My Thought process Every Time I Meet a Lasher User

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Flukeman62, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Izriul

    Yes, it can. Just as I said previously, in some specific scenarios, it can rake in kills, and it does.
  2. PieBringer

    Would be much better if it did damage to vehicles. But, knowing how many marketing schemes have gone lately, if they DID make this possible, it would be a new "AV Lasher" that took the place of the HA's launcher, and the only difference whatsoever is the ability to damage vehicles. If they did that, it would be one of THE MOST obvious money grabs I've ever seen.
  3. Plasmaszap

    Its a support weapon.

    If you go rambo with this weapon, your doing it wrong.

    5-6 player supressing a room/door/area with lasher will rip your culo in not time.
  4. Morpholine!/5428010618015235217/weapons

    I'm familiar with it.

    As I said before, it's ungodly in a few niches. But what I said about being an assist farming machine is also true (on a much broader set of niches).
  5. CupidStunts

    Bought it from right from the start as it sounded like one of the weapons' alt-fire from UT, I was a bit dissapointed at first due to it being a situational weapon you will loose with closer up. But at medium\long in the right situation it rips through whole squads :) (pref the grip to the ext mag tbh)
  6. FlR3

    I love using mine at a distance. Providing cover fire so the team can move in, get to cover, or even flank the enemy. As long as I can keep them busy ducking while providing cover for the team I'll use it. Yes it does small damage at a distance but each little hit eats away shield or health. Many times I see assist, assist, assist one right after the other or a few kills so it is an effective tool. Some TR's and NC's know how effective it can be because many times the good enemy teams start focusing their fire at me when I start unloading plasma everwhere they are. Thats when I know I am doing my job right because they are focusing on me. Close quarters it is a suicide machine or a teamkiller which is a very bad side effect.
  7. Izriul

    Firstly, not sure if you even read my thread, so not sure if I can really be bothered, but I'll humour you for the last time.

    Secondly, linking stats of having a few kills with the weapons shows nothing, you aren't THE lasher, you're a player with a few kills on the lasher.

    Thirdly, you're contradicting yourself basically. You say it's godly, then you say it can't rake in the kills.

    I'll repeat myself. Yes, it can rake in the kills in the right scenario.

    I won't bother trying to explain that I've already stated that those scenarios are limited, or the other bunch of points since it seems lost.
  8. Morpholine

    FFS, I am agreeing with you.

    Relax a little bit. I realise this is Forumside, but not every exchange is verbal combat to the death.
  9. Izriul

    No, but I stated that it rakes in the kills in the right scenario, then you argue that it doesn't. I don't really see that as agreeing. We are all entitled to our own opinion, which I fully respect, but that opinion has to actually be an opinion, not a statement as fact for us all.

    If you read my thread you'd see that I don't think the times that it does get kill streaks warrants it's uselessness in the majority of the game, but I also think people need to learn to use it, yet on the other hand, it's not worth buying for those scenarios meaning people don't get a chance to actually use it.
  10. ElectiDei

    I recently discovered that I love using the Lasher with my outfit. Outside of being in an organized squad though, I never touch the thing. It is a great tool for spawn suppression and a big arrow saying "I found someone, shoot here". Of course this comes right back at me, but the squad has medics for a reason. That said, I would say the weapon doesn't need anything except a tiny tiny increase in projectile speed and the damage not getting decreased in anyway by suit options. At least it seems like the damage is reducible from flak/kinetic, I swear some people take 10 shots to the chest and keep on coming, maybe its just me.
  11. Sebyos

    Lol Lasher some people do good with it and defend it, but really I'm pretty sure these persons would do two times better with a Pulsar LSW...

    The thing really sucks.
  12. Alpharius111

    I guess i'm in the minority here, but i found lasher to be absolutely awesome, both at cqc and medium range. I've been playing with it like 2 month and never considered switching back to orion and pulsar lsw after i tried it for a few hours. The only situations where i feel it's "undeproweredness" are at long range, enemy at higher ground and fighting airborne LA's ...
    Here's my players beta link:!/5428011263345513905/weapons
    Dunno if thats good or bad stats, but i've certainly get more kills with it than i've had with orion and pulsar lsw, and its fun too. :)
  13. Cpu46

    I got pinned down by a lasher squad on the Impact Site bridge at night.

    I kinda just sat there peeking over the top of the crate I was using as cover, watching the projectiles wizz past in an almost beautiful way. Then I snapped out of my awe and started shooting. I eventually died by their hands but I did take out 1 or 2 of them before that happened.
  14. Kwanza

    If you're not terrible and play with people who aren't just yourself, the lasher is a decent esp if used in groups. It also prints certs from critical kill assists and kill steals :)

    If you try to use it as a 1v1 weapon you're just a tool.
  15. Lafladitu

    Lasher is awesome, I am rather amased by the lack of people using it. I can understand though why people dont wanna use it as it makes you a prime target as the orbs don't exacly hide your location, the splash dmg does rather low dmg specialy on people with flak armour. But the amount of assists you get cause of the spash dmg overweights the score from kills in the long run. And if you get FF (Focused Fired) on alot then your doing your job as being an annoyance to the enemy team asthey will want to kill you first of all, there been instances I seen 8 dumb fire rockets come towards me after i harassed people at TI alloy with the Lasher for over 15 min and the amount of infiltrators increased to take me down saw alot of tracer fire rounds around me, I died a quite alot but I killed alot more of them then they killed me in the end.

    And to let the Lasher eat enemy max units HP bar away, is an amasing feeling specialy dual scatmax users, see them run to get repaired while you have a smile on the face while saying "It's pay back time!" *blam blam blam*

    The only worth while cert investment on the Lasher is the laserpoint as it helps your hipfire accurasy as thats the only way to use the Lasher to its best ability and I said it numerous times yo cant hold down the left mouse button when using it as the spread will go all over the place. Tap fire is the only way to use it only in CQC is holding the mouse button a better option.

    The extra magazine size looks nice as you can use 150 bullets its all due to invidual preferance, I will though use the Laserpoint

    the only thing I dont like with the Lasher is it's inability to damage ESF's they just pass through them as they would be air
  16. CommodoreFrank

    I want to get a Lasher on my VS char just to shoot it everywhere. Even if it remains bad, I'd still enjoy the sound and light show.
    • Up x 1
  17. Varben

    The lasher is dope, dudes. It's astoundingly accurate at ridiculous ranges and does splash damage. Groups of people are just meat to lashers. A lasher group will stop an infantry charge *cold.*
  18. Punjab

    Seems like it could be powerful in the right situation. I haven't used it yet, will have to go trial it on my vanu alt just to see how bad/good it is. I could see this being amazing in Biolabs.

    Here is a good idea of a correct usage of the lasher from what I have ascertained.

  19. Morpholine

    Holy lemming pocket, Batman.

    I'm surprised he only ate one or two individual rifle bullets while doing that, though. Any time I start spamming and stay still like that, a sniper headshot is inevitable (thankfully, my Nanoweave allows me to survive those).
  20. Aghar30

    lashers when used in teams in biolabs can stop any kind of max crash in its tracks, they melt maxes like nothing else. But they are situational.