Nanoweave needs to be toned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bloodgulge, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. illgot

    It's 2 for most weapons and 1 for the rest.

    Also the bolt action has the longest TTK against people with N5 even when head shot. All because these people can't bother to keep moving?

    I don't use nanoweave and only get head shot while sniping because I always move every other time. The "fix" was a lazy way for SOE to not bother with actually fixing it and maybe releasing another sniper rifle that will OHK.
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  2. SgtBreastroker

    It's not an issue of Nanoweave being OP. This only affects the bolt action weapons because of the headshot multiplier issue.
  3. Vaphell

    is there an issue with the multiplier? it's 2.0, which looks pretty standard to me? i know BASRs can be 'fixed' by bumping the multiplier higher, but i am not so sure. Going for body shots is often a viable choice and changing the multiplier won't fix the problem that minimum 3 bodyshots required to kill is 1 too many.

    The true source of the issue with bolt actions (range: very long, according to their description) is the damage curve more or less similar to the curves of medium range LMGs or long range ARs. Why on earth would a sniper weapon lose 30% dmg before reaching its intended range?
    Sniper rifles should have something like 750/800@30m->550@120m/150m instead of current 750/800@10->550@75m/100m to actually behave like one. With current OHK ranges you don't even need scopes above 8x, what is 12x for?
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  4. Mustarde

    I do my best infiltrating with a bolt action. And sadly the penalization of the suppressor with the prevalence of nanoweave makes that much more difficult than it ever has been.

    I dont need any change to nanoweave. What I'd like to see is an increase in the headshot multiplier for bolt actions so a headshot is a headshot. It's not easy to do, and a little movement is all you need to avoid most low-medium skilled infiltrators. Those who say NW5 is an acceptable threshold for stopping OHK's fail to appreciate just how common NW5 will become as cert acquisition grows and more people realize its benefits.
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  5. Tasogie

    oh here we go, the new "WE MUST NERF IT OR THE GAME WILL FAIL!!!.... Heavy dies in under 2 seconds. Not to mention who on earth using nano when flak armor actually keeps you alive. nano wont save you from a headshot
  6. mpal

    Considering that warping is essentially non-existant per GU11 and cof issues while strafing with LMGs, how do you expect to kill someone at 100m+ with a headshot while moving when you can't even do it at 50m. If you are killed in less than 1s by a heavy, you either missed and stood absolutely still just asking to get rolled (read: poor situational awareness), or you got shot by multiple other people (read: poor positioning). Getting killed in less than 1s is honestly cqc TTK due to cof and is approaching theoretical TTK. If you are getting killed that consistently at 50-70m assuming damage drop off on said LMGs and cof, you are doing something very, very wrong. At 50m-70m, there is virtually no bullet drop/tof for which to compensate. If you cant hit your shot on a moving target that close, how do you expect yourself to hit that shot consistently at double or more past that distance?

    As a heavy with more than 15,000 kills with lmgs, I will tell you that if I kill an infiltrator past 30m it was his fault he died. He either didnt cloak/run away after he missed, or was in such poor position that anyone would have died regardless of class. For the gauss saw to be even decently accurate at range, you have to be standing pretty damn still. For the Ursa/Flare, you have massive cof issues past a 3 round burst beyond 20m. I can't comment on the TMG, but I would assume its similar to the ursa/flare but a little tighter max cof.

    Lastly, LMG/weapon accuracy in general is a trait to the weapon itself. You can only fudge with the hipfire cof progression by using compensator (negative) or laser sight (positive). The ads cof and progression will be unchanged, regardless of what mods you put on there. You can extend the fall off w HV ammo, extend optimal w softpoint, decrease muzzle climb with compensator, or decrease horizontal climb with foregrip. None of these extremely common mods does anything to the true accuracy of the weapon while ads.

    Sounds to me like you have a problem with the suppressor and the game mechanics behind it.

    The issue with most snipers is that they provide almost no support for their team. What are your kills per minute, what actual impact do you have on the battle sitting 100m+ off? You aren't holding points, you are too far to drop darts, and you miss more than 50% of your shots on moving targets at nearly risk adverse ranges. In fact the only useful things snipers do is kill other snipers and the occasional spot/assist.

    Pretty sure you are mistaken. It provides 12.5% extra health at NW2, that does not equal 1125. Nano 5 gives you a total of 1125, not nano 2. Don't bring up a "bug" because it isnt there, or is unique to a specific client.

    Source: and experience leveling new chars recently.

    It sounds to me like you want the game to adjust to your playstyle, where as you should be adjusting to an appropriate playstyle that actually helps your team defend or take hexes. I can consistently hit headshots in hipfire close ranges with 1x and 3.4x on lmgs/ARs/carbines including recoil. Why can you not hit headshots with the 6x or 4x at 50m, especially considering you should always be getting "the drop" on your target due to cloak?
  7. Vaphell

    If there is nothing readily accessible to cut LoS and some maze of obstacles where you can disappear (esamir, desert part of indar are especially painful), cloak doesn't help much. When it's needed the most it offers next to no survivability and that's at the expense of 100 shield. Many people have absolutely no problem seeing it. Zigzag like a headless chicken yet the bullets are always following and if they lose me for a second, decloak sound tells them "he's over there" - it's not like light armored spandex wearing class can outrun anybody, even HA with a huge pipe in his backpack.
    In the open with scarce cover like most of esamir there is nothing that can save me from HA (shield, neverending mag) or LA (can take healthy shortcuts and driftjet to close the gap) after a failed attempt.

    Yes, i have a problem with it because it exacerbates the pain caused by nanoweave. -20m from NW2 to NW5, -20m suppressor = 40m out the window.

    Dude, welcome to GU10, 2.5 weeks ago. Read tooltips in the game.

    Do you know what sway is? It's a thing that you have no idea it exists in the game. It's not counterstrike with easymode hitscan AWP.
    i am currently sporting SAS-R, a midrange weapon with painfully slow bullets. I *have* to be within 50m to have *any* results. Don't tell me about adjusting playstyle when you support a dirt cheap up to rank4, all around awesome passive countering SKILL of a living human. Does your playstyle go beyond F, hold LMB for the ADS full auto goodness?

    You slap few mods on your toy and it goes from 0-50m to 0-100m, you slap a defensive passive and my weapon goes realistically from 0-100m to 0-50m.
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  8. mpal

    Sounds to me like you need to learn to position yourself better. I have played against very few infiltrators who know how to use the cloak to their advantage. Even in CQC you lose them easily. Try messing around with moving around cover + standing still rather than continually moving. You will be surprised how many people lose track of you.

    Dont know what to say other than it wasnt in the patch notes. Ill check tomorrow in game, if you are correct then I concede my point on NW2 vs NW5.

    If you're using hold breath every time you scope in, you need to learn how to scope properly. Maybe try out the 4x. The sway isnt terrible with hold breath management. And just so you know, theres a lot more to infantry combat than pressing F, nobody good holds LMB fyi, and just running around shooting full auto. Maybe you should try actually fighting as infantry rather than doing absolutely nothing at 100m+.

    Please enlighten me how to kill you in less than 1 s just by adding mods to my LMG at 50-100m. Please tell me how a mod adds 50m effective range to an LMG, carbine, or ar that makes it better than a sniper rifle at that range. I really want to hear this one.
  9. Caydn

    no it doesnt need to be toned down , play harder to make up for your own failings
  10. Kaisuke7

  11. 13lackCats

    It amazes me how people lobby to make the game easier.
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  12. LT_Latency

    Nanoweave doesn't really affect bolt action. If they want the bolt action to one shot to the head farther out they can just change the damage drop off for the gun or a very very tiny boost to the head shot multiplierfor bolt action head shots.

    I personally think bolt actions are fine because of the new pistols which means you are still pretty solid at close range when you pull out the monster pistol
  13. Kaisuke7

    So a head shot at 275m with a manual weapon is a failing to you? If I get dropped from a bolt action while moving I wish I can tell that person nice shot! Cuz I know how hard it is. A snipers job is to cause the enemy forces to relocate or attack/defense from a different position. If you keep coming back to life and running to, or near where you died, I can't help you, sounds like a personal problem.
  14. Mustarde

    I don't see how a side arm justifies problems with a bolt action rifle. Try applying that logic to other weapon classes. "The xxx is fine because you can use the commissioner too".

    The rest of this statement is not in direct response to LT Latency but everyone else:

    Let me say that nanoweave, in its current state, has been in the game for at least 4 months or more. What is changing is the metagame surrounding its use. HE nerfs, improvements in AV weapons for infantry, and changes to AP mines, have all encouraged players to drop flak and use nanoweave. As that increased, infiltrators such as myself quickly began to notice the ratio of headshots to kills change dramatically.

    I don't discriminate playstyles, and will never tell infiltrators who like being at 200m using a 12x unsuppressed rifle that they are wrong. That's ignorant. That being said, my preference has always been to get close, flank the enemy and surprise them with surgical removal of support classes followed by damage dealing classes. My favorite tool is the SR-7, suppressed. I have a lot of experience with this weapon (over 20k kills). I already do what many naysayers are telling other infiltrators to do; "get closer and be a man u n00bs". I always have played like this. Let me tell you, if you want an infiltrator to get close, the suppressor is mandatory. Even with it, good players will find you, although it takes them longer. The suppressor further limits the ability to get a OHK, forces you to get EVEN CLOESR, and at close range, you can't afford a body shot or NW survival-shot because you will be compromised and repositioning with an enemy 50m away is just madness.

    Most often, you will still find me right in the midst of the enemy, in a bush, under a ledge, nestled in the nook of a rock, or sitting beneath your sunderer, killing dozens of clueless enemies. If you die to me, start looking right where you died because I'm probably not far. Even then, with the current state of nanoweave, I'm constantly landing very difficult headshots that don't result in killing the enemy. Combine this issue with the undesired and needless change to IFF cloaking and my playstyle is becoming near extinct. It is a very real problem and the only way to change it apparently is to continue raising the issue and tweeting/reddit/forumsiding until it gets addressed.

    I'll see if I can put together another video to illustrate the nanoweave problem. Apparently my 2 minute clip with 6 headshots not getting kills wasn't enough for many folks.
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  15. Kaisuke7

    Not easier balanced. To have a weapon that requires extreme pin point accuracy should at least be a 1 shot to the head at long distance seeing that's what its for long distances.
    The max damage out put of a Af-19Mercenary(Default carbine for NC) is 30060 that's out of 180 rounds. 22500 minimum.
    The max damage out put of a NC-14 bolt driver(NC default sniper) is 30000 out of 40 rounds. Minimum damage is 22000.
    Now the damage of 1 clip for AF-19 is 5010. The damage of the NC-14 is 3750.
    It takes about 10 rounds to kill someone with NW5 at 75m with AF-19. 20 rounds left enough for 2 more kills.
    It takes 3 shots to kill someone with the NC-14 at 75m. 2 more rounds left not even enough for 1 more kill.
    This lack of balance is across the board with all factions bolt-actions doesn't seem justified.
  16. DuckSauce

    I think Nanoweave should prevent long range headshots at high cert ranks. The cloak is simply to good at long range not to provide some protection from camping 'sniper experts'.

    However, the current situation with anything besides the 800 max damage bolt actions, or suppressed bolt actions, is a little crazy. OHKs can fail inside the same building, and while running around with the SAS-R with a 4x scope and no suppressor I've gotten a couple headshot fails even though all my targets are well under 100m and most are under 50.
  17. LT_Latency

    The problem is the low danger to you. You are 275 meters out, Can stealth and have a silencer(maybe not but most complain about it with the silencer) So you are really in 0 danger from the people you are shooting at this is why people can get nano weave you have selected a load out and range where you are in no danger from your enemy. They can pick something that reduces there danger from you.

    You can still get into one shot range and be safer you just need friendly around so they can't rush you. You get close enough so you can get behind cover when hit but in range of OSK.

    I stealth around with the pistol and bolt action no silencer. I gun down people with commissioner i sneak up on and blow the brain out of good targets that are too far away to pistol. When I hit someone in the head most of the time they die.

    The difference is I am in REAL danger against everyone I am killing. If you really want to OSK, You need the right load out. That is high powered sniper no silencer, There is a cost to not showing up on the radar when you shoot
  18. Morpholine

    So many snipers in this thread that wouldn't have cut it in Planetside 1.
  19. TheBillOf3D

    Game should revolve around farmers and their desires. If I can't pad my KD by head shooting noob engies then I don't want to play. Need to nerf my targets who already can't see me.
  20. MykeMichail

    I think the biggest complainers are infiltrators who can't hit a moving target and therefore dislike the fact that their targets survive a hit and start moving.