My TR HA needs overhaul, KDR now 0.5

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by ent|ty, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. KnightCole

    Where is our hs/k percent at? Whats mine? Prolly not real high.
  2. Steelblade

    Totally agree, I am a BR 79 on Mattherson and I find my self fumbling in my battles and switching weapons every death trying to find a weapon I can actually get a kill with.
  3. ent|ty

    Its a strange feeling. I was asking everyone around me if they nerfed the weapon class or something. Of course noone knew what I was talking about.
    Then again, most of them are not playing HA, and are using wtfpwnsausage weapons like carbine, smg, shotties.
  4. vanu123

    Sit back and striker everything with an engi giving you ammo.
  5. Steelblade

    The Striker is a lock on weapon and everything, and its still more skillful than a ZOE!
  6. vanu123

    I think getting a kill with something that buffs every other weapon used against you by 30% is VERY skillful.
  7. Steelblade

    Lol what? Read what you just said, "getting a kill with something that buffs every other weapon used against you by 30% is VERY skillful." *CORRECTION* Getting a kill that buffs EVERY VS Max weapon by 30%.

    So I can now believe that in the eyes of the all mighty VS using weapons with a 30% BUFF is SKILLFUL is how all VS deem each other worthy of another's respect.
  8. YoXn

    If you would like. I could analyze your player stats and what not. Hopefully tell you what gun you should be using. Also please include the suit slots you use. That is... if you would like that?
  9. vanu123

    No you are wrong, it buffs our weapons by like 5-10% and increases our movement speed slightly. The damage we take was recently nerfed so we take 30% more damage than any other max in the game.
  10. Qasar

    Hell, if you can divine what weapon to use from stats, take a look at mine in my sig below and let me know as well. On my VS, I'm currently using Rank 4 NMG but putting points into Resist Shield with the intent of using that when I get it to Rank 4 (currently at Rank 3). Using Rank 4 Nanoweave in my suit slot.

    On my TR Heavy, I have Rank 4 Resist Shield and Rank 4 Nanoweave suit slot. I also recently bought the MSW-R with certs from membership bonuses, but I've yet to use it. I haven't played there much recently.

    My NC really isn't certed up yet for HA. I just tool around with CM there. But I found the Jackhammer to be hilarious when I trialed it, so might give that some more time.

    As far as style goes, I attack. I get bored sitting at range, although it's sometimes necessary. I love wolf a lot, so need some flexibility. I find shotguns a pain to run into and tempting to use, but too limiting beyond immediate CQC.

    Let me know what you come up with. I'm intrigued.
  11. Vearo

    I have had the same feeling with the MSW-R last week; the weapon just couldn't kill. Went back to the TMG-50.

    The only difference that I can tell is that I know that I am getting random latency spikes. Whether it was happening during my usage of the MSW-R remains a mystery to me.
  12. csp0811

    I love the Carv, as it's rapid rate of fire allows me to take out targets very quickly in rapid succession.

    I have had the same problem you are having, and from experience I can tell you that it requires rather significant changes in playstyle to fix.

    The core issue is how quickly the spread blooms; recoil is relatively high per bullet and in combination with the very high rate of fire means that you will be shooting holes around the person you are shooting at within 1 second - around 10-13 bullets. If you have an accuracy of around 30 percent and the person has 1000 HP (full shields and hp no nanoweave or shield) then you will need around 23 bullets to kill (7 bullets 143 dmg divided by .3 accuracy), i.e. two bursts of 10-13 bullets, assuming you dont get shot in return.

    If the person shooting at you gets in a hit on you, their shot will both cause you to miss the shot, and add an additional recoil penalty, causing your spread to become too large to hit the enemy reliably. You will start shooting around your target at more or less 8-10 bullets, and your accuracy will decrease by an amount dependent on how many shots they got in. For our purposes we will assume your accuracy in a firefight is 25 now instead of 30 percent. 7/.25 is 28 bullets, which is about three bursts.

    You are trying to sustain fire for as long as reasonably feasible; once you reach the point of "shooting around your target" you must cease fire for a short period of time to return to default spread. This is nearly instant, so make sure to leave as little space between bursts as possible. Also remember that the spread for the T9-Carv while moving is equivalent to having fired 3 shots already, so try to stop moving the instant before firing in order to maximize the number of shots you can fire.

    I find that these calculations fit very well with my own personal stats. I have an overall accuracy of around 22% with the Carv, and having learned to burst fire during fights, I find that in nearly all firefights I win I have fired around 30 bullets in CQ per person.

    Experiment and see what burst length works for you. Remember, spread minimizes the instant you stop firing, but recoil does not.
  13. YoXn

    What I can see so far from your score is that you do not participate in big fights, and if you do. It's rarely, or not really doing much. Try going around and finding fights, bump that score up. Without boosts you should be getting 26k/32k score/hour. So make that your main goal.

    For your VS you are using the right gun. SVA-88, and Orion. The only thing I am wondering is why put point in resist? It is hands down the best shield for competitive play. But for live server stuff adrenaline would be the way to go. I suggest you put just one point on Resist, leave it and then level up adrenaline until it's 4-5. Nanoweave is fine at 4.

    For your TR. Same thing as the VS. Leave resist as it is. Use it, and level up adrenaline. As for the MSW-R, it's only good as a CQC gun and you should have the advanced laser, and 1x sight, the ammo upgrade is optional. At 5m-10m~ hip-fire. Further than that ADS.
    Get the TMG-50 for medium to long. Compensator (If it does have one) ,Forward grip, 1x sight, and do not get high velocity. It's not worth it.

    For your NC. Same as the other 2. The gun you should be aiming for is the EM6. It's a really versatile gun. Compensator, Forwards, 1x, and that's it. Buy the Blitz as well for CQC instead of the Anchor. Put an Advanced laser, 1x, and the ammo upgrade. Hip-fire when you can, and ADS when you really have 2. Jackhammer is a fun gun to use, but it's nothing compared to the Piston and Claw, and the only time you really use a shotgun is in a tower.

    As for gun play. Make sure you always aim for the head, Neck region is your prime area of firing. Make sure you burst, even in CQC. Flinch really ***** up your Aim, and makes you miss those important seconds of strong aim while blooming. So you will always need to reset that. People will say flinch doesn't exist, or it doesn't bother them. But they aim for the chest so they really don't notice it.

    Another thing I noticed from you kill board is the constant death after dying. If you keep dying in a zone, leave it. If the area you are heading provides a massive disadvantage, do not head for it. Re-think, re-position. Don't go on a rage and try to kill the same group of guys. Do not exit a camped spawn room. Hide behind the doors and shoot enemies around it-- may sound ******, and not productive for your empire who is trying to defend the area. But guess what, if no one is going to move, farm.

    In-general. Focus on your score, and your K/D will go up with it. To obtain a high score as a Heavy you will need to kill more people and while killing more people, you will increase your K/D without noticing it. try to average around a kill/minute, or 80 kills/hour. Hope I helped in some way?
  14. Qasar

    I can't even imagine getting 80 kills an hour. I do play like a berserker, though, because I get annoyed with people camping in the spawn room and tend to Rambo my way out, hell with the consequences. It's not very productive, I should rethink it, I know I'm doing it wrong, but man... I just can't stand inaction and people sitting around with their thumbs up their butts. There's a point to cap, let's get to it, stop being wusses! RAWR!

    I do join large battles often. But have a habit of clicking instant action a lot. Probably a large part of my problem. I've definitely noticed a decrease in xp when I'm being impatient and do that. Beyond that, I think I should platoon more often, because I lone wolf too much. Problem is, I get bored, annoyed, or just plain irritated with most of the open platoons. Either we're ghost capping, constantly changing the plans without rhyme or reason or doing something stupid like trying to MAX rush a point being held by an outfit like [NUC]. No thanks, I'll just leave the platoon and redeploy when that happens. :p

    You've given me food for thought, although I thought most of your response was generic tips as opposed to a specific analysis and recommendations for weapons outside of what I already knew from reading these boards. I do appreciate the time you took, though. And finally, in my defense, I actually started at about a .22 k/d in Mid-June and took that to .92 on Qasar . And when I started my VS HA, I've held over a 1 k/d from creation with it at 1.44 currently. So I have improved, I think, pretty significantly. But I always strive to improve, so don't take that as me being happy with my current levels of skill and score. I just wanted to point that out.
  15. Sossen

    The TR HA weapons are all just lacking substance somehow. The MCG is nice and all, but it just doesn't give you that special feeling that you get from the Lasher or the Jackhammer.
  16. MykeMichail

    You just need to control the recoil and burst it.
  17. Redndead

    Havent had any trouble with using the Carv infact my mouse sensor has been dying mid fight and ive still managed to kill people with it, the only thing that gives me trouble is some of the SMG's.
  18. GSZenith

    try with a 3.4 or a 4x scope. i run with TMG with HVA, comp, forgrip 99% even within tower and normally pulling of 3-4 kdr.
    While with a holo scope 1 or 2 i can't even break 0.5 due to the awful dot.

    Accuracy went up from 22 to 26% after the NV nerf (started with 3.4/4 scopes after it)
  19. Thostbog

    What an amazingly clueless post.
  20. Bill Hicks

    What? Ralph Macchio would turn in his grave. If you pop your shield everytime then smart players will get easy head shots on you.