have always enjoyed going up against you guys in the past as I know you will bring a good fight. And I would be willing to bring that same fight for you. I know the BR is a little low right now only being a week old, but the skill is there.
  10. NCDaniel

    Great to play alongside your Outfit.
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  11. Patroclusx

    (Cik) is looking for 12v12 or 24v24 scrims please let me know if yall would be interested in setting something up!
  12. BlueSeventy

    Ya'll needa get off this ESO train, haven't been able to feel BaBa up for daysssssss
  13. logasmic

    Babacua is currently deep into a role play of his female elf character. He talks in character and everything, it's honestly pretty weird.
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  14. BlueSeventy

    Kinky. I hope he brings a new dimension to our foreplay
  15. Exploding Fist

    At this time Recursion has ceased open recruitment for new applicants. For the moment we are now considered invite only. This may change in the future. OP has been updated to reflect this change.
  16. Exploding Fist

    We are opening up selective recruitment to the public once again for now.
  17. Sayl914

    Check out the new video "Ambush" by [00]Fatter

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  18. Kriegson

    I would love to tag along with you guys sometime to see how you operate, even if recruitment is closed. Just playing with some competent, communicating NC on connery would be a damn nice change of pace -_-
  19. Hajj Podge

    This is more or less how I feel anytime Sayl tells me to pull a MAX:

  20. Gleerok

    I'd be interested in playing a little bit more on NC. I'm BR 84 on my TR and I bought pretty much almost all things I wanted, and I never dedicatedly played in another faction. Yet the applying requirement states "Who is applying. It is a requirement that the applying character will be your main, regardless of your character history.".

    Why would you guys close yourselves to opportunities (on both sides) for those like me? Who have a main character in another faction but want to join the outfit, regardless of that? Because I got the stats, I guess.

    I've seen you in the battlefield and its always an interesting, challenging battle. It would be nice to be part of it, at least as a trial / invitee.