My SMG feels weak.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Valerye, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. zaspacer


    I used AD some but it always felt like my strafe was so slow relative to my forward run. And the way some opponents moved quickly from side to side, I was wondering if they weren't running zigzags or something. Also, will aiming severely hurt my AD strafing? And should I add jump or crouch into the dance?

    I know I run a pattern when I Revive with Engineer and under fire. Just a half circle, then back again, and it definitely helps. I know ESFs have a lot of patterns, though they have a lot more mobility and speed.

    Some players have been able to do some things that have caught me by surprise and worked on me. Just recently a guy moved one way, ducked, turned the other way with a jump, then turned and came at me. It had my SMG fire hitting a higher % of empty space.

    I love using terrain, but sometimes the lag gives me a false read on how much time/health I have. With me getting into cover and then dying.

    As an Infiltrator, the temptation to run away is high because I have a weaker gun (SMG is nice for Infiltrator, but other guns I use on other Classes just seem so much better), weaker shield, and lose my major edge from Cloaked surprise attacking.

    My SMG shooting has been terrible. I am not used to spray guns cause I don't play much TR spray much. There's a disconnect for me when I hear a burst sound and can't pinpoint the actual shot fired at each interval to make sure it's on target. I've gotten somewhat better recently by focusing on the Aim Dot and keeping it carefully on target during the spray. Maybe I can try to get my ears to piece out each shot in the spray to have those framed on target as well, maybe.

    Nice trick :)

    Could it be lag? Where they're already firing, but on your side you don't see it yet, so all you see is fast death.
  2. MorganM

    Original post... story of my life.... and not just with the SMG. Doesn't matter what weapon I pull... dudes just own me in 1.2 seconds 90% of the time. I try to change it up... upgrade my stuff.. hoping either that will help or I will eventually get better. I do notice I've gotten better at aiming and reacting more quickly but frankly it's just not good enough. My equipment helps on the margins but there's no slam-dunk easy-win upgrade. I'm glad it's somewhat balanced in that regard.

    Honestly I just think ppl are better than me. They aim higher and more accurately. They get head-shots and I die VERY quickly. I rarely get head-shots and it takes a lot of rounds for me to kill anyone... thus if they can aim better they win every time. I try cheap tricks with Infiltrator and Light Assault... sometimes works... but most times I get the drop on someone, get a few rounds into them, they turn around and just own me!

    I try not to be that guy who blames the other factions weapons, vehicles, upgrades, whatever. Sometimes it's hard not too when you die to that F'n longshot 10 times in one battle, the Gauss Saw owns you in like .975 seconds every time, or some VS infiltrator blasts your brains out with their SMG or Beamer. However then you'll see some NC guy whining over /yell about how OP some TR or VS thing and I'm like "Yeah, I guess they feel the same way about us..." I'm sure dudes rage getting killed all the time by a standard issue T1 Cycler or TRAC-5 when they had to throw down SC / mad certs just to get something comparable.

    I guess I'm trying to say nicely... L2P... because I know I am still learning, growing, getting better, upgrading stuff... I'm slowly getting better but I feel your pain.
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  3. Dramma Lamma

    A LA with a shotgun is the most cheap thing in the game, nice try there. The COF change while jumpjetting is irrelevant with a shotgun. They get to use their mobility while dealing damage, we don't

    OP, the trick to playing SMG infiltrator is engaging at the right distance for what the situation at hand is like.

    To hit and run you want to be close enough to hit easily, but at the same time far enough to run if they turn on you.
    If you don't manage to drop your target before they turn on you, cloak run and try again.
    Use your elusiveness to your advantage, you will loose most face to face fights.
    Many opponents reload once you run out of sight, and that can be a great time to turn back in a go for blood.

    The other reliable way to play SMG infiltrator is to get point blank on top of them and aim for the head. This works realy well if you are good with the knife also. But it has a bit more risk than hit and run, especially with how popular the pump action shotguns are.

    Deciding which way to play, hit and run or point blank in the given scenario comes with practice.

    If you don't have it get the advanced lazer dot, more accuracy is always a good thing.
    Also EMP grenades are really strong once you get the hang of them.
  4. AnuErebus

    Something to be aware of. While strafing may seem slow to you the game seems to try and predict movements to a certain degree. That means your opponent will see you move a little further in each direction than you actually move. This is partly why it's so effective and the hit detection can seem wonky sometimes. Essentially people aren't always where they appear to be, especially if they or you have higher pings.

    Aiming down sights will hurt your strafing depending on the weapon. Weapons like the SMG have a 0.75 move speed multiplier when you're ADSing. Most weapons have a .5 multiplier. What this means is you'll move at 75% your normal speed while ADSing with the SMG but the T9-carv for example will make you only move 50% of your normal speed. That doesn't mean you should be scared to ADS if it means you'll have more accuracy, but it does mean hipfiring allows for a nice movement bonus (Which is half of why advanced lasers are so damn amazing, the other being the no aiming delay for trying to use a scope.).

    As far as jumping and crouching go it's very situational. Jumping and crouching will both impair movement while jumping will also throw your aim off pretty heavily. Jumping should mostly be used for positioning or in otherwords hopping over small objects. Also if you have to reload jumping once when you start the reload can help throw off a person's aim, especially if you start moving another direction the moment you land. Crouching is mostly only useful for reducing your cone of fire at range and ducking behind cover.

    A class specific exception for jumping does exist though. If you're using light assault jumping with the jetpack and flying can be used amazingly well, you can reset your cone of fire by rapidly toggling the sights allowing you to have near perfect accuracy when flying. Other classes don't quite have the airtime to make use of that though so it's a class specific trick. It's a hard thing to learn to do though so there is a definite (And potentially very harsh) learning curve involved.
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  5. TrainerS2

    Yes man i got that the some invisoble nab stay behind me . then i hear cloack sound the invisible kid and he got SMG grrr .
    So i run around look for that Invisible f4cker , hes just hide some corner w8 for his moment go visible shoot and run run forest run
    So man your gameplay style told me you got no skills cloack behind like cowardss HAHAHAHAHA
    Infilators are just chickens !!!!!!!
  6. LonelyTerran

    I get dropped in 1/5 of a second with the blitz when playing my HA.
  7. SouperFly

    I don't get why people continue to call infiltrators "chickens." It's like saying the sky is blue.

    We are chickens because we don't stand toe-to-toe with HA's. Indeed!

    As far as dying after emptying a whole magazine in the back of someone's head -- welcome to the world of infiltrating -- there's a reason why it's the least played class in the game!

    Here's how I play; I can't say it isn't fun as hell (even if I'm a "chicken"):

    My KDR is usually 1:1 -- but every once in a while I get an 8-10 kill streak going with my gameplay. Frankly I don't care if it's cowardly or whether my game is up to others' standards.

    I play how I play and when I have the urge to stand 20yds away and spam bullets at someone, I'll play another class.
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  8. RoMoronik666

    You do realise this is a computer game?
  9. RoMoronik666

    Infs are supposed to fight dirty. To make up for it we have 100 less Hps. Sneaking around bases undetected, shooting people in the back of the head is the coolest thing in the game.
    Leave the jarheads to their zerg.
  10. DrankTHEKoolaid

    There really shouldn't be a thread about SMGs being weak. They are incredible.
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  11. Bape

    Lol smg weak? i still use the cyclone and I smack HA around.
  12. Ripshaft

    If they're unaware of you, take the extra time to aim for the head then switch to body once they're aware of you, will cut your ttk in half or more.
  13. WookLordz

    You're kind of an insulting ****** nozzle.
  14. zaspacer

    Great stuff! Thank you very much.

    You should consider starting a new thread on this for people. Also, how do you do the rapid toggling thing? Will it work if I use an elevator or jump pad or parachute deploy or take a huge drop out of a Drop Pod (while still immune to the drop damage)?

    If you had our -100 shields and our weapons you'd fight like a chicken in CQC too.

    I think it's all relative. For Infiltrators, it's amazing. Other classes have more options in quality CQC weapons, and SMG meets with mixed popularity in those classes. If Infiltrators could use ANY gun, would SMGs still be as popular a choice for Infiltrators?

    Here are some of the critical things people said about SMG.

  15. Astraka

    I like my SMG, but if I had my choice of weapons I'd probably pick up a carbine like the Lynx or Jaguar.
  16. ColdCheezePizza

    headshots are crucial with the smg, especially against HA's
  17. Chubzdoomer

    Fact is, HAs and their "instant win" shield are incredibly difficult to defeat if the players in question are any good at all. This is true whether you're using SMGs or regular assault rifles. The TR's CARV is indeed among the worst weapons to have to face off against because it shoots fast and hits hard. You really have to get the drop on a HA to take him out and hopefully kill him before he can react fast enough to pop his shield. If he's aware of your presence and can activate the shield either before combat takes place or after you've hit him just a couple times, he's pretty much already won the battle unless his aim is way off or someone else teams up with you and it becomes a 2+-v-1 situation.
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  18. tugernut

    i knew before i opened the post you would be vs with the sirius
    it is super weak - i have an smg on all my toons and i dont ever use it on vs anymore except on infiltrator bc of lack of other options and i bought the nyx before that which was crap , then the auto rifle after that which now sux compared to the sirius.

    also i gave up on soft point long ago - seriously - if your that close your better off with the commisioner and your knife as infiltrator
    and a shotgun in any other class

    take off supressor too - both of those are affecting your bullet speed/velocity
  19. DeathSparx

    I've had that happen to me quite a few times but essentially what the rest of the guys are saying before they went off on some that if you get the drop on the enemy, aim for the head. Also, if that is your type of playstyle (sneaking up behind people) you might want to consider the Eridani over the Sirius for the higher damage--on top of that, it punishes you hard-mode for missing shots so it also teaches you to aim over time...and if that doesn't help, then you might want to think about tuning in your mouse settings to your reflexes (i.e. turn too much to face enemy=tone down mouse sensitivity, turn to slow= turn it up). Just a couple things that worked for me and I hope works for you too. Good luck out there and good hunting. :)
  20. Wayfar

    This. Gotta learn to aim a little and not just spray and pray.