Nanoweave since the update

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Nyscha, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Nyscha

    The cert now says how much health it increases by numbers now.

    It goes.

    Rank 1 - 100
    Rank 2 - 125
    Rank 3 - 150
    Rank 4 - 200
    Rank 5 - 250

    That's a insane gain when it was percent it didn't seem like much.
  2. ShadowCell

    Yes but did it change any? Did they make it so headshots STILL don't drop someone with nw5 when using a bolt action rifle?
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  3. Naithe

    Its been donig that for a long time, although, till now we all assumed it was a bug. =)
  4. Nyscha

    Need to test it I'm sure it doesnt. :(
  5. Kcalehc

    Well if the sniper rifles are 550 damage after max fall off range (75-100m) then nanoweave 2 will prevent OHK headshots beyond those distances on non-infils, rank 4 for infiltrators to avoind being OHK. So I think this madeit worse (assuming all the numbers are accurate.)
  6. Rhumald

    No, it has not, and I am still not upset about this, because I use a Longshot on my NC ( equavalent faction weapons are TR RAMS .50M or VS Parallax) and it still takes NW5 to counter it... and being a counter sniper I run NW5, and feel a little bit entitled to the survivability after sinking 1211 certs and time into it (I counter snipe most of the time, it's a rather important investment)... I'm more upset about how many people can survive my land mines, but that's only because most people, out of fear for the abundance of explosive weapons, run with full Flak armor... which is great, because it leaves them totally exposed to the up close and personal Underboss.
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  7. Dr. Euthanasia

    Flak Armor has been obsolete for a long time now. Nanoweave 5 has allowed me to survive proximity mines as an Infiltrator for a long time, and the splash damage of most vehicular explosive damage sources has been reduced considerably. Nearly every high battle-rank player I encounter now is running Nanoweave, and I really can't blame them. The only thing it doesn't work amazingly against is frag grenades and the indirect splash damage of tanks that you can't fight back against anyways.

    Also, I really don't care how much armor you're wearing. If it's not on your head, a bolt-action sniper rifle should still kill you.
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  8. Amphoric

    Even with the 800 dmg sniper, NW2 on most classes will prevent 1hit kills with a headshot cuz of the damage falloff. There was a video showing the damage and range it does awhile back in the thread that wanted to remove this annoying feature and remove damage falloff for the snipers.
  9. HeadshotVictim

    this one?
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  10. Vaphell

    so after what, 4 months, instead of fixing the bug, they opted for legitimizing it and taking a dump on BASRs, disregarding concerns of infs? I don't see a point in bothering with this HA/NG/MAX/Nanoweave ridden game anymore (just saying, i know nobody will miss my sorry ***)
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  11. Jac70

    I think it's fine as is - people who want to drop a lot of certs into increasing their survivability at the expense of taking other options can do so. You have to realise that being OHK by some guy sat in a bush 200m away is not fun.You have two options, either jump around like a 10 year old on amphetamine or equip Nanoweave armour.

    People whining about not being able to OHK everyone at range need to dry their eyes - and this is coming from someone who likes to snipe.
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  12. Vaphell

    after you put 2k in your weapon mods, another 5k in your class abilities, what are you going the certs on, if not on an awesome nanoweave that BASRs have absolutely no counter to? High RoF weapons counter defense by tightening CoF - more bullets on target = TTK stays the same despite the increased hp pool, BASR mods are doing nothing at best and increasing dmg degradation at worst.

    30-50 METERS IS NOT ******* RANGE!!!!!!!111111111111
    at that range you can as well run with slug pump action you don't have to scope-in and out for every shot ffs.
  13. metrotw

    I rarely pull out my RAMS these days...after over 2k kills it's just not worth the hassle of not getting the OHK like I can when I run with a PA on my Light Assault.

    It's far more lucrative certs wise to do anything other than snipe people in this game.
  14. Granderil

    NW 2 - 11 certs, NW 3 - 61 certs. Yeah, it's soooo much, u need to spend almost 5 min in a game without boosts to counter entire class, totally balanced. :D
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  15. Aimeryan

    It is ok, I just wont snipe in this game anymore - it is just frustrating, not fun.

    Hell, I'm not going to bother playing again until I see what the infiltrator update brings. If that is rubbish, I'll just write off Planetside 2.
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  16. Jac70

    I haven't looked at the numbers but I know from my own sniping that people surviving close range headshots are rare, and by close I am talking less than 50m. I'd say a high velocity rifle should always OHK a non nanoweave target and be a OHK on a nanoweave 5 at least up to 50m.
  17. Hoki

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  18. Vaphell

    you know that only 1 out of 4 bolt actions sort of works beyond 50m against high BR peeps?
    NC14, SAS-R (pretty much NC14 with low zoom), and LA80 have min dmg threshold at 75m which are the whereabouts of NW2 kicking in (11c), then NW5 reduces that range by more than 20m and then you can slap suppressor penalty on top (probably another 20m). End result? NW5 = ~30-35m.

    What happened to the concept of sidegrades? 3 weaker models are more or less garbage today and will be even worse in the future because NW5 is awesome and everybody and their dog will sport one sooner or later (i bet on sooner).
    Do engineers have to use anything other than their awesome starter weapon with few mods to rock the house? No? So why do infs who have the crappiest xp gain of all classes have to pay through the nose to get a single decent weapon in the whole BASR family, that still gets owned by NW at range that can't be called LONG with a straight face?

    Snipers are the very definition of glass cannons, at the moment i don't see the cannon part anywhere.
  19. Dr. Euthanasia

    I don't know why you're talking like the "high-powered" sniper rifles are much better, Vaphell. Yeah, they function properly at slightly longer ranges, but those ranges are still completely unacceptable. A much bigger problem than the balance between individual bolt-action snipers is the fact that no matter which one you choose, you still won't ever be able to engage the growing population of Nanoweave users without practically beating them to death with the barrel of your weapon.
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  20. K2k4

    If I am within 50m of my target I am using my commisioner. sniping should get ohk on headshots if i am using basr because a follow up shot is rarely possible because of rechamber time.