My TR HA needs overhaul, KDR now 0.5

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by ent|ty, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    NOTE: I'm not a noob, TR levels about 60, with 2 chars, 67 with VS

    What is with my CARV man?
    That thing can't kill anything anymore, unless I'm shooting them in the back of the head.

    But in a straight "he sees me, I see him, lets rock" I am consistently starting to lose more 1 vs 1 then ever.
    I'm starting to feel like an idiot for even bothering to hit "F" now.

    I used to use my overshield in emergencies, turning it off and on not to waste it when I don't need it, but now I feel like its a 'go to' button mash in every fight. I don't like that at all.

    3 or so months ago when I played TR there was no problem, now I feel gimped.

    CONVERSELY, I played a Battle Rank 1 Medic tonight, and EASILY got a 2.66 KDR for the play session, with the DEFAULT weapon, the CYCLER, which is SO accurate over teh CARV its like night and day.

    ANyone have any suggestions to what they use now, considering all these new weapons from SMGs to pistols to NS weapons seem to be outfiring me?

    The VS Orion is also doing this to me, I"ve used it since launch but it also seems to be underperforming, and I seem to be using more and more bullets per 1vs1. Other weapons don't seem to have that issue.
  2. HooWoo

    Some people have the feel with a weapon and some don't, I love the CARV, it's ridiculously versatile, picking off enemies at medium/long range and CQB felt very easy considering the massive 100 round drum to feed your fuel tank.

    If you can tap-fire, using the CARV is like a dream, I dunno why but 750RPM guns have always been my favourite from all games, no wonder all the default guns are my favourites :p
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  3. HerpTheDerp

    You should turn the shield on in every combat situation when the enemy can fire back. Stop trying to be tacticool.
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  4. Posse

    It's just in your head imo (saying this because of what you said about the Orion, as for the Carv, maybe it just doesn't suit you)
  5. Kodaa

    ^ What he said.

    When someone is shooting at you, hit F.
  6. Vanon

    Go in VR and play around with differn't guns and attachments until you find something that works. The best advice i can give, is pretend it's a real fight. If you stand still and shoot, do it in the VR if you move and hop around, do it in the VR. The way the guns are setup, each corrects for differnt behavior and style. Some gun's that most people say "sucks" may be your saving grace. Example, the GD-22S is not a great gun stat wise for NC. Infact the EM6 and Anchor out preform it on paper. I started to use it again, and it feels like an assult rifle (like a medic rifle) and i haven't looked back since. Some times a little bit better RPM or a lower bloom on movement make all the difference. Also to get all the stats you need to look at the planetside 2 wiki.

    It also helps if you figure out why. If you get most your bullets on target, look for a higher dps gun, if you miss a few go for a lower recoil gun. If you die alot in CQB, find a gun that has ADV Laser, etc.
  7. IronTyrant

    For closer ranges I would recommend switching to the MSW-R, it is insanely good close up and can handle medium ranges ok as well
    if you want more information on it, here is my review of it:
  8. Redshift

    msw with laser for cqc-mid, tmg 50 with comp/grip for mid-long
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  9. TheTreeness

    This is constructive criticism so don't be personally offended by this.

    Your mentality suggests that the weapon is doing this to you, there's nothing wrong with the weapon, the player adapts to the weapon not the weapon to the player. You are doing this to yourself and their are two major aspects of infantry play you should be analysing to see where you are going wrong, they are positioning and aiming. I'd advise you to start dedicating time to farming infantry with the HA class as your current problems (in both the positioning and aiming area) will become much more apparent to you.

    Every infantry player that wants to get better should have a KPM, percentage accuracy (30+ % for LMGs ) and HS/K (30% + for LMGs) goal both short term and long term.
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  10. Ruar

    I never liked the CARV in VR but I have auraxium with the CARV-S. I switched and now I'm using the Rhino because I prefer short to medium range fighting and not CQC.

    My suggestions or TR HA.

    Get resist shield 5 and NW5, both are life savers but you need all 5 ranks.
    Utility slot boils down to if you want to kill vehicles (C4) or more survivability for infantry (Medpack)

    For the LMG find one that fits your preferred playstyle. If you work the flanks of a fight then the CARV-S or Rhino are good options as you can put a silencer on both, SPA, 2x sight, and foregrip while still remaining accurate. If you like CQC then the CARV, MSW-R or the Bull are good options because of laser sights and fire pattern. If longer ranged fights are your style get the TMG-50 but I found it had to have a compensator and foregrip for recoil.

    Rocket launchers I use the ML-7 or the decimator for 90% of my fighting, the Striker or other lock on rarely when the situation is perfect.

    Lastly, use the shield ever fight. With the resist shield you can flick it on preemptively and get good value. I turn mine on when entering any building I suspect enemy of being in or when I take fire.

    I found myself in your position with a bad K/D and I started slowing down and watching fights instead of just rushing into the fray. I looked where our guys were dieing and where a good flanking route would let me bypass a chokepoint. With a silenced weapon I could kill multiple opponents before they realized where the fire was coming from.

    Final piece of advice, stay away from ZOE MAX, HA is too slow to fight their upgraded movement speed. LA has a much better chance of landing C4.
  11. Psykmoe

    I love the Carv. With a 1x reflex and a foregrip it's great for short to mid range ADSing. I rarely commit to shootouts where the superior long-range handling of a Rhino or whatever 652/143 pea shooter makes up for the worse damage.

    Especially since the hit detection changes, I've been wrecking people at mid range with the 750rpm guns.

    If I expect to fight in CQC to short ADS range, the MSW-R is better. But they're both great guns, although the reload time on the Carv is a tad long compared to other LMGs with 100 rounds (except the SAW). On the other hand, it does the best damage of any 100 round LMG so I deal with it.
  12. haldolium

    Play a different class for a while, come back to the heavy, instant win. Play Medic or Engi for a while, use different firearms. That helps putting the power of each weapon back in perspective.
  13. ohmikkie

    What weapons u going up against. I tend to win over 50% my 1-1 battles with HAs when I pack my HV with soft point equipped.
  14. Iridar51

    What language is that? Geringlish?
  15. ent|ty

    Assorted. Seems to be the fast SMG weapons or the new NS7 thingies chewing me up.
    All I know is that it feels like i'm dying instantly, but I'm using an entire clip to kill someone else.

    Could be having latency problems, or my playstyle has changed slightly with lattice or GU13 (more in the face), so perhaps need to revamp my weapon loadouts to accomodate.

    Its probably the issue of playstyle, or environments changing.
    GU13 changed Esamir (my home continent) greatly, so that might the issue. The same playstyle and weapons don't work..

    Or I'm going crazy, because both the CARV(TR) and ORION(VS) are causing me more deaths now.. or the enemies are buying very powerful weapons that are chewing me up.

    I've played some TR lately and returned to the MSW-R it seems to be filling in the gaps.
  16. ohmikkie

    Sounds like latency. If you feel that you are on target but not getting any hitmarkers then it's definitely latency. May not be you either could be the other guy lagging and the lag compensation giving you a false impression that you have a seen each other at the same time.
  17. Rogueghost

    I have to say, I'm very confused Orion, carv and mws-r are my three favorite weapons in the game.
    If your doing a lot better if the msw-r then you are with the carv or Orion thats also very confusing, the three are very similar weapons, with the mwr-r being better up to 10 meters, and the carv and orion being better then the msw-r past that.

    And if your doing a lot better with the cycler because of its accuracy, I'd recommend trying out weapons like the ns-15m, t32-bull and the t16-rhino they don't have a lot of pure stopping power, but they have very easy to control recoil and are very accurate.
  18. Posse

    I still think you're crazy if you think that's a feasible HS/K % :p
  19. TheTreeness

    I found one player who has achieved it with some of his LMGs and is very close to it on others.
    The infamous Glorin.
    VS alt
    TR alt
    NC alt
  20. Posse

    12k kills with the Orion, that guy deserves my respect.